Gaming Thread

so RAGE comes out tomorrow, who's fuckin pumped? I know I am. the only downside is I have so many other things I need to finish (bloodmoon, lonesome road, the witcher 2 patch with all the new updated content i haven't even tried, stalker i haven't even started, deus ex hr graphics mods i want to try out) that i'm considering just waiting on getting rage until i've done everything else. it'd only be worth it if by that time the price were to have dropped, but does anyone really think the price would drop sometime soon? how long would i have to wait for a significant price drop/some sort of sale that makes it worth not playing it right the fuck now?

if there isn't a chance of a big price drop or sale for a while then honestly i'll just buy it now because it's not a big deal, but with so much stuff to finish i figure i should get that done but theres no point waiting unless at least something else happens like that price drop (waiting just with the incentive of finishing my current stuff would be outrageous).
FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK I am so torn. I really want to get Rage, but the big review sites have given it 8.5-9.5 while the indie/smaller sites have given it 7-8's. I'm worried the big reviewers are just giving it a higher score due to early review/not wanting to piss off ID because they talk a lottt about the flaws and how the story/interactions are not that interesting and there isn't that much freedom and then they give it a high score saying the shooting is great.

I really want to play Rage and I'm fucking hopingggg that it's good, but I don't want to spend $60 (seriously what the fuck? 60 for a pc game? are you fucking kidding me?) for a 12 hour game that is fun in the shooting department, but starts to get boring due to lack of story and attachment to the game world. I'm dying to play it but seriously that risk is killing me, and waiting for it to go on sale would mean a long fucking wait (though i do have stuff to keep me occupied) and I really don't want to pirate it because I know then I won't buy it and I don't like putting pirated games on my gaming pc in case of potential viruses/sketchyness.
FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK I am so torn. I really want to get Rage, but the big review sites have given it 8.5-9.5 while the indie/smaller sites have given it 7-8's. I'm worried the big reviewers are just giving it a higher score due to early review/not wanting to piss off ID because they talk a lottt about the flaws and how the story/interactions are not that interesting and there isn't that much freedom and then they give it a high score saying the shooting is great.

I really want to play Rage and I'm fucking hopingggg that it's good, but I don't want to spend $60 (seriously what the fuck? 60 for a pc game? are you fucking kidding me?) for a 12 hour game that is fun in the shooting department, but starts to get boring due to lack of story and attachment to the game world. I'm dying to play it but seriously that risk is killing me, and waiting for it to go on sale would mean a long fucking wait (though i do have stuff to keep me occupied) and I really don't want to pirate it because I know then I won't buy it and I don't like putting pirated games on my gaming pc in case of potential viruses/sketchyness.
I bought it. I'll let you know what I think.
FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK I am so torn. I really want to get Rage, but the big review sites have given it 8.5-9.5 while the indie/smaller sites have given it 7-8's. I'm worried the big reviewers are just giving it a higher score due to early review/not wanting to piss off ID because they talk a lottt about the flaws and how the story/interactions are not that interesting and there isn't that much freedom and then they give it a high score saying the shooting is great.

I really want to play Rage and I'm fucking hopingggg that it's good, but I don't want to spend $60 (seriously what the fuck? 60 for a pc game? are you fucking kidding me?) for a 12 hour game that is fun in the shooting department, but starts to get boring due to lack of story and attachment to the game world. I'm dying to play it but seriously that risk is killing me, and waiting for it to go on sale would mean a long fucking wait (though i do have stuff to keep me occupied) and I really don't want to pirate it because I know then I won't buy it and I don't like putting pirated games on my gaming pc in case of potential viruses/sketchyness.

go to your nearest Best Buy and sit down and play it for 20 mins and see how you like it. or just download the fucking thing.
I don't live near a best buy and doing that wouldn't help anyway. the pc version supposedly has a tonnn of bugs/issues and since its an ID shooter 20 minutes would just be the fun shooting, the issues people have had are the other elements they tried to implement (but supposedly didn't do well) and the story just not being engrossing or feeling like it mattered at all (with everything being very linear).

I think I'm going to wait to buy it until some sort of sale, or at least a patch to make sure all the bugs are fixed. I'm playing Bloodmoon right now and it's keeping my fairly occupied (plus i don't have a lot of time to play games right now anyway sadly) and after that I still really want to try out the new Witcher 2 patch which adds an insanee amount of stuff, play The Lonesome Road and try out STALKER. hopefully by that point (or by the time I break) there will either be a price drop or a huge bugfix (but i'd still love to hear from anyone who has played it what they think without spoiling much).
Busted out the old WCW/NWO Revenge and Wrestlemania N64 games last night and today I bought WWE: Raw vs Smackdown 2011 and preordered WWE12 :lol: These games are still a blast!
so now I'm not so disappointed I didn't get Rage, I'm actually glad haha! I've seen videos of the most ATROCIOUS bugs/texture flickering/artifacts that I've ever seen in a videogame, and this would drive me absolutely insane considering the fact that texture flickering in Fallout 3/New Vegas drove me insane (and there honestly wasn't much of it). I also heard there isn't any graphics preference options? as in basically you just have the basic controls for luminosity, resolution and anti-aliasing? for shame id, for shame. everyone was worried about rage being consolized and from what I've heard it's seriously sounding like it. I love id and they make great games, but rage should be so perfectly optimized on PC and filled with options/have no bugs that it just destroys the competition, yet i'm hearing completely otherwise.

anyone who has played it on pc have any reports? i'd love to hear what you think about the gameplay (heard it's pretty good) and if you've encountered bugs. with all the horror stories I've seen/read I think I'm going to just keep playing the games I have and wait for a sale or a hugeee patch because I will GO INSANE if I have to play the game and have textures popping in every time I turn or flickering or other bullshit. I expected a fairly bug free, pc optimized visual marvel, and i'm hearing the exact opposite. little good their self proclaimed amazing system that allows for individual items does if textures are popping in constantly, are low quality and graphics adjustments can't be made.
I am a console gamer out of necessity (fighting games, as I've made clearly obvious.) However, my real preference is PC. Unfortunately, I too have noticed that devs are putting more emphasis on the console releases of games moreso than their PC counterparts. It's a damn shame.

On another note, went in for a new wired controller today. As I play emulators I decided to snag a wired 360 controller and I purchased a cheap ($30 USD) "Afterglow AX.1" from gamestop and I'm surprised.


Despite it's laughably cheesy exterior, I have to say it's one of the tightest (real verbiage here, no speaky dudebro) feeling controllers I've used in awhile. I do like the special edition controllers because of the adjustable + but that's a minor detail and something I'm willing to forgo for most games. The triggers and shoulder buttons are quite springy and firm and the face buttons are a bit clickier than their M$ counterparts. The D-pad, unfortunately, is just as hopeless as any other (aside from the special edition controllers and some 3rd party stuff.) What makes this controller shine are the analog sticks. They have zero dead zone out of the box, the torsion device seems a bit more firm, and the throw seems better as well, somehow. Also, if the LEDs are an annoyance, they can be turned off or set to only light up during vibrations. Frankly, I just keep them off :lol: So, if you're looking for a cheap controller to play emulators with or even to have a spare 360 controller laying around, it's a solid buy for $30. Also, it's Microsoft licensed, so warranty and blah blah blah.
so any comments from anyone on Rage yet? from what i understand people have essentially created config files that work well to set it to max settings and bypass all the technical problems, but it's still not perfect.

I think i'm going to wait; the witcher 2 2.0 sounds AMAZING and totally jam packed with stuff so i definitely want to play that (and the fact that they made it a free update where other developers probably would've charged at least 10-20 for dlc that extensive is fucking awesome), i still need to finish bloodmoon (liking it more than tribunal so far, tribunal felt a bit limited whereas bloodmoon feels completely new and fresh) and if i finally get around to it i really need to play STALKER with that 2009 mod, or wait for a while since they're working on another version called STALKER 2012 complete which i imagine will be insane.
Ugh, you and me both. :erk: I don't know how many times I can go through 1 and 2 again. The wait is killing me.

I got to a point where I'd been through both of them about 3 times each. I still had one achievement point left to get on each of them (#1 was the medigel and #2 was beating the Liara DLC on higher difficulty). I made my brother do it for me cause I just couldn't play those anymore.