Games Programming anyone?


Brilliant Bastards!!
Feb 20, 2002
Harrow, London
Most of you probably won't know my aspirations to be a games programmer, but i thought i'd share my labours with you, the demos which i've been making in order to impress prospective employers. (see some screenshots further down the page!)

Anyhoo, here's my website:

There's also some music websites there though they're either out of date (Risen Osiris, very old!), empty (Cold Fusion, nothing there yet!) or a work in progress (Curse of the Pharoah), The Clockwork Colour Experience is all there tho, if you fancy an xmas single at this time of year! :D

So yes onto the games. Johnny 5 Must Die is an FPS game i programmed in java (requires java and directX9, links for both on the website). Johnny 5 Poker is on hold as it was stressing me out and i couldn't get my head round anything at all, and so i decided to chill out by doing the 3D Tiles Game/N-Puzzle, only took a day to do that one heh, instead of like a year for the Johnny 5 Must Die game (evolved from my Uni dissertation).

Let me know if you like what you see or if you have any problems etc.


Johnny 5 Must Die:


Tiles Game:

Johnny 5 Poker:

Incidentally the theme tunes on J5MD will probably interest some of you - Dream Theater, Ayreon, Van Helsing's Curse and the aforementioned Cold Fusion ;)
The screens do look fucking great dude. I'm a computer science student at St Andrews but did so badly in the exam that I'm gonna give up on it. I might be able to help with de-bugging though.

Symphony said:
Wow! Looks pretty cool from those've got me thinking now! Maybe we could do something PQ related a bit further down the line

Just like Sonata eh? ;)
Haha I finally got it i downloading, it was saying "server to busy" for a while there. Dam that game is hard, and easily one of the most terrifying games I've played. Dam robot kept jumping out at me! Great job there :D
:lol:!! You're not the only one to ph43r Johnny 5, he made me jump quite a few times and made me feel a bit uneasy when i was simply testing it out! Also some other people have commented on that heh.

I was worried that it would be too easy as i was finding it stupidly easy to play, but then all of a sudden it got harder for me and again other people have said they can't beat him even on easy... :lol:
Neither of the two links are direct because the Java one sends you off to a place to BUY software instead of just downloading it and the DirectX 9 one lead me to a Micro$oft website where you have to have...ahem...genuine Windows *cough*.

But anyway I found a mirror and downloaded it fine.

So I have the stuff you requested in the user guide bit.
:lol: I will do next week chief!

My laptop came with genuine Windows but recently imploded in on itself and decided to eat up all my data so I've had to re-install Windows on an old disc of my Dad's just so I can get t'internet access...cos we all know I'd go apeshit if I couldn't login into the PQ forum ;)
Opinion time folks, do you prefer the original screenshots where there's like light everywhere, or these screenshots with "ceiling lights"?

And also which of the two lighted screenshots looks best? I'm thinking the first one, though the second one could look better if i did a bit more to the floor lighting.


Spotlights rule. Dont make them so regular in thier distribution, and the second one is better with circles on the floor.

Also when I try to run while looking at my sexy legs, the frame rate drops to insanely low. :D