So Company of Heroes is awesome. I'm enjoying it big-time.
I forgot to ask if anyone playing Deus Ex Human Revolution got the Megadeth message on the computer. On the Steam copy you get an achievement called Hangar 18, which is what the message is about.
I almost shat myself when I clicked on the computer monitor and the login name was MSTAINE. I thought that was pretty cool.
some of the game designers are into metal and it makes pretty perfect sense.
From the sound of it, he's going to be playing ultra casually. There's no reason to get 3rd Strike unless he's just going to be playing it with friends who are just as casual (or offline only).
SSF2T is probably the overall "best", followed by SSF4 AE when it's finally balanced. 3rd Strike is a favorite by many, but once you actually start playing against really good players, it's nothing but Ken, Chun Li, Makoto, Dudley and Yun. At tournaments it's almost always Chun/Chun or Chun/Ken.
If you're only interested in playing the computer and want it for the animation, 3rd Strike would be just as good though.
I can't play it yet because steam ran out of keys
To bad they are not into GOOD metal.
SF > Tekken
I wanted to share this brilliant vista with you, that New Vegas players will recognize as the first sight of the Divide, in the Lonescome Road DLC.