Gamers Thread



It's time for revenge. Let's attack aggressively!

could've been worse lmao. 37 fucking aliens.

oh, and guess which soldier killed an innocent woman before he perished...

i'll recap the rest of the fallout later.

when i run out of GMD regs (which is gonna happen sooner rather than later at this rate) i may give the rookie casualties a second run to see if they can do any better. then again maybe i should bestow that honour upon the veteran heroes and not the retards who couldn't survive a single mission.
Naming characters in a book or a story is not always an easy task. I wonder how using the same naming scheme of GMD regs would work in that case.
I like to imagine entire backstories for these characters. Like mine sat on its ass, popped a single shot off which was successful, then promptly died. A life well lived.
full breakdown of the karachi terror mission:
@CiG - did fuck all - deceased
@dwellerINTHEdark - did fuck all - deceased
@Funerary_Doom - killed two chryssalid terrorists, two snakeman soldiers and two zombies! - survived
@jimmy101 - killed a chryssalid terrorist - survived
@Manic Ferocity - killed two chryssalid terrorists and two zombies - deceased
@mutantllama - killed three chryssalid terrorists, two snakeman soldiers and two zombies! - survived
@Omni - killed three snakeman soldiers, is currently wounded - survived
@The Ozzman - did fuck all - deceased
@RadicalThrasher - killed two chryssalid terrorists and a zombie - deceased
@Satanstoenail - killed three chryssalid terrorists, a snakeman engineer and a zombie - deceased
@Serjeant Grumbles - killed three chryssalid terrorists and a zombie - deceased
@Slammed - killed a chryssalid terrorist and the snakeman leader - survived
@Slayed Necros - killed a zombie - deceased
@Vegard Pompey - killed a snakeman navigator and a female civilian - deceased

basically everyone who died became a zombie lol, fuck chryssalids

here's a ranking of everyone so far ranked by number of overall kills (bolded are still alive):
Squaddie @mutantllama 7 kills
Sergeant @Omni 7 kills
Squaddie @Funerary_Doom 6 kills

Captain @HamburgerBoy 5 kills
Squaddie @Krigloch the Furious 5 kills
Captain @Manic Ferocity 5 kills
Rookie @Satanstoenail 5 kills
Squaddie @arg 4 kills
Sergeant @The Ozzman 4 kills
Rookie @Serjeant Grumbles 4 kills
Squaddie @Blurry_Dreams 3 kills
Squaddie @no country for old wainds 3 kills
Rookie @RadicalThrasher 3 kills
Squaddie @Carpe Mortem 2 kills
Rookie @challenge_everything 2 kills
Rookie @Mort Divine 2 kills
Squaddie @Slammed 2 kills
Sergeant @TechnicalBarbarity 2 kills
Rookie @Anom@nder Rake 1 kill
Rookie @Dak 1 kill
Rookie @EspaDa 1 kill
Rookie @H.P. Lovecraft 1 kill
Squaddie @jimmy101 1 kill
Rookie @Vegard Pompey 1 kill + 1 civilian kill
Rookie @Slayed Necros 1 kill
Sergeant @Baroque 0 kills
Rookie @Burkhard 0 kills
Rookie @CiG 0 kills
Rookie @dwellerINTHEdark 0 kills
Rookie @Jimmy... Dead. 0 kills
Rookie @Master_Yoda77 0 kills
Rookie @rms 0 kills
Rookie @The Butt 0 kills

Rookie @zabu of nΩd 0 kills

ranking hierarchy: captain > sergeant > squaddie > rookie

welcome to the death squad @MetalAges @zerostatic @Phylactery @Onder @HadesRagnazrath @Oblivious Maximus @Atomic Tide @Bloopy
i'll definitely give the one and done guys another whirl. of course, that also leaves you open to the potential humiliation of dying on your rookie mission... twice.
maybe if you'd taken training more seriously instead of making wisecracks and playing souls-likes you wouldn't be dead already.

aliens are now terrorising beijing, so we're on our way to china again. ugh.