Gaming Thread

Just sounds more like a hardware limitation than being completely ignorant. If he's using a laptop and not a dedicated gaming PC, he won't be able to play games on a 32 - 56 (whatever he has) inch screen and get more than 5fps. Of course it depends on the age of his laptop and what he's trying to play, but things being equal the laptop is going to struggle more.

Random anecdote: I have a friend that I gave a computer that I built in 2005 to after theirs burnt up in a house fire in 2009. That thing has a Geforce (I can't even remember the model) from 2004 in it. He annoys me to death with it too though, because he tries watching Youtube full screen on his 42 inch through that piece of shit computer and you can tell how the card can barely keep up. He also drastically lowers the resolution so that it doesn't match the television just to blow the text up since he's sitting on his couch. So when he loads up Google, all you can really see is GOOG before the rest is cut off. Even though when watching Youtube in it's default state is large enough on a 42 inch screen, he insists on making it full screen; where it takes not only an eternity to load, but you get a constant flicker with the playback and it looks like shit.

Hell, I have a PC that's completely capable of running games on my 42 inch plasma, but I don't bother simply because of where my PC is situated in relation to the television. I could still hook it up if I really wanted to, but I'd end up having to have a 30 foot HDMI cable running across the floor, as well as investing in an almost equally long USB extension. For me, the only real reason I would have right now to use my television with my PC would be for watching 1080p movies simply because you can't really watch them through a USB with the PS3 due to it's limitation on file size (can't go over ~4GB). I know you can just stream it through a router, but I don't use a router.

After having just said that though, XCOM:EU is a pretty decent argument for using a much larger screen. The units are so small on a 22 inch screen.

You know what, talkingbackwards? In the spirit of keeping things amiable between us, you're right and I'm wrong.

Kind pointless after your initial reply don't you think? Unless you're just implying that you decided not to add more to it. I really have no desire to argue about something so pointless, but if you really want a big list of similarities I can supply them. And not just from myself either, but what countless reviewers as well as other gamers have said. One game being more complex, or having a different setting doesn't invalidate another game having more than a few similarities with it. And nowhere did I imply that they were identical; that was your take.

Also, the magic system in Skyrim did suck horrible ass. Not just based on my opinion on what I thought a "Mage" should be either. The skills in that game in general were horribly skewed, which is probably why within the first week there were already countless mods trying to fix them. Some people just either don't pay attention, or don't really let it bother them.
Just sounds more like a hardware limitation than being completely ignorant. If he's using a laptop and not a dedicated gaming PC, he won't be able to play games on a 32 - 56 (whatever he has) inch screen and get more than 5fps.
Yes, and attributing problems to a medium as a whole rather than your shitty hardware is ignorance.

When seeing your avatar I find it hard to believe that you're over 18 ;)

I wasn't trolling :confused:
I'm... tenuously willing to believe that you weren't, but in any case, you're talking nonsense. If I hook my PC onto my TV, believe me, I've got far better quality than any Xbox or PS3 could provide, and most controllers are just as good as console varieties, and often better given the wider array of choices in peripherals for PC.
Yes, and attributing problems to a medium as a whole rather than your shitty hardware is ignorance.

Dunno exactly where he's doing that, when he in fact already mentioned his laptop is not capable. It doesn't sound like he has a gaming PC, nor has he really spent much time with one so he's only going to know his own experiences. So yeah, in that regard he might be a bit inexperienced, but that's kind of irrelevant to what he's talking about. I don't see him claiming that consoles are superior to the PC for gaming in general, only as far as his situation is concerned.

I'm... tenuously willing to believe that you weren't, but in any case, you're talking nonsense. If I hook my PC onto my TV, believe me, I've got far better quality than any Xbox or PS3 could provide, and most controllers are just as good as console varieties, and often better given the wider array of choices in peripherals for PC.

He might not even be able to afford one, so unless you really know his financial situation, it's kind of pointless to get into a PC vs console debate. He's really just looking for information about games in general and doesn't seem to give a shit about being part of the master race.

Didn't you just post that Cracked article? Come on.
Didn't you just post that Cracked article? Come on.
I did, but what the article says doesn't mean you can just throw good manners out the window. If he'd just said, "I can't really play on PC in my situation", that'd have been different. But a post like:

seriously though why the fuck would I hook my computer to my TV (which cuts off part of the screen when using my computer regardless of settings, and isn't close to the quality when using my PS3 and use a shitty wired controller instead?

... is just silly.
I did, but what the article says doesn't mean you can just throw good manners out the window. If he'd just said, "I can't really play on PC in my situation", that'd have been different. But a post like:

... is just silly.

I agree, to an extent, but how many people around his age do you see with "good manners" or being worried about representation on the internet? That's just a generic generalization of course, but it's more often the case than not. I don't see it as a validation either; it's just pretty normal anymore. What he said just comes off to me as someone who knows their situation, so it's a "duh!" kind of thing for them, yet the rest of us have no idea where he's coming from.

And let's be honest here, it's not like half of the posters on this board don't blow up at times (some more than others, maybe myself included).
Ok, I was tired of debating about pointless crap, talkingbackwards, but you seem to want to continue.

Please show me the reviews and reviewers that say how HR was so similar to Mass Effect. I don't want fan websites or blogs or average gamers posing as real journalists. Show me real gaming journalists who stake the reputation of their company on their words. Any yahoo can say Deus Ex: HR is just like Mass Effect, but real journalists can't say shit like that if they want to keep their jobs. And don't give me some crap about how independent "journalists" (i.e. bloggers) have a more honest and valid opinion. "Countless reviewers and other gamers", as you've said, means absolutely nothing. Many "other gamers" are total morons.

Maybe I'm overlooking something. Go ahead and explain further in detail how DE:HR is so much like the Mass Effect series. Maybe you'll convert me to your way of thinking. Doubtful, but I'm open-minded. I can see how one would say the response element and some combat mechanics are similar, but other than that, they're completely different games and gaming styles.

The entire reason this debate exists is your rather rude blowing off of other people's opinions besides your own, stating how my opinion is somehow inferior to your opinion by alluding to you being somehow more enlightened or some such nonsense. Had you said, "Well, in my opinion I think they're very similar", I would've let it go. However, you had to be a complete tool about it when I didn't even insult you in the least. But me being me, if you want to open that line of dialogue, I'm more than ready and willing to accommodate you.
Any yahoo can say Deus Ex: HR is just like Mass Effect, but real journalists can't say shit like that if they want to keep their jobs.

Maybe I'm overlooking something. Go ahead and explain further in detail how DE:HR is so much like the Mass Effect series. Maybe you'll convert me to your way of thinking. Doubtful, but I'm open-minded.

For being so open-minded, you seem to speak in finalities and as I previously said, black and white. With you it seems like something is all or nothing and that there's no shades of grey.

Although just looking at the above, it's not even clear if you've made up your mind on where you actually stand since you posted contradictory statements.

Nowhere did I ever state that HR was "just like", an "exact copy", a "clone" or any of the other things you're twisting my words into meaning of Mass Effect, nor did I say it was that compared to the original Deus Ex. I guess I could have helped things by being more specific and saying Mass Effect 2, but just like the stupid blowup with Ebortion over single player games months ago, I just stupidly assumed you would know what I was talking about.

What does it have in common with Mass Effect 2?

-Both are Shooter/RPG hybrids; which is the largest reason both are compared to each other constantly, since they are both vying for the crown in that genre.
-Both take place in a futuristic sci-fi setting of their own design; although HR is closer to our timeline.
-Both have hacking
-Both have a similar feel in terms of the music
-Both have the conversation "wheel" that is mostly fully voice acted
-Both allow you to customize your character via skill points
-Both play out mostly in a third person perspective

What does it have in common with Deus Ex?
-Both allow you freedom in how you want to play, whether it's stealth, guns, hacking or pacifism (although HR fails when it comes to being able to avoid bosses)
-Both share the same in game history as well as an extremely similar style with the overall story.
-Both are set in the same cyberpunk world, where HR's is much more realized due to current tech.
-Both have an assortment of augs for you to upgrade your character with, but both have some pretty useless ones as well.

Those are just the things that the games have in common, and I could probably list about as many things that they do not have in common. How in any way does that change them from being similar?

It's also fantastically ignorant of you to act as though only a reviwer's opinion matters and that none of the actual audience of gamers that can be upwards of the millions mark matters at all. Just because there's a lot of uninformed or outright stupid opinions floating around, that doesn't make everyone else's irrelevant. It's also laughable that you would probably consider IGN a reputable source when it's a pretty well known fact that the more mainstream review sites get paid for reviews a lot. That's not a conspiracy either. I know that I cite reviews a lot myself, but I only ever use them as a guideline if I'm on the fence about something, and I never take any one review site as the final source. I also know how so many people trust review sites as the word of god or something too. I always go for the averages of multiple sources. I've also found out about so many great games that slipped under my radar through word of mouth...which is how a lot of media gets the most coverage.
Well, to be fair, you called it "Deus Effect", which in my mind means that you see it as a clone of the Mass Effect series. That's why it struck me as extremely odd.

But as an example, lemme show you how this can work with many other games.

What does DE:HR have in common with SWTOR?

-Both take place in a futuristic sci-fi setting of their own design; although HR is closer to our timeline.
-Both have hacking
-Both have the conversation "wheel" that is mostly fully voice acted
-Both allow you to customize your character via skill points
-Both play out mostly in a third person perspective

What does Deus Ex have in common with Eve Online?

-Both allow you freedom in how you want to play, whether it's stealth, guns, hacking or pacifism (although HR fails when it comes to being able to avoid bosses)
-Both are set in the same cyberpunk world, where HR's is much more realized due to current tech. (and let's be honest: the cyberpunk worlds of both DE and ME are an abyss apart, same with EO.)
-Both have an assortment of augs for you to upgrade your character with, but both have some pretty useless ones as well.

See what I did there? Using your reasoning, I used the exact same examples for two completely different games and game genres. I could go through tons of games and use those exact same examples. Of course there are some similarities between the two; that's obvious. However, "similarities" do not equal "Deus Effect". There are grey areas and there are stark differences. You seem to think that I'm incapable of accepting grey thinking...not true. Also, for the record, I said the Mass Effect series was above and beyond DE:HR, not that they didn't share any similarities. You put those words in my mouth.
Also, for the record, I said the Mass Effect series was above and beyond DE:HR, not that they didn't share any similarities. You put those words in my mouth.

Uh, no I'm not. I said that the games were similar and you blew up. I'm defending MY position, not altering yours. And dude, for real. If you're going to start with the "I never said" shit, at least read your own posts.

Mass Effect was head and shoulders above HR and in no way like it at all.

I don't understand how you think HR was similar to the original Deus Ex, aside from the title.

As for your above comparisons, neither of those games are even in the same genre as Mass Effect and Human Revolution; both of which are. If you missed the links, you may want to browse through them. This entire argument is pretty dumb regardless and started by me mentioning Dishonored again--the entire point of which was to draw your attention to that game anyway. For the record, I was never advocating anything about one series being "better" than another and I personally enjoyed the first two ME games more than probably any other games so far this generation.

In the meantime...

Ok, let's analyze this.

You said: "Do you not understand the difference between "was similar" and "was the same"? Honestly it felt more like Deus Effect than anything."

Now, let me clarify something. Earlier in a post you wrote, "I guess they didn't realize HOW SIMILAR they are to one another". Ok, maybe I'm just extrapolating badly, but that gave me the impression that:

1. You felt HR and the original Deus Ex were extremely similar, more than just a bit, as you seem to have backtracked upon, and,

2. You felt that Deus Ex played like Mass Effect.

Neither of those makes any sense to me. Ok, so now when I ask for clarification, let's see your responses:

"Do you not understand the difference between...."


"...but sorry if you would rather be all black and white with your opinions ALL OF THE TIME than use logic."

Now, just to give you an idea of how you come across (and I'm sure I'm guilty of this as well sometimes), this is the problem I have with you. I asked for a little clarification in order to understand where you're coming from, made a short post in which I expressed, "The ME series is head and shoulders above DE:HR. I don't understand how you can think these are so similar/the same". Obviously I misunderstood your intent. Then you went all, "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZORRZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!"

The original Deus Ex and DE:HR are only similar in their titles and premise of gameplay, not actual gameplay. Yes, there are RPG elements, yes there are points to put in your character, but the original DE was a phenomenal, groundbreaking game that surpassed HR in any of their shared likenesses. Of course I realize the concept and gameplay are similar...I'm not an idiot. But in the bigger picture, HR is a shadow compared to the original. So, just like I said, aside from the title, i.e., it being a Deus Ex game, HR is nothing like the original Deus Ex.


I don't see how, aside from the obvious basic and simplistic similarities between them, how ME was in any way like HR. Like I said before, just because you can flatten yourself against the wall and shoot people, that doesn't mean they're so similar.

I don't care whether or not you think they're similar; that's not what I have a problem with. I agree that they are similar, but only in very superficial ways that can be attributed to many other games as well. What I have a problem with is your being a complete dick about this just because someone disagrees with your point of view and you fucking unleash on me. I argue a lot, of course, but I NEVER treat anyone like shit unless they make the first move (unless of course I'm joking or it's for effect), online or IRL. But the thing is, you do this with just about everyone here, and it's not that we necessarily disagree with you, we may just disagree with a SMALL PART of what you're saying. Then out come the guns and berating us about how we're so short-sighted, think only in black and white ALL THE TIME, and how your way of thinking is so much more enlightened than everyone else's.

I like you, talkingbackwards. I like your points of view and I like debating with you because you're smart and know what you're talking about most of the time. But seriously...fuck you. Just because you have an opinion of something doesn't mean that it's valid or even that it's true simply based on you having said opinion. You're like the birthers who claim, "In my opinion Obama is a Muslim." But he's not! You can't have an opinion on something that isn't, and then claim you're entitled to your opinion. The bottom line for me is that while you may not be wrong per se in your assessment, just because you assess something to be a certain way doesn't mean it is because you interpret it as being so. This isn't about gaming, this is about you; the games are just an example.
You should definitely change your avatar, man. It's hard to take you seriously with that we can't figure out if you're a guy or a girl.
You should definitely change your avatar, man. It's hard to take you seriously with that we can't figure out if you're a guy or a girl.

Ha I've tried with numerous images and their always to big....

Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy any of the mass effect games at all? And TBH after seeing these videos I can't take anything about or in the game seriously...

Obviously I misunderstood your intent.


Then you went all, "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZORRZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anyone who knows how you argue knows where you would be going with your argument, and I was foolishly attempting to force you to stop and look at what was being said before you vain.

The original Deus Ex and DE:HR are only similar in their titles and premise of gameplay, not actual gameplay. Yes, there are RPG elements, yes there are points to put in your character, but the original DE was a phenomenal, groundbreaking game that surpassed HR in any of their shared likenesses.

Nostalgia goggles + opinion does not equal facts. That's just your opinion. If you can't see the similarities that's not my problem. Looking at even a handful of the hundred something reviews posted on Gamerankings by "professional" reviewers would show how much your opinion is not shared. And since many of those reviwers are "reputable", you can't help but believe them right? Not many of them would argue that HR is equal to the original (although many believe it has superior writing) in gameplay, but that it's the closest in proximity to anything else that's come since.

Of course I realize the concept and gameplay are similar...I'm not an idiot. But in the bigger picture, HR is a shadow compared to the original. So, just like I said, aside from the title, i.e., it being a Deus Ex game, HR is nothing like the original Deus Ex.

So wait, is the actual gameplay similar or aren't they? I'm confused since you said both again.

What I have a problem with is your being a complete dick about this just because someone disagrees with your point of view and you fucking unleash on me.

Not really going to say that is completely false, but it's so hilarious to see you of all people writing that. You know, pot?

I argue a lot, of course, but I NEVER treat anyone like shit unless they make the first move (unless of course I'm joking or it's for effect), online or IRL.

You are just as opinionated as I am, and will sit there disagreeing and attempting to pick apart what someone is saying no matter what it is if your opinion differs, despite any actual facts. The difference is that when I start arguing about something I usually have other sources to backup my claims. I don't like it when someone decides to just jump all over the smallest thing I've said, shit all over it and pretend it's the final word like you can do. I wasn't in the mood for it to even begin.

But the thing is, you do this with just about everyone here, and it's not that we necessarily disagree with you, we may just disagree with a SMALL PART of what you're saying. Then out come the guns and berating us about how we're so short-sighted, think only in black and white ALL THE TIME, and how your way of thinking is so much more enlightened than everyone else's.


I like you, talkingbackwards. I like your points of view and I like debating with you because you're smart and know what you're talking about most of the time. But seriously...fuck you. Just because you have an opinion of something doesn't mean that it's valid or even that it's true simply based on you having said opinion.


I'm done.
And while we're on it, Dishonored is more like an FPS Assassin's Creed than anything else, only better.

I haven't put enough time into it yet to say what it actually feels like to me, but did you ever play any of the Thief games? I can totally see the AC comparison, but the Thief games were essentially "FPS AC" games without the interrogations or the parkour. Deus Ex took the stealth aspect from the Thief games. Dishonored looked like Bioshock + Thief with the freedom of Deus Ex to me. Really can't wait to start playing it, but I'm going to finish my first playthrough of XCOM first.