Gaming Thread

So, the Bayonetta team, in league with Hideo Kojima and the Metal Gear Solid brand give us an offering:


This game... /jizz.
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I finished Mass Effect 2 last night. I hated the first one, but gave this a chance, and it's actually quite fun. The combat gets old fast though, and it's way too linear. The controls are still clunky; the game looks robotic, which is cool, and feels it too, which is not cool. I do like the way the game forces you to make tough choices and I was pissed at the end when some of my squad died, especially Thane, the assassin. He was one of my favorites. Is the third one any better in the game play department?
If you play ME2 right no one dies. ME3 gameplay is fun, but the ending, as you're probably aware, is extremely controversial. They plan to expand on it tomorrow, but I'm probably just going to wait for the youtube playthroughs.
Ok, as you all know I just got a new PC. I have a few questions, however. First, the details:

i7 2600 3.4 GHz
12 gigs RAM
GeForce 550TI

This thing is super quiet, but holy shit it produces a lot of heat. It's got plenty of ventilation, with vents along the side of the case and even underneath it. It angles towards the back with about a 1 inch space from the bottom for air flow. However, there are only like three fans in this thing: the CPU fan, the chassis fan, and the PSU fan (of course the GPU fan as well, duh). When I run a game, you can hear the fans spinning up but it's still very quiet. It's not overheating or anything, but I'm wondering is it normal that a PC this powerful would create this much heat (it's not really THAT much, it's just in the summer you can feel it more) just because it's so powerful, or should I add another fan to it? Here's a video of the's in Italian though.

EDIT: In reality, I don't feel much heat coming from the fans or's nothing extreme. It's just the room heats up a bit more now. Maybe I'm just used to my old dual core 3 gig machine.

This new one runs like a beast, though.

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Ok, as you all know I just got a new PC. I have a few questions, however. First, the details:

i7 2600 3.4 GHz
12 gigs RAM
GeForce 550TI

This thing is super quiet, but holy shit it produces a lot of heat. It's got plenty of ventilation, with vents along the side of the case and even underneath it. It angles towards the back with about a 1 inch space from the bottom for air flow. However, there are only like three fans in this thing: the CPU fan, the chassis fan, and the PSU fan (of course the GPU fan as well, duh). When I run a game, you can hear the fans spinning up but it's still very quiet. It's not overheating or anything, but I'm wondering is it normal that a PC this powerful would create this much heat (it's not really THAT much, it's just in the summer you can feel it more) just because it's so powerful, or should I add another fan to it? Here's a video of the's in Italian though.

EDIT: In reality, I don't feel much heat coming from the fans or's nothing extreme. It's just the room heats up a bit more now. Maybe I'm just used to my old dual core 3 gig machine.

This new one runs like a beast, though.

Install this program

Open it up and then run a game. Play the game for a few minutes, then alt+tab and look at the temps. Look at the CPU temps. You really don't want them to ever be over 70C (I prefer around 60C). If its below that while under full load of the game, I wouldn't worry about it. If they are around there or higher I would look into some additional fans, or perhaps a third party CPU fan/heatsink. GPU is probably fine up to 80C.
So I just played through the ME3: Extended ending. I have to say, I'm actually pretty happy with it. There's a new ending (Shepard refuses to choose), and the three choices now have unique endings. Theres more closure as well. I think a lot of people will have a hard time gathering the enthusiasm for it because of the disappointment the first time around, and this DLC doesn't make it perfect, but I'm quite satisfied.
I'm playing the new Tom Clancy Future Soldier game, and it's pretty amazing. It's like a perfect combination of tactics, stealth, and action. I played Advanced Warfighter when it first came out and it was ok, but boring - too technical and slow paced. This one is like a perfect mix of Advanced Warfighter, Rainbow Six Vegas/2, and a touch of Call of Duty. But's really great.

I also picked up, along with Future Soldier, Mass Effect 3, Max Payne 3, and Spec Ops. All for a grand total of a whopping 3 dollars.