Gaming Thread

Me too. FO3 just seemed to have a better atmosphere, but Ill be damned if I know why exactly. Maybe it just has something to do with me having unrealistic expectations of NV after having played FO3...?

FO3 had less quests, but they were all so much more memorable, as were the locations. It also had an almost overwhelming sense of dread and desolation compared to NV. NV on the other hand did actually have much improved writing and a wider "variety" of quests. I enjoyed both, but I liked FO3 a little more. NV took me a few hours to actually get into.

Started Mass Effect 3. I already don't like it as much as 2, but I am sure it'llbe fun.

It's "fun". Although I haven't been able to replay it after finishing it the first time, and I replayed ME2 probably at least a dozen.
I stopped playing ME3 and have a strong desire to replay 2. 3 just isn't clicking with me for some reason. 2 had a way better story and the missions/quests were better. I loved recruiting my team. 3 just seems bland. Can't get into it. Max Payne 3 is awesome but my copy is so fucking glitched that it is very frustrating to play.
It's too late. EA got nervous and hung up on one of the largest investors in the world after they told them their numbers were bullshit at the press conference the other day. TORtanic cost almost half a billion to make, Bioware is finished.

Yeah, EA really screwed the pooch on this one. I'm actually kinda looking forward to the F2P aspect of it as long as it's not P2W. I still like the game a whole lot and have multiple chars, but I recently unsubscribed simply because there's just not enough content coming out. When 1.4 comes out I'll probably resubscribe but in the meantime I might check out The Secret World. It seems interesting but I've heard mixed reviews.

It's a shame about SWTOR though, I really like the game and it had so much potential. Hopefully F2P will give it a boost and they'll release more content and a higher pace.
I know I haven't been here much (summer school, videogames, just forgetting blah blah) but the TOR situation is pretty sad =/ . I've been an avid supporter of the game since it came out (marauder 50, full aug wh/rakata shells w/bh mods, merc 50, full bm, aug rakata shells w/bh mods, shadow 50, full aug wh/bh and columi, smuggler 40) but even I'm getting tired of the shit they're pulling. It's a vicious cycle which is fucking things up. The more screw ups they have and lose subs, the more people EA lays off/the more restructuring they do, which causes new things to get messed up, more subs to bleed out, and more people to get laid off. How can they keep up the content people want if they are losing their developers left and right and the creative people in charge are changing every month?

The whole f2p thing doesn't bug me, it just means more people will have access to the game/potential gold farmers and people farming will come in but they seem to have it locked down fairly tight (ea loves their money) though once it goes pay2win that'll be fucked up.

They really need to fix it because even my support (which has been pretty unwavering) is dropping. Last night my raid group went in to burn through EC SM and then hit T&Z HM before our EC HM raid day this weekend, but the minefield was bugged and we could not progress. With the patch they fixed it so you didn't have drones that were stealthed and left an after image of (ie you'd still see the stealthed drone even after the other actually spawned) but it wasn't a big deal. The problem is with that small cosmetic change now they broke it so you can't destealth the drones AT ALL and no one could get past the minesweeper (which is the fucking weekly!) The fact that it wasn't addressed and fixed a-thefuck-sap is just ridiculous and even made me frustrated.

EA is seriously fucking shit up and I hope bioware gets things settled quickly. I love the game and really really really want it to survive, but with 3 alts pretty close to done with the endgame and a 4th getting close I've found myself playing dawnguard more and more and reconsidering my sub. It's just a huge shame.
Very worth it. Good closure on the Falmer, a great appearance by a Morrowind character, and a companion that almost has Bioware level depth. Could have been a tad but longer but it was very good.
After so many recommendations, I'm starting Xenosaga I. It's nice so far, though I'm not very far yet, but EricT was right when he said...


MSPaint skillz!
Talking about the crummy Total Recall movie has given me an urge to replay Human Revolution and actually finish it this time. I played the hell out of it when it was first released, but then around 65% - 75% of the way through just stopped due to it being so ultimately easy and I had literally every upgrade. I played the pacifist route the first time, but ended up knocking out most of the enemies I would see via takedowns, and the XP just overflowed.

This time I'm going to play pacifist again, but I'm going to ignore all of the enemies that I don't actually have to interact with and just try to sneak/cloak past everything so that I am not so overpowered so early. I'll probably grab a few upgrades that would help against the mandatory boss fights though.
I just restarted DEHR as's fun. Got the DLC as's very interesting.

Still, there's something missing that I can't put my finger on...I think it's the storytelling.
Meh, Deus Ex HR... I'm personally not a fan of all the sneaking around. Stealth gameplay just isn't my thing.

The original Tenchu, Metal Gear Solid and Thief are some of the best games ever. You don't even have to sneak around in HR, but why play it like it's exactly like every single other generic ass TPS?
I was packing up some of my old PS2 games (that had about an inch of dust on them) to put them in the attic and I came across Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven. Seeing it made me think of the first Tenchu on PS1 and I ALMOST broke it out and played it again.

Games are not like music to me. I can hear a song and reminisce and it will bring me back to the time I first heard it, but games fail to do that for me. I'll just be disappointed and realize how bad the graphics are and how mundane the game probably really is. We've come so far in such little time with video games that, aside from NES or SNES games, games come and go almost too quickly. The innovation is doubled every year it seems like, and so if you fast forward ten years or so (holy shit, Tenchu came out in like 1998, didn't it? Make that 14 years...I'm fucking old) the game will seem like a total joke. This is why I tend to simply move on with games.