Gaming Thread

No, but it is far fatched that you buy a game focused primarily on the storytelling aspect, only to treat it as an FPS, which it isn't.

I really see no point in arguing this with you, but I did say that I bought the game because I heard the action and gameplay were worth it. It turned out I was wrong, story telling aside. I didn't treat it as an fps, either; read the original post again for clarity.
No. Without how long it is, the game would have been shit.

The Main Quest, Dark Brother Hood, and Arena were the only good parts. Paladin one was decent.

And expansion was better than all three put together. If they ever make the rumored ES MMO I'll jump all over that shit. Dark Elves? Yes please. Battlemage class? Yes please.
all this oblivion arguing makes me want to replay it haha. i played it on 360 like a sucker so when i upgrade my comp i'm going to buy that and max out all settings and beat the whole thing, my brother even gave me shivering isles which i haven't played yet. with fallout 3, oblivion, mass effect 2 dlc and more i have so many games i need to finish but like no time; i never thought this would happen.
The Main Quest, Dark Brother Hood, and Arena were the only good parts. Paladin one was decent.
There were a lot of nice independent quests too. I found the Main Quest rather bland, tbh. I mean the Oblivion gates were cool and all, but seen one, seen 'em all.

the expansion certainly isn't better. except the battle against that massive giant at the gates. that part is cool. the original oblivion is much more immersive.
Wait, what? Shivering Isles had way more atmosphere than Oblivion. Not sure what makes you say that.

Has the Witcher 2 been announced, Max?
so i got a mod for fallout that adds some cool looking armor (based off a game like killzone i'm sure but it reminded me a hell of a lot of the helmets the soldiers wear in final fantasy: spirits within) but it also came with a plasma rifle that looks similar to the BFG. So I gave it to one of my companions to try out and we round the corner and there are a bunch of baddies so I turn around to run to cover and i her this laser sound fire off 5 rounds and I look back and half of the bad guys were disintegrating into blue ash at the same time and I look at my guy and he has the BFG out and i'm like :O :O

fucking awesome gun, usually I like regular guns (my other guy has an H&K 416 and a smith and wesson for his side arm) but that gun sounds and looks fucking cool when firing and it's devastating as hell.

i love mods.
it wasnt one mouse click the guys small guns ability is so good that he just took them out in quick succession, thats what had me going :O, and yeah its boat loads of fun it not like its not challenging anymore.
yeah i don't see the fun in mods like that, the only thing i like is true updates or total conversions. stuff that for example updates the graphics and things in deus ex to make it more modern are cool or total conversions to add a whole new story like in some games (if they're done well and professional) are fun as well. speaking of kindof mod stuff, is half life 2 episode 3 out yet? i can't even remember half life 2 so i might just replay the game and all the episodes once i update my computer and can run it on the highest settings as i remember it being pretty cool (and mods for it probably stomp ass).
I wouldn't consider those examples necessarily a "total conversion". An example of a good total conversion modification would be something like the Desert Combat Mod for Battlefield 1942. I do get your point though.
What universe are you posting from? There were maybe 60 hours of content in that game all told.

Yeah, and 60 hours could take a really long time for me. I maybe put about 20 hours into the game over a month and a half, and seemed to get nowhere. I'm just saying I like games that don't require so much time for such little gratification. I don't have as much time for games as I usto, so when I play one I like to feel like I am accomplishing things and enjoying myself.

AND, The Witcher II looks awesome!
so anyone get civ 5? i know there is at least one fan on here. I wasn't the biggest fan of Civ IV (even though i LOVE the standalone colonization) im thinking about torrenting civ 4 tonight to get back into it until i can afford civ 5 :p