No, they're for people who want racial bonuses associated with elves. But you're right, a real man would smash his screen in until it let him play a dwarven mage.
Finally finished RoS expansion for D3... No complaints, no high praises either though. I guess the new Witch Doctor skill 'Piranhas' is pretty sweet. The fact loading a character in the expansion renders it useless in the basic is pretty fuckin lame though.
Also the Crusader is seeming kinda meh at level 15, we shall see what the future has in store.
Story mode isn't even remotely the point to Diablo 3 anymore, its all about adventure mode. Greater rifts specifically.
Crusaders are fucking so good. They've got two pretty viable end game builds with a few bridge builds that are fun as fuck until you get the gear for end game content.
We've been playing story mode in incrementing difficulty, two people makes it better. About ten levels away from breaking 100. Maybe switch to adventure mode then.
FF7 Is so fucking awesome. Come to think of it I never finished it either lol... I got to the final Sephiroth fight and stopped there cause my friend wanted the game back lol...