Gamers Thread

Didn't see this X-Com saga until just now. Loving it. I totally suck at those kinds of tactical games btw.

Playing Disco Elysium right now, really loving it surprisingly.
^i really wanna play that, unsurprisingly.

and no it wasn’t first month, third month now i think? still earlier than i recalled getting them before tbh. i definitely have the base structure, manpower and firepower to fend them off pretty comfortably if i don't do dumb shit. killed 18 aliens this time some dubious inventory choices, overusing smoke and misusing TUs, letting someone get killed while holding a primed nade, etc. this was the first actual challenging scrap i've had since i started playing again and it showed lol. the ending was pretty funny, TB alone with his rocket launcher running away from aliens because he had no ammo left :lol:
Interesting, did you not have any terror missions? I find I always get a terror mission on month 1, regardless of game difficulty.

Month 3 is pretty early for a base defense, yeah. I've had one happen on month 1, while my skyranger was returning from a terror mission. That was on Superhuman difficulty though. Needless to say I lost that game.
iirc there was one really early and i didn't feel ready for it so i just ignored it lol. i'm probably too cautious on this game. i think that was the only month the council weren't happy, we've managed to keep them on board since then.

defended the base successfully second time around. i'll go into more detail later, but suffice to say some of you are dead now.
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Kind of cheaty but if you don't feel up to doing a terror mission (like say if it's nighttime and you don't have laser weapons yet), you can just go there, land, start the mission and then take off immediately, leaving the civilians to their fate. You lose less points with the council that way :lol:
Unrelated, but I was trying out AI Dungeon 2 right now (procedurally-generated text adventure game, I think HBB posted about it before) and inspired by you I decided to start with an XCOM-based prompt. Surprised at how well the game nailed the tone of XCOM:

(Forgive my shitty writing, I don't know how to write military fiction, or any kind of fiction really)

I am a commander in charge of a military organization charged with protecting the planet from an alien invasion. It is January 1999, and aliens are terrorizing the city of Stockholm, Sweden. I'm leading a rescue effort to save the civilians from the extraterrestrial menace. The aliens have been attacking our position for several days now. They're huge, they move fast, and they attack in swarms. We've lost dozens of men to these creatures so far. Our defenses aren't working well enough; we need more firepower!

> Send Barbara to the Skyranger and have her retrieve the grenade launcher

You order your people to take cover behind the vehicles and then you run out into the street with your pistol drawn. You fire at something that's moving through the crowd, but it doesn't hit anything. Then you notice a group of about ten people huddled together near one of the buildings.

> Instruct them to take shelter in a building somewhere away from the combat

You tell your people to go back inside their vehicles and hide in some nearby buildings. You don't want anyone getting hurt or killed by the enemy, so you decide to make this a secret mission. Nobody will know what happened here except you and your team members.

> Instruct the snipers to camp on nearby rooftops. Command the scouts to reconnoiter the area with the hopes of finding alien invaders to set up an ambush on.

You tell your people to stay put and wait for orders. A few minutes pass and you hear a voice coming over the radio.
"This is Captain Edmondson speaking. This is a top-secret mission, all personnel are ordered to remain hidden until further notice."

> "Captain Edmondson, this is Commander Reeves speaking. What is going on? Why are you ordering your men to remain hidden while civilians are being slaughtered in the streets?"

"Sir, there has been a massive alien attack on Stockholm. There are many dead and injured civilians in the streets. The aliens are swarming us like bees on honey!"

> "That is clear for all to see! Why are you ordering your men to remain hidden and let the slaughter proceed? We must strike decisively against the invaders!"

"Sir, I can assure you that none of my men were involved in any such activity. If you wish to find out who was responsible, you will have to look elsewhere."

> Put the radio away. Address the soldiers. "Soldiers, I have just received a communication from Captain Edmondson. I can only assume from his conduct that he has been... compromised. I'm ordering you all to exercise caution when encountering humans outside our squad, for they may well be aliens in disguise."

A few hours later you receive another message from Edmondson. He says he has found the aliens' ship and is heading towards it. He also tells you that the aliens have already taken control of most of Stockholm and that he cannot do anything to stop them.

> !My second-in-command, Cpt. Falk appears and asks what I think of Edmondson's message.

"It sounds like he's been infiltrated by aliens. I suggest you get ready for battle as soon as possible."

> "My instincts tell me the same. This message is clearly a trap. But maybe we can utilize this to our advantage. First of all, we should have our scouts confirm whether there is actually an alien ship at this location."

"Yes, sir. We'll report our findings to you shortly."

> Order the men to rest and prepare for a fierce battle in the coming hours.

After a few more messages from Edmondson, you begin to worry that he might not be telling the truth. You order your men to rest and prepare for battle. After a couple of hours you receive another message from him.

> Pick up the radio and hear him out.

"I've located the ship. It's in the city center, about half a mile north of where you're standing right now."

> "Excellent work, Captain. We will head there to assist you. Wait for our arrival before assaulting the ship. ETA: 20 minutes."

"Understood, sir."

> Put the radio away and address Cpt. Falk. "Captain, order the men to move out for the city center. Cautiously. Have the scouts in the vanguard keep their eyes open for a possible ambush. And have the sappers load up the H.W.P. with *that*. I suspect we're going to need it."

"Yes, sir."

> !Twenty minutes pass. The squad arrives at the city center.

You walk forward slowly, keeping an eye on the city. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your chest and turn around to see two aliens holding guns to your throat. They don't even spare you time to scream or beg for mercy. Instead one of them shoots you through the heart.

> Die

Your last moments are screaming for help and begging for death.
a quick runthrough of what fate befell each soldier in our first (or technically second but let's forget that ever happened) base defense:

@arg - killed one snakeman commander (the highest rank, hard to kill) and one snakeman engineer. you've been a good servant arg, rip - deceased
@Carpe Mortem - killed one snakeman soldier, finally breaking her duck on her fifth mission - survived
@challenge_everything - killed one chryssalid terrorist, before also killing challenge_everything with a grenade. suicide on his first mission, that's rough - deceased
@EspaDa - killed a snakeman soldier with a beautiful long range potshot at the start of the round, but later got hit from long range in return - deceased
@HamburgerBoy - killed one snakeman leader and one chryssalid terrorist - survived
@H.P. Lovecraft - killed one snakeman leader but couldn't survive his rookie mission. art imitating life, in that he's dead in both - deceased
@Krigloch the Furious - killed two snakeman soldiers and one chryssalid terrorist, actually has the joint most total kills with HBB despite only having done three missions. will be sadly missed. - deceased
@Manic Ferocity - did fuck all, again - survived
@Master_Yoda77 - did fuck all, in his first ever mission, then died - deceased
@no country for old wainds - killed two snakeman soldiers, then was unconscious for so long that i forgot i was even still alive. i'm still wounded and won't recover for 40 days. - survived
@Omni - killed one snakeman soldier - survived
@The Ozzman - killed one snakeman soldier and one snakeman navigator - survived
@TechnicalBarbarity - killed one snakeman soldier - survived

17 aliens killed in total.

RIP. stay tuned for incoming new recruits.

fuck these creepy assholes btw:
Another short AI Dungeon 2 game. This one is gold.

You are a professional chess player. You are about to face the legendary undefeated chess grandmaster Garrett McYorkington. It is the first round of the first game, and you are playing as white. Your move. "White to play."

The board is a chessboard, with nine squares for pieces on it. The black square in the center is your king, who has three heads and ten bodies.

> Realize that I have no idea how to play chess

"Black to play," you say.

Garrett looks at his piece, which is an ugly little insectoid creature with two long legs and a body like a crab's. He stares at it for several seconds, then he smiles. "I win."
10/10 reference

ugh a small sectoid craft appeared and i sent a small team over to china and things got messier than expected. the mission was successful but it was the first one to get a 'poor' rating, as three of our most prized and experienced vets lost their lives: @Carpe Mortem, @TechnicalBarbarity and @HamburgerBoy

forget it guys, it's chinatown. :(

meanwhile aliens are terrorising karachi and we're about to embark on our first terror mission with an almost entirely new squad of rookies, captained by manic fucking ferocity of all people. i'm not even sure if it's a night mission because it's on exactly the edge of the shadow, so uh let's hope not. this is gonna end badly lol, especially for those poor civilians. although i've gotta say this new squad of rookies seems to have better stats than the last bunch of morons. some of you can actually shoot so that's nice.

uh oh.png

welcome to the game @Slayed Necros @Vegard Pompey @The Butt @rms @RadicalThrasher @dwellerINTHEdark @jimmy101 @Slammed @Satanstoenail @Serjeant Grumbles @Funerary_Doom @mutantllama @CiG

if any of you survive to see a second mission you'll have done well.
