Gaming Thread

Yeah I've played the Thief games...Thief is much more stealthy than Dishonored. Dishonored is tons of fun, but do you know what it really reminds me of? No One Lives Forever.
Ok, let me try to put this whole thing to you in a different light:

While HR and the original DE share some gameplay similarities, DE is a different game on another level. HR has some cool mechanics but that's all; everything else it does, DE does better. Let me repeat that. Everything ELSE it does, DE does better. Well, except maybe the hiding...that mechanic is a really good mechanic in HR.

Now as far as ME goes, you can pick apart everything I've said and try to twist this stuff and take things extremely literally without using any deductive reasoning whatsoever, but I think you know where I'm coming from and I think you know I'm right. You see, I use deductive reasoning and I picked up on your intent when you said "Deus Effect" and "just how similar these two games are". You can backtrack all you want, my friend, but your words led me to believe that you think those two games are so similar that they're almost alike. You then backtracked and hid behind the literal meaning of words, and I called you on it. ME and HR are two completely different games. They share some similarities but, as I said before, there are a million other games out there that share the exact same similarities. Aside from the responses, the hiding element, and inputting points into your character, the two games are an abyss apart. If you choose not to see that, that's fine, but it doesn't mean it's not there. I understand the similarities, however superficial they may be. You are relentless in your defense because you have realized that what you're saying holds up only in the most technically and literally of ways. Let me ask you this: When you think of Mass Effect, do you think of Deus Ex? If you say yes, you're full of it and you know it. Mass Effect is closer to KOTOR than Deus Ex, and it's a long way from KOTOR.

So wait, is the actual gameplay similar or aren't they? I'm confused since you said both again.

Read what I said again:
Of course I realize the concept and gameplay are similar...I'm not an idiot. But in the bigger picture, HR is a shadow compared to the original. So, just like I said, aside from the title, i.e., it being a Deus Ex game, HR is nothing like the original Deus Ex.

I'll repeat it:
"i.e., it being a Deus Ex game..."
What do you think that means? It's a DE game; there's stealth, ability points, and conversation choices. The similarities are there only because it's in the same franchise, but that's where it stops.

Since you are now the one looking only in black and white and refusing to use any sort of reasoning with this, let me break it down to you even further. The basic concept and gameplay in DE and HR are similar because they're both DE games, but they're not so similar in how they pull that off. They're two completely different games. Does that make sense? Think of it this way. Doom 2 and Doom 3 are similar in gameplay mechanics, right? They're both FPS horror games, both share the same weapons, both share the same character; Doom 3 is just much more polished and has better visuals and atmosphere. Would you say that Doom 2 and Doom 3 are extremely similar, so much so that you could call Doom 2 "Doom 3"? That's what you're saying with DE and HR, and you're hiding behind technicalities and literal internet arguing to prove your point. You wouldn't debate like this in person and you know it. Whether or not you're thinking critically, I can't be sure of...but I know you aren't being honest, only argumentative.
Just beat Dishonored. I took my time and beat it in 15 hours. It's really cool, although I wish it had been a bit longer...not that 15 hours isn't long, it just isn't long for a Bethesda game. It was fun and I'll be trying a second playthrough, although I hope I can do it with abilities that I already have.
Just beat Dishonored. I took my time and beat it in 15 hours. It's really cool, although I wish it had been a bit longer...not that 15 hours isn't long, it just isn't long for a Bethesda game. It was fun and I'll be trying a second playthrough, although I hope I can do it with abilities that I already have.

Bethesada has nothing to do with game other than publishing it...
While HR and the original DE share some gameplay similarities

You could have saved a lot of time by simply saying that your initial post. All I said was that it was similar and you took it from there. You kept acting as though you didn't even understand what the word meant, and I'm sorry, but you were the one who kept using black and white definitions. I say similar and you claim that I said "just like" and you kept writing as though it's all or nothing.

DE is a different game on another level.

Yeah, aren't opinions great? That's your opinion--which is shared by a great many--but that's all that it is. Seriously, you had to write a few dissertations just because you a) can't stand another person's opinion if it differs and b) you completely misread/twisted words from what was actually stated from the start.

Read what I said again

How about you read what you said again? You know, where I quoted you saying the gameplay isn't similar as well as then saying it is similar in the same post? It's as though you changed your mind on the subject within the same post, or just couldn't decide. And how in the hell can the concept and gameplay be similar, yet the games are "nothing alike"? What the fuck kind of logic is that? Nothing alike, but they have similar concepts and gameplay????
I wrote another rebuttal, but it's moot. I think we both understand where we're coming from and our own personal shortcomings have been pointed out enough as it is.

Just sayin' :)
Nah, not really. I just reiterated things I had already said, but I realized it's pointless. I like talkingbackwards even though he pisses me off sometimes, but we're very similar people so I can't get too agitated or I'd just be a hypocrite.

I just have an immediate, violent reaction to people whenever I feel slighted without cause. It is the one thing that will make me go apeshit, also IRL.

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I'm the same man. We have a very strong sense of right and wrong, and sometimes it takes us for a ride. I wouldn't worry about it too much, the occasional conflict is healthy - and at least you're sincere. I'll take a difficult but straightfoward personality over a sycophant every day. And besides, if you keep up the arguing on this board, the half-naked chick count goes up and that's never a bad thing!
I don't know what's wrong with me, but I simply, for the life of me cannot get into Dishonored much at all. I've put maybe ten hours into it so far, and pretty much have to force myself to start it up, and then I only want to play it for an hour max before getting bored. I think it's one of those game that I actually got caught up in the hype with a little bit, which I usually almost never allow--because I'm typically disappointed when I do. The prison and sewers started out so amazingly...

On this, we do not agree.

I kind of agree with you on that, but I do not agree with you about Dark Souls for the PC at all. At least not after pretty much all of the bugs had been ironed out, and the "Durante edition" fixed the ugly textures. I was hesitant on bothering with it, especially since I already had it for the PS3.