So I'm thinking of getting or building a gaming PC for under $1000.
I'm leaning towards getting an Alienware x51.
I've looked into pre-built vs building it myself and am still unsure.
Most people that say building one provides better performance at half the cost never display any actual proof and I've heard that pre-built computers last longer. That said, I don't doubt Alienware pc's are overpriced.
I'm upgrading from a fucking Macbook Pro with an i5 processor and Geforce GT 330M GPU so just about anything will be an upgrade to me as far as gaming goes![]()
Any other pc gamers on here with suggestions/advice/experience???
I built my computer, it was definitely a lot cheaper to build, but sometimes you run into problems, and you don't have anyone but yourself to fix them, no warranty.
If your savvy with computers build it yourself, if your not, pay a lot more for the convenience of a pre-built computer with warranty.
Some computers last a long time, some don't, pre built or custom.
Don't go prebuilt.
I'm comfortable putting together most of the components except for the processor.
I have an old dell that is just sitting at a friends house. My only problem with it is that it is running Windows vista and has "computer AIDS" from being used by multiple family members and friends that install every questionable thing that pops up while online. I have win7 so it having vista isn't a problem. Would a factory reset do anything to viruses?
Also, are there any other components besides the GPU and CPU that really have an impact on how well games will run?
Could you elaborate a wee bit?
A lot of people use the argument "It's less expensive" yet they never actually provide any evidence of that.
Thanks for the input SWAT and everyone else.
Just talked it over with some friends of mine who showed me how to install the processor and after a bit of tinkering around with the corpse of my old desktop I've decided to build one myself.
They showed me Microcenter, the site they used to pick out their parts, and I can definitely build a better rig for a couple hundred dollars cheaper.
Defense Grid is the fuckin shit.
I just fired it back up and damned if they aren't making off with my cores again...