Gaming Thread

I like you. Lets make out. You can dress as Morrigan, and I'll dress up like my bearded warrior.

I do like bearded warriors... :err:

I'm going to get a lot of shit for this.

Dragon Age never really satisfied me as a big traditional fantasy nerd. Only three races, the Dwarves speak in British and American accents, Most Elves are commoners and peasents, the Mages are outlawed, just doesn't feel right. The Kotor style gameplay was also annoying. Tried to replay it and couldn't, did the Morgan DLC just to see what happened.

Still looking forward to the second, because the first play through was great. It just holds no replay value for me.

I haven't played many games, but DA was by far the most fun I ever had playing. I do agree that the accents of the elves and dwarfs were a bit annoying to me too. Butthe characters in my party were awesome, I can't wait for the second one to come out. I heard that it's a story that runs in the same time period as the first game but with different characters. :dopey:

The expansion was much, much better than the rest of the game. That's really the only thing you should play. There's no comparison. Everyone in the realm suffers from some sort of mania or dementia. The environment is beautiful, green and purple skies, and the monsters are equally strange and horrific.

Oblivion itself was the biggest disappointment of my gaming life.

I actually gave up on Oblivion because it just took too much time. I started it in June and gave up in July because I got nowhere... I just sucked at that game! I was so excited to play it, and it was a big let down because it took an eternity to do anything. I finally got into the thieves guild like a month into the game and then like 4 actual days later I managed to steal something successfully and sell it. I just need more gratification from a game, and all the time wasn't worth it. Maybe the expansion is worth a shot.

Meh, deal with it. It's hardly a shock, we already had to put up with playing as that emo gimp Nero in DMC4.
Damn it...despite plenty of RAM and everything meeting specs, this shitty video card won't run NWN2 even on it's lowest settings. (Well, on lowest settings it will, but it keeps crashing regardless, I know it's related to the video card) And it's soldered to the mother board, no chance for an upgrade.

Meanwhile, the stupid consoles collect dust on the table. I think it's time to sell that worthless 360. :bah:

Gah! Theres no good RPG's left to play!
as long as you have a PCI Express x16 slot you can upgrade you video card :p
I actually gave up on Oblivion because it just took too much time. I started it in June and gave up in July because I got nowhere... I just sucked at that game! I was so excited to play it, and it was a big let down because it took an eternity to do anything. I finally got into the thieves guild like a month into the game and then like 4 actual days later I managed to steal something successfully and sell it. I just need more gratification from a game, and all the time wasn't worth it. Maybe the expansion is worth a shot.

What universe are you posting from? There were maybe 60 hours of content in that game all told.
as long as you have a PCI Express x16 slot you can upgrade you video card :p

I have an inspiron 1525, is there anyway to check if it has such a thing?

NWN2 runs just fine while I'm the first building. Plenty of FPS. But once I go outside, it turns to shit. Ok well, I actually got the FPS to be decent outside with everything turned low, but the screen keeps going temporarily black. Then crashed.
Don't like the direction they are taking for the Devil May Cry "reboot" at all. That's not Dante. That's some little psych ward escapee emo bitch.

"No this isn't the new rebooted Dante, pay attention to how the trailer is set it up. This is some scrawny kid that's hallucinating most of the game and he's held up in some insane asylum. He thinks he's a devil named Dante and he thinks he's out there fighting demons.

When "Dante" is held up in chains he's incredibly skinny and physically unfit but during the combat areas he's bouncing around with a much healthier body. As soon as it closes in on Dante's eyes from the psych ward it switches to Dante's perspective in the combat world. When combat world Dante had a breakdown it would cut back to insane asylum Dante.

All of the demon fights and the coated Dante happen inside is own head. The demons probably representing his inner demons. He probably ended up in the ward because he started attacking people that looked like demons. His name probably isn't Dante, especially considering how they did a psych evaluation emphasizing on his name."
Then why do you even play those games? Mass Effect's biggest attractor is its story and its character interactions. If that doesn't interest you, why not just stick to plain old shooter games? It's like buying a DB9 only to use it to take the kids to school.

I heard the gameplay and action were great so I got the game. Is it that far fetched to imagine that story telling doesn't rank as my number 1 criteria for a game?
60 seems pretty low to me. I have about 50 hours in my current game and it doesnt seem like i'm anywhere close to having done everything. I've barely even started the Shivering Isles.
the second one pretty much interesting things about it they took most of the shit out that made it an RPG, only thing left was the story...

I'm playing Fallout 3 again, figured i would give it another chance, got quite a few mods. I have two spec ops companions in full tactical gear carrying modified G36c's and M1A1's :p doesn't really fit the universe but they look fucking awesome. One of them has a grenade launcher and its fucking brutal to watch a bunch of baddies blow apart! I also got a mod to spawn WAY more bad guys and I set it to hard since my companions have such nice gear and don't die, it evens it out quite nicely while making it less lonely and more epic.

I also got RTS mod which is interesting, still trying to figure it out.