Games Programming anyone?

The framerate doesn't drop (unless the FPS reading in the top left drops, that's the actual number of frames per second), the camera just moves slower when you're looking down and hence i made the body animate slower so it's not like your legs are pumping really fast but you're not moving anywhere.

And the lights aren't spotlights, not really, they're all done in photoshop by just adding some lighting effects to the textures which are used to display the walls and floors etc. :D
Just downloaded J5MD...will give it a go and get back to you but it does look pretty darned cool!
Wow that's great!! Hope it all goes well mate!!

As for all looks pretty cool and it is enjoyable. Until the bugger kills me!! Its really hard!!
Yeah i realised what made it harder, the fact that i reduced the damage the machine gun does! It used to do 20 damage per bullet, so 5 bullets to kill, now it only does 10 damage so 10 bullets to kill which makes it about the same as the pistol and hence not a great weapon against J5.

What might help you is using the sniper rifle, weapon 3, as that only takes 2 shots to kill. Maybe i should change the players weapon strengths according to the skill level! :lol:
I'll give it a go...I really want to kill him's become personal!!

On another friggin annoying is the original GTA?! I've just been playing it for 3 hours, got very close to finishing the level, then lost my last 4 lives because I accidentally walked off stuff. It sucks!!!! Bah...if only you could save it...
GTA 2 owns (incidentally you can download both the first two from the rockstar website, or you could, the website's new and shite now so they may not be up there anymore). But unfortunately without fail, on the second city of GTA 2, it crashes at some point every time i reload my saved game, gargh!! It used to work before!!
I've been playing the free version!! I downloaded it a small while ago...

GTA2 does kick some arse. I'm just gonna finish 1 and then get straight onto it!!