Gaming Thread

I lost all faith in anything Steam a long time ago. Especially when they couldn't release a real fix for my Windows Vista Business Ed. to run the damn software. I bought two games at a friend's place then couldn't even play them through any Steam interface because every time I clicked a link the whole thing acted like I didn't do a damn thing. Reading around I found out that Steam knows the problem exists and has released a few workarounds, but for those whom the workarounds don't work (like me), we're just screwed. So I'll never play another game with any relation to that application until it's fully fixed. Now it sounds like Rage is having issues that take too much working too... lame.

When releasing anything software-related, please make sure the bugs are worked out. I'm willing to wait another few weeks maybe months for good solid alpha and beta testing if it means a flawless product. Hence why the constantly pushed back date of Mass Effect 3 doesn't bug me much. As long as the final product is bug free I'm good.
lol looks like ID really fucked up, I remember when Mafia II came out they had the same problem. I got about 5 FPS until I turned Phys-X cloth simulation off in the config.ini file because it conflicted with ATI card's, few weeks later they patched it so that option was included in-game lol
Speaking of which, apparently ME3 will have a separate mini-campaign with up to 4 player co-op. Might be fun, I'm glad that its separate though, so it won't feel forced into the main game. Also apparently your character in "Galaxy at War" won't be shepard, it'll be a fully customizable character with a few species to choose from.

hence my comment. me and derek will go as two female krogans, Krogette and Krogina
Beat Dead Island. Luckily, you can start all over at the end and save all your stuff and level. Unluckily, I downloaded the game instead of buying it, so I can't play online now. It was fun, though. I don't think I'd play online very much anyway...there's only so much you can take of kicking and hacking.
Right, Enemy242, I did everything you suggested, and still no beans. But after I installed AMD's special Rage-optimized drivers and added the "+vt_maxPPF 24" parametre to startup, the problem cleared right up. So I think it's a combination of your measures and the optimized drivers. Still, it's scandalous when someone who buys your game for 50 fucking € needs to create a .cfg file himself, install drivers made especially for that one stupid game, add parametres to the startup command to make it playable, and manually add a folder for the game to use as cache files, because "the game forgot to do it". For shame, id.
Right, Enemy242, I did everything you suggested, and still no beans. But after I installed AMD's special Rage-optimized drivers and added the "+vt_maxPPF 24" parametre to startup, the problem cleared right up. So I think it's a combination of your measures and the optimized drivers. Still, it's scandalous when someone who buys your game for 50 fucking € needs to create a .cfg file himself, install drivers made especially for that one stupid game, add parametres to the startup command to make it playable, and manually add a folder for the game to use as cache files, because "the game forgot to do it". For shame, id.

did you at least see a graphical difference from before to after you used the config file? the differences seriously are massive, especially with the lighting, texture res, overall quality etc. if you don't see much of a difference it's possible you didn't put the config in the right folder or something screwed up; the difference for me is absurd in terms of how much better it looks than original, and yeah the maxppf command in the config (or startup) makes a huge difference, i still get texture streaming if i turn really quickly but i have it on 64 and it seriously is so fast you have to look to notice it.

definitely is a huge disappointment with all the shit people have to go through. all the drivers are bad enough but the fact that to get it to look like what was promised involves tweaking the living shit out of a config file you make yourself, AND creating the cache folder that the game SOMEHOW FAILS TO ITSELF is pretty god damn ridiculous. luckily for the game it looks amazing and runs really well when you do all the work that should've been in the game by default. despite all the backtracking i am quite enjoying being an uber badass with tons of awesome weapons and just kicking the living shit out of mutants, even if it is repetitive. for all it's shortcomings and problems i will give them the fact that the art design is fucking amazing (i've seriously just walked around the cities/wasteland staring at things), when it's fully optimized it runs really fucking well (so in the future i hope idtech 5 games can be done fucking right) and the shooting is very tight with a lot of customization/weapons and the rpg-esque elements are well done also.

on an unrelated note though the gaming season is definitely heating the fuck up. i still have to beat bloodmoon, stalker, the witcher 2 2.0, and rage, but so many games are coming up it's fucking absurd. even counting only my MOST anticipated games, there are:
1. Skyrim
2. Syndicate
3. Mass Effect 3
4. Battlefield 3
5. Max Payne 3

and then of course you have all the tba 2012 games like Hitman: Absolution, Prey 2, Dishonored, Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite etc.

Upgrading my PC with whatever the next graphics card is and a new processor (currently have intel i5 2500k which is pretty much the best one out there that isn't absurd overkill and not really adding much, could go i7 but it wouldn't help all that much) is going to fucking destroy my funds along with buying all those haha
I've never used Steam before to download games, and I just downloaded it the other night. I bought the Half Life anthology because I wanted to play through the games again and my downloaded copies have had missing files, so I just paid the 15 bucks. No big deal.

But the fucking problem is that the single player game in HL1 and Blue Shift and OF all fucking LAG LIKE A BITCH. I have no idea why. I googled it and apparently the client slows down all the games but I can't find specifically why. It has nothing to do with my computer; all my downloaded copies of HL have run flawlessly with absolutely zero slowdown. I mean HL came out in 1998 for fucks sake. No excuse for having the game slow down. Is it just a problem with Steam running? Can I do anything to fix it?
That is really weird, how old is your computer? Steam shouldn't bog down a gaming computer but to be honest, it is a bit memory intensive if you have an older computer. I'd say before you play next ctrl+alt+delete and end any unnecessary processes/services you can so your cpu is as bare bones as possible and see how much steam is eating up in terms of resources. also if it's connected online and things are coming into it/something like that i'd suggest playing in offline mode and making sure that you have it so it can't interfere in the game at all (there are options for that).

I have it set so I always play in offline mode, have all unnecessary processes shut down and basically only have the most basic necessities running, plus I made sure all options are checked off so steam doesn't do shit aside from launch the game/buy/download when i tell it to.