Gaming Thread


So what you're really saying is that DX:HR ripped off the plot of every cyberpunk themed novel, movie, anime, rpg, etc since roughly 1980. Also, Syndicate came out 7 years before Deus Ex.

yeah no shit. I'm not talking about the original syndicate, i'm talking about this new version and being more specific. go watch the trailer. obviously i know those are all the main themes of the genre, but the amount to which syndicate is specifically similar to dxhr is insane. having the mentor/boss who is trying to change human evolution into his world view (even some of the dialogue is the same) and sees you as his pawn/son figure, being modified against your will to a certain extent (moreso in hr but still a fair amount in syndicate), having a female companion/love affair who is in charge of your augmentations/developed them/is mysteriously involved to an extent you won't know later and has done something wrong etc.

if you've played dxhr and then go watch the syndicate launch trailer you'll realize just how similar they are. the main aspects of the genre are pervasive throughout everything in the genre yes, but in this case the syndicate remake is wayyyyy similar in specific ways to dxhr, beyond just being in the same genre. if you were to compare neuromancer to snow crash, or syndicate to deus ex they all have very different aspects while staying in the same genre, but the remake involves things that are very very very specific to dxhr; hell, even the dialogue in the trailer is way too close to specific dialogue from hr (that was even their main press dialogue).
Goddamnit. So my whole strategy with Heroic quests in TOR was to ignore them until I level up enough to be able to solo them. I just learned that if you are over a certain level, you don't get any XP from certain quests. Fuck. Looks like i may actually have to join a guild or something. Ugh, actual people in my game!

Yeah, if you're over a certain level (usually like 6 more levels) you don't get XP...that's all MMOs. However, just one-man all the flashpoints so you at least get the dark/light points and orange gear you can keep and give to all your comps. You can one-man Athiss, Mandalorian Raiders, Hammer Station, etc. over and over and over again, basically just running through the entire FP till you get to the bosses. I do Athiss in 15 minutes flat. BTW, I'm a Darth now....WOOT!

They really did a fantastic job with the orange gear. For all you who don't know, basically, you can customize your armor, lightsabers, weapons, etc. if they're orange (basically like purples in WoW) by upgrading their slots. Each has three or four slots, so if you really like the look of your character, you can keep his or her armor and just get new mods for them...they also update with your character, so if you finally found that piece of gear you love, you can keep it forever without having to worry about five levels down the road it becoming obsolete. It's fantastic. It's kinda like socketing but much, much more in-depth and much better.
Paying a monthly fee to play an MMO by yourself is like paying a hooker to watch TV with you.

Well theres enough solo questing to entertain and justify the cost. It really is another KOTOR game that happens to have other people around. I'm just pissed because I spent 2 or 3 hours doing heroic quests before i realized i wasnt leveling up hahah (could have broken lvl 30 this weekend).
Hey John, here's a link to better explain the orange gear. It's quite short but will give you a better idea how it works. Really and truly, I can't believe it took so long for MMOs to realize that we don't like being forced to change our look if we don't want to.

In fact, I'm almost 50 now on my Sith Sorcerer. I liked a piece of gear that I had when I was about 20 so much that I went back through an instance an one-manned it in order to get the orange drop. Did it twice and got everything in about 20 minutes. I'm such an idiot that I threw it away when I was lower level and didn't realize I could keep it and it updated until later. Of course it binds to your character but if you find an orange drop at the end of a Heroic quest (which are repeatable once per day, whereas Flashpoints are repeatable over and over again as many times as you want), it's bind on equip. It's a great way to get items for alts. Also, they're not that rare. Usually they're quest rewards or FP rewards and sometimes they'll drop on mobs so there's hardly any grinding to do. You can also buy them at the Auction House cheap too. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Also, creating an alt is fantastic. Different storyline, different options, etc.

Check this too. This is a great site for everyone who wants to find specific armor in instances if you wanna go back to get them.

I loved this armor so much that even though it's level 20, I'm using it at lvl 49, just with new mods.
So Syndicate came out today and I'm not going to get it. I'm quite disappointed because the combination of reviews and the way they treated the pc gamers really turned me off to the game. they never posted the required hardware for the game (and i had to look to find it since it wasn't even up anywhere until recently), didn't give a demo to pc players despite giving one to console players and said they didn't want a pc demo so they could spend more time on the game (basically saying they needed a demo for console players but pc players don't matter enough so they'll use the time to work on the game instead, fuck you starbreeze), didn't have any info about the pc version whatsoever etc. The reviews came out today and it's getting fairly mediocre reviews, with even the sites that had tons of ads for it and specialized coverage only giving it around a 7.5-8.5.

I don't get why a company making a game that is a revival of an old pc franchise would be such cockheads to pc gamers. They really treated us like shit, even moreso than companies usually do and i hope pc gamers wait until the game is cheaper or straight up don't buy it. I had such high hopes for the game but when you have a developer who neglects your platform, takes a beloved franchise and consolizes it and doesn't even do it insanely well that makes me not want to buy it until it's cheap. I'll just play TOR because at least the game is fun as fuck and they've been trying to update it often, I'd rather gear up and do some more ops than jump into Syndicate.

One last thing is Dead Winter, eventually your orange gear will become obsolete. I agree with their system being great, but once you hit 50 and start gearing up past that you get stuck. You can only upgrade the armoring to 24 artifact, the mods to 24 artifact (if you take them from champion pvp/columi pve gear, you can't make 24 artifact mods) and enhancements to 24 (by taking them from pvp/pve gear again) which lasts until you hit the 3rd tier of endgame gear. I had been switching out all my gear except I had managed to keep my legs slot with orange gear until recently because now they can't stand up to columi/battlemaster gear no matter how much you upgrade them. I'll definitely give them credit because it is an awesome system, but once you hit endgame they start to become obsolete and everyone becomes a rakata/columi/champion/battlemaster gear clone.
Well yeah, it goes without saying that endgame gear is going to be better than the orange gear. That's why it's epic gear and so hard to get. But until you get to that point, it's awesome being able to wear what you want.
I really wish you could move your TOR character to a different server. Doesn't seem to be many guilds on mine, I've finally come to terms with the fact that I should probably guild-up when I got my but kicked in my first PVP experience today.
Eh, PvP is always tough. Doesn't depend on the guild, it depends on your level and how good you are. You can be lvl 20 and have to fight against lvl 49s. It's only the 50s who aren't allowed to PvP with anyone under their level.
Awww shit, I got Devil Survivor 2.

1 reminded me a lot of Persona 3, this one reminds me a lot of Persona 4. Even has social links. Unlike Persona 4, though, so far I prefer the grim setting of the first.

Edit-Although, damn. This one has those cheesy moments that you can't help but smile at and characters that make you love them like P4 does. Maybe it will turn out to be the better game.
Played The Last Remnant on the 360. As El_Stormo said, frame rates suck and the game just SUCKS.

Got the game for the PC.


Amazing. The game is entirely polished to the point where it is enjoyable. WELP...I know what I am going to be doing for awhile!

(yes Stormo, i did all the PC tweaks minus removing the cut scenes. I need me my cut scenes.)