Gaming Thread

Some updates from me.

Currently replaying Deus Ex Human Revolution, went to jail two years ago and never made it past China.

Shin Megami Tensei IV is one of the best games I've ever played in my entire life, even with shoddy production values. Better than Nocturne? ...For the most part, but not in all ways. It's worth buying a 3DS for guys. Then you can also play Devil Survivor Overclocked, which is also one of the best games I've ever played. Not to mention the new Pokemon X and Y which are fucking awesome.

Should I get Catherine? I hate puzzles, but I'm willing to suffer through them for Atlus goodness.
Been enjoying COD: Black Ops 2. Problem is too damn many cinematics. Just let me play. These studios think they are movie makers. But it is fun. SOme really insane missions.

I see they didn't get Gen. Petraeus's permission to use his likeness in this game. But I guess he's ok with it. Either that or he had bigger problems.

The notion of a carrier being named after Obama was good for a laugh.
333 hours.

So many mods.

Originally had it for PS3, leveled my guy to 60, then acquired the GOTY or whatever version for PC. Leveled my werewolf warrior to 50 something, then decided I wanted to try the vampire so I built a mage vampire as a second character.

He's now at level 34 and haven't even started the Dragonborn quest. Vampire quest is fuckin' badass.

This is getting out of hand.
I've been playing around in the CK a lot along with working on an ENB, my crab walk animation for the immortal war paints has been quite the fucker but I'm getting real close. :D
I started playing Skyrim again maybe a year ago with a bunch of really great skill/monster mods, but then randomly stopped right before doing Dawnguard for the first time. Been meaning to pick it back up again, but I think I'm going to wait until after I do a full system rebuild next year once the Nvidia 8xx series arrives. Games already look nice with a GTX 580, but I didn't actually start playing on a 1080p PC monitor until the beginning of this year, and I want to start downsampling modern games as well as using all of the various FX mods without a performance hit.

Aside from The Witcher 3, Dragon Age 3, Watchdogs and (maybe) Mass Effect 4, what other multiplat or PC games are coming out next year that I should care about?

Currently trying to finish HL2 for the first time with FFCM. Ended up getting through 85% of the game multiple times, but have never finished it, or started either episode.
I need to vent.

Skyrim never got finished. There was supposed to be more DLC.


The game was not supposed to end with you being Hermaes Mora's fucking lap dog. Somewhere in Maryland, the rest of the DLC is sitting. It's a worse game than Oblivion, ONLY because Oblivion's story got to end.

And it's all the PS3's fault.

Stupid PS3 couldn't handle the game so the team had to waste months upon months making the DLC work on such inferior hardware.
I tend to shy away from the cover girl mods though.
So do I, because I don't like female characters looking like sex dolls, as they so often do in TES mods, however, one mod, called "cover_women" makes the face skin textures much better. I don't use the 'with make-up' versions (because come on, pseudo-medieval characters with mascara!), but the 'no make-up' version gives your character much, much better skin texture than ugly vanilla.
So I went to Blizzcon today. Check out the cosplayers.


Look in the background.


Only WoW players will get this joke.

I need to vent.

Skyrim never got finished. There was supposed to be more DLC.

Looking through the convo logs there is a huge amount left on the table, the tools are there for the most part .

As far as sex pots, after two vaniller blockhead play throughs, It was time for a sexy Lydia and Serana :Smokin:

The game is wide open for interpretation to those with the talent and time to dig into it.

I am going to be looking for some some voice actors pretty soon.. dunno if the the WD would be interested in a part perhaps. Oddly enough through coincidence or not there seems to be a couple early Sanctuary references in the game. Following my disdain and distrust of the human nature, needless to say it is a dark plot line.

