Gamers Thread

From what I've seen it looks like GTA in a Wild West setting.Or is it better than GTA?
Not much of a fan of sandbox games, but maybe I'll give this one a try.
Anyone else looking forward to E3? Alot of games that we know very little about are going to reveal tons of shit I can't wait to see what Gears Of War 3 has in store for us. Not to mention Nintendo with the next Zelda game!
Anyone else looking forward to E3? Alot of games that we know very little about are going to reveal tons of shit I can't wait to see what Gears Of War 3 has in store for us. Not to mention Nintendo with the next Zelda game!

I really hope this is sarcasm, but somehow I doubt it.
^yeah looking forward to that. im gonna make an assassin who will be the descendant of my gw1 character. gonna need a new computer for it though.

meanwhile Star Ocean is satisfying all my RPGing needs. the battle system is fast-paced and fun, the boss battles are pretty challenging, there's exploration/sidequests/stuff to collect, some funny cutscenes with that quirky anime humour... everything that epic fail ff13 was not.
^yeah looking forward to that. im gonna make an assassin who will be the descendant of my gw1 character. gonna need a new computer for it though.
Not quite sure who I'm going to make, although the race I think I might choose will be Nord.
meanwhile Star Ocean is satisfying all my RPGing needs. the battle system is fast-paced and fun, the boss battles are pretty challenging, there's exploration/sidequests/stuff to collect, some funny cutscenes with that quirky anime humour... everything that epic fail ff13 was not.

Same could be said of all the Starocean games.

I'm currently digging Frets on Fire. Some awesome people have fretted both Necrophagist albums, and most of Dying Fetus' material as well.

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I have different tastes than yours so, your opinion means nothing to me.

It's not that I disapprove of the games you mentioned; I love the old zelda games and what I've played of Gears of War was quite enjoyable, polished cover-based shooting. It's that both games are part of major franchises, and I think we can make some solid predictions; the next Zelda game will feature a nameless fairy boy with a sword who fights extremely large monsters in element-based dungeons as part of a quest to restore order to a kingdom, accompanied by an actual fairy-thing, and the next Gears of War will involve improbably muscular grunts shooting muscular alien grunts and everything will be red.