Gaming Thread

I don't think you've gotten to the twist yet.

That said, can be repetitive because stealth games usually are quite repetitive. You have to enjoy the world it's in, not just the gameplay. It's not for everyone.

My biggest complaint was that it didn't feel long enough. It's not a short game or anything, but it's basically Assassin's Creed meets Hitman meets Thief, right? All of those games had hours and hours of gameplay on the FIRST playthrough. This one seems to be more of a, "there's so much stuff to do that you HAVE to play it again". I disagree...if you don't blow through the content, you can finish the game and get most of the stuff between 15-20 hours. Now, that's a pretty good amount of time, but this is supposedly an open world-ish game, not a tunnel shooter. The story is too short, imo. The graphics are dated, so it's not like they're pushing PCs or even the engine that much. It's Unreal technology...I don't see why they didn't flesh the story out more. They could've turned that into at least 40 hours. I wish there had been more content, but I finished it satisfied. I did NOT, however, fire up another game from the beginning like so many others because I don't blow through games on the first go. I like to take my time and explore.

While I was riveted on my first playthrough, I'm feeling a bit lethargic at the notion of starting it up again. I love the gameplay, but it's tied to the story so closely that I already know what's going to happen and that just discourages me. Sure, outcomes can be different if you decide to not kill people, but it's not like Fallout outcomes where the story changes drastically. I'll need to let it sit for a while and then come back to it.

They're even saying that there won't be a sequel, only some DLC. They want the story to end, which is kinda cool.
I turned off the waypoint markers as soon as I started, so it is taking me longer to go through it since I'm actually exploring the different pathways. I also don't mind the graphics really, because the aesthetics do a good enough job of creating an alternate London. I think the characters do have hands that are much too large though.

I never had a problem with the pace of Thief at all, but that may just be because it was pretty much the father of stealth games (the first Metal Gear doesn't really count) and the gameplay was still fresh. I also really enjoyed Tenchu for similar reasons, and then Deus Ex, some of the Splinter Cells and then Human Revolution. I tried to get into the stealth in Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout, but that's not really even a good comparison.

The way the stealth in Dishonored is handled annoys me though. Either the guards are completely oblivious (Normal or lower), or they are completely random (Hard and above) with whether or not they can actually see you under so many different circumstances. So you either sit for a very long time watching movements, or you do a lot of reloading, seemingly every other guard on the higher difficulties.

After getting sick of trying to choke out and hide every body, I started over and just decided to go on a killing spree--yet the game punishes you for doing so. Even the powers are rather dull and the only practical powers seem to be Dark Vision, Blink and Agility, none of which are particularly "fun". Then there's the skill that turns enemies to ash so you don't have to hide them if you want to go that route.

I may just be totally sick of "first person" anything, but I did have a lot of fun with my first two Borderlands playthroughs. I got so bored with Dishonored, that I started playing the first Mass Effect again.
I kind of agree with you on that, but I do not agree with you about Dark Souls for the PC at all. At least not after pretty much all of the bugs had been ironed out, and the "Durante edition" fixed the ugly textures. I was hesitant on bothering with it, especially since I already had it for the PS3.
It was terrible when it came out. Maybe it's improved since then, but as long as the character handles like a drunken fat cow, it's just no fun for me.
It was terrible when it came out. Maybe it's improved since then, but as long as the character handles like a drunken fat cow, it's just no fun for me.

Did you ever play Demon's Souls, or have you tried Dark on either of the consoles? It just sounds like the game isn't for you. The character is sluggish depending on the armor you're wearing, especially if you end up over X amount of weight, because it takes away your dodge. You not only walk slower, but you practically just flop to the ground when you try to dodge. The combat in the Souls games are more deliberate and "realistic" (for a video game) than most. I'm not sure if you were expecting something as quick and fluid as a DMC game, but this definitely isn't that. It's always made me think of a slower version of SoulCalibur.

This guy is full of shit though claiming that most of the combat revolves around letting them bounce off of your shield. I only used a shield for a handful of the fights and almost never for non bosses. You can get a Zweihander very early--close to the beginning--that just mows through everything until you get the Drake sword. Then you can use a shield, but it's still not needed yet.
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So, not quite a year after Skyrim was released, it went from "pretty good" (YMMV of course) to "pretty fucking awesome". Yeah, I know I bitched pretty hardcore about the magic system--which I really hated--but I mostly enjoyed everything else other than the fruity stealth and smithing mechanics. Now though, I can actually play as the kind of character that I tried playing the first time. And everything simply looks way better and is more immersive due to variety. -- awesome! -- really awesome!
Whoa some of those look awesome. Does the Skyrim Redone mod invalidate savegames though? It doesn't say so in the description but a mod that so drastically overhauls perks just might not work with a level 51 save...

edit Nevermind, tried it myself. It was kinda buggy at first but if you've got SKSE it should work alright.
Whoa some of those look awesome. Does the Skyrim Redone mod invalidate savegames though? It doesn't say so in the description but a mod that so drastically overhauls perks just might not work with a level 51 save...

edit Nevermind, tried it myself. It was kinda buggy at first but if you've got SKSE it should work alright.

I actually couldn't get Skyre to work. The game would crash everytime I would get past the Bethesda screen. I think there's a conflict with other mods though somewhere, although Skyre is modular in that you can select what changes you want applied so that it theoretically clashes less with other mods. I found some substitutes for much of what that pack does in the meantime and I'll try it again later.

Regardless, the Skyrim HD pack makes the game go from looking "really nice" without it to breathtaking in some instances with. I would just stop and stare at specific scenery because it almost looked photorealistic, especially after you turn on tree shadows as well as adjusting shadows in the ini to get rid of the blocky crap). The monster mod is great too and is like the Skyrim equiv of MMM.
Yeah SkyRe works fluently for me. I assume you have SKSE installed? That might be the problem?

And yeah, the Skyrim HD textures are jaw-dropping.

Oh, I'm sure Skyre will work by itself since so many people are using it. Whenever I would install it though, I would get a yellow exclamation mark in the mod manager, which I am assuming either means it's outdated or there's just a conflict. I have the latest version of the mod too. I tried using just the parts of Skyre that I wanted since I have other mods that will automatically conflict, but no go. I'm not too worried about it right now though with the character I'm playing, and I'll worry about it later.

Also, in case you never knew this; to make your shadows look much less shitty, you need to adjust these in your Skyrim ini found in your documents:

iBlurDeferredShadowMask= (0 is the best, 7 is the worst)
fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000 (don't change)

fShadowDistance=2000.0000 (this is the biggest factor and it's dumb. It controls both the distance the shadows will appear on screen as well as the quality. You can't have both. I set mine to the above so that the shadows are mostly smooth ((set it to 500 and look at what it does to them!)) and the draw distance is completely acceptable)

Next Skyrim dlc will be Solstheim again. The place from Bloodmoon. The Telvanni are back, along with many morrowind armors and creatures. I imagine the eruption caused a climate change. Hermaes Mora is in this one, so expect a lot of lovecraftian horror. Also, spears confirmed. The dunmer population is huge now.
I like how when you finish the Companion's questline, you are told by Kodlak that he wants you to "lead them", even though they do not officially have a "leader". They all deferred to him, even though he was only supposed to be a kind of advisor.
I never had the hate for the endings with ME3 that a lot of people had, although I did think they were pretty dumb and made all of your previous choices irrelevant. I haven't played the game since my initial playthrough, so I don't know if the added endings are any better. Dunno, ME3 did quite a few things right, but there's just something about it that didn't grab me at all like the first two.

I'm usually more concerned with gameplay--most of the time, but if the story is uninteresting that doesn't help. I think the characters in ME3 were wholly offputting besides a few and the gameplay really felt way too much like any other generic TPS. At the expense of everything else. ME1 was epic, ME2 was more personal, ME3 was just...huh?

I mean, it's kind of sad that I'm finding more reasons to play a Bethesda game again than one from my favorite series. At least it's not RE6 though right?