The main concept artist for Fallout 3 died.
Fallout 3 had a concept artist? Next you're going to tell me Bethesda has a story writer and a glitch tester...![]()
Only New Vegas wasn't made by Bethesda, only published. New Vegas was made by Obsidian, a company well known for its exemplary storytelling and its excremental code stability.Well said, and I do have to agree. I wouldn't go as far as saying they don't know how to create video games, but they need to learn from their mistakes. During the release of FO3 and NV, the game became frustrating due to major bugs/glitches that damn near rendered the game unplayable.
Oh, they know. Thing is, they're joining in the great games-as-mass-product trend and simplify all their games to appeal to the lowest common denominator, because more buyers means more cash means happy shareholders. A good game, in itself, doesn't make any money - it needs to be bought by as many people as possible. And I must say, Bethesda's one of the LEAST blatant in this trend.Bethesda doesn't know shit about how games are made.
Exactly. The days of Ultima V and Dungeon Hack are over. Games these days are so complicated, the systems that have to run them so advanced, that bugs are simply inevitable.And one more thing, no matter what developer makes it, with games that big, you're going to have a lot of bugs, period.
The days of Ultima V and Dungeon Hack are over.
You know, BlueSky, as clumsy and biased as your complaints are, I do agree with you that no company still makes games that appeal to old-school gamers anymore. Trust me, I wish a brave company said, "fuck shareholders, we're going to make a game as good as Planescape: Torment, and the market can suck it", but that's not going to happen. There's no point taking out your anger on a single company, when the entire industry is to blame. Games are going the way of films: mass-produced shallow junk with hot chicks and cool explosions, with only small independent producers still having a heart for the hobby.