Gaming Thread

Max got it.

Yeah, but Fallout 3 is 200 years after the nukes dropped. Plants and trees would be back, it would not be a wasteland. Fallout 2 had lots of trees.

And im no scientist but I know the earth is a natural purifier, so the main quest was silly. Dad killing himself was also dumb.

Why can I wield huge guns with 1 strength? Hack terminals with 1 intelligence?

Character models looked abysmal, that's a fact.

A total of two factions, as black and white as David and Goliath, topped off with level scaling, Fallout 3 left a lot to be desired.
I never noticed any of that stuff, I just had lots of fun and I still have lots of fun every time I play it. Everything you listed has zero effect on my opinion of Fallout 3; that's all gnat's ass and in the weeds. You seem to have this vision that every single RPG must conform to exactly everything you say an RPG must be or else it's total garbage. Just have fun with the game as it is.

I still think it's more fun than New Vegas. New Vegas had some gameplay improvements and was entertaining, but overall it was a bit bland.
I see what you mean, John, and I agree for the most part, but the reality of modern-day gaming is that you simply can't make an isometric turn-based RPG anymore. Maybe as an indie label, sure, but a big production, nope, you just can't, it's financial suicide.

We are antiquado, man, face it :(
Spec Ops: The Line is one of the funnest, best paced, story-driven action games I've played in years. It's easily the most brutal, intense game to come out in a long time. I highly recommend it. It feels so much like an old school arcade game instead of an xbox 360 game. Don't know if that makes sense, but it's got a wicked retro feel to it. Lots of fun.
That's actually not a bad thing, regardless of TOR's quality or lack thereof. It's about time developers realize the MMORPG market is oversaturated, let's hope they think twice now before going the "easy money" MMORPG route.

It's too late. EA got nervous and hung up on one of the largest investors in the world after they told them their numbers were bullshit at the press conference the other day. TORtanic cost almost half a billion to make, Bioware is finished.