Gaming Thread

I couldn't stand RDR; Great graphics, amazing voice acting, superb attention to detail, but quite possibly the worst controls in any game ever made. It totally ruined it for me; I just could not get past it.
Controls are the same as they are in any GTA game, which isn't really that great. That's its only downfall, imo, but it's definitely not the worst controls in any game ever made...they're not nearly as terrible as the Resident Evil series' controls.

However, if you have never finished the game, you've just cheated yourself out of one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. Get past the bad controls and just finish the'll be glad you did.

People say it's GTA on horses, and to an extent they'd be correct, but the fact is that GTA isn't nearly as immersive as RDR...not even close. RDR is like GTA meets Max Payne in a western setting much, much bigger and much more epic than anything else Rockstar has done.
Controls are the same as they are in any GTA game, which isn't really that great. That's its only downfall, imo, but it's definitely not the worst controls in any game ever made...they're not nearly as terrible as the Resident Evil series' controls.

I beg to differ.:goggly:
But seriously, the older RE games had the infamous "tank" controls, but they only took about an hour to get used to. I'm also not sure if it was intentional in it's original design or just a limitation of the hardware at the time, but it also added to the tension of the game. "Oh fuck, I hope I can control my character good enough to kill what might be around the corner!". Besides that, the controls in RE4 were probably the best the series ever had. Which is not to say that they were "great", but they were at least a vast improvement over anything prior and still better than RE5.

The controls in any GTA game just come off entirely pedestrian, and for a series that's been out for so long and with how much Rockstar gets in cash there's no excuse. The car handling is serviceable for sure, but most everything else makes me not want to bother.
Thanks to Steam, I just nabbed both Dead Space games for 10 bucks. Kinda starting to see what the fuss is all about, but hoping it gets better.
Didn't care for Dead Space either.

I unexpectedly greatly enjoyed it. Played it on the 360 though since I rented it, and I don't know how it is on the PC. A lot of people were complaining about it having issues and not being able to remap the controls or something.

The first game is more "Alien" and the second is more "Aliens". At the time of it's release, the first Dead Space had probably the best atmospheric audio of any game so far this generation. Well, not counting Amnesia anyway, but that's PC only AFAIK.
In a somewhat similar vein, Darksiders 2 is pretty fun as well. It still suffers the same camera issues that the first game had, but because the combat is more fluid, and Death relies on dodging (and can do it very well), it's not as big of a burden. The game plays a hell of a lot like Zelda + Prince of Persia with more open areas with combat that's "kind of" similar to DMC/GoW, but not exactly.

The control scheme was definitely made for a 360 controller or PC setup since it's totally combersome using active skills during combat with a PS3 controller though.
I noticed something while browsing through the new Steam Community Beta:

Dead Space is fucking frustrating as hell. The controls are terrible. It's still kinda fun but it could've been so much more.

I never played it on the PC, so I can't comment about the controls for that version. I normally loathe playing any kind of TPS/FPS style game with a control pad, but it was actually rather easy this time. The second game improved on the responsiveness so that Isaac doesn't turn so slowly and feel like he weighs ten tons; but again, no idea how it performs on the PC. Does the first game support a control pad? Also, I suppose it kind of depends on what weapon you're trying to use as well. About the only thing that was required in the first game was the plasma cutter. The rifle was too weak and you had to be a lot more precise to actually dismember anything compared to the cutter. About the only use I found for the rifle was for blowing up those glowing pods that explode.
Thinking of buying a Wii so I can get over this Zelda hard on I've had lately.

Man if you do, definitely make sure to get Xenoblade Chronicles. It really is one of the few games that is almost worth buying a Wii for as well. Zelda, Super Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, Dead Space Extraction and Xenoblade are all I own for it. The Last Story is supposed to be great, but I think I'm just going to rent that one some day.

On another note; despite only having a "meh" feeling with the first Darksiders game, I have been playing the hell out of the second. It's entirely derivative of pretty much all of the most popular games, but jesus christ is it fun as hell. You want to play a Zelda game? This is more Zelda than Zelda, plus "Metroidvania", Prince of Persia with combat that's actually pretty fun when the camera isn't shitting all over itself. And just like Xenoblade Chronicles, the music in it is fantastic. Was composed by the guy who did the AC games I believe. Reminds me a lot of Lords of Shadow though.


Not really going to post one of the best tracks though because it's a spoiler of one of the fights.
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Yeah, definitely want to try Xenoblade. I don't think I'd be able to get into Darksiders. Isn't it a hack n slash like God of War? I love Zelda for the atmosphere and characters, don't care much for the puzzles.
Yeah, definitely want to try Xenoblade. I don't think I'd be able to get into Darksiders. Isn't it a hack n slash like God of War? I love Zelda for the atmosphere and characters, don't care much for the puzzles.

Wait what? You don't play Zelda for the puzzles? That's kind of the entire point of the game. Unless you're simply not interested in the game itself and just want to see the sights. Doesn't sound like you would enjoy Darksiders at all then. The only thing it has in common with God of War is that the combat is action based, but the rest of the game is a mixture of other popular franchises. Mostly about exploration/puzzles.