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Viking Bastard
Agreed on both accounts. I love Mass Effect dearly, and I think it has fantastic combat, that's why I said that.
Agreed on both accounts. I love Mass Effect dearly, and I think it has fantastic combat, that's why I said that.
Or go Infiltrator like me. Sniper rifle + scope slowdown = Headshot city!You have a squad in Mass Effect? You guys must be playing the wrong class. If you reroll a Vanguard I think you'll find that you don't have enough time between charging a group of mercs and shotgunning some motherfuckers in the face with incendiary ammo to really notice or care.
Male Hawke - Geralt of Rivia - some dude with a stupid helmet - Deus Ex 3 main characterI can't identify a single character in that strip
I can't identify a single character in that strip
Bollocks. It's over-streamlined and the recycled environments are awful, but apart from that, it's a great game. We're just spoiledDefinitely go with the first one, man. DA2 really is that bad.
You're 100% right. I'd throw in Jade Empire too. Maybe not the same stellar quality as BG, KotOR and ME, but damn underrated and wrongly slammed.Of course, that's just my opinion.
Hawke from Dragon Age 2, the guy from The Witcher, A representation of Dovakhiin from Skyrim, and (I think?) the guy from the new Deus Ex.
Edit-Ninja'd by Stormo.