Gaming Thread

I haven't played a video game in ages but last year I saw something online about a new game, very similar to Skyrim. Big open world, bright colors, horses and dragons I think. Anyone know what I am talking about? I don't know if it is the Dragon Age game you've been talking about. Maybe, maybe not. I also read that the sequel to Skyrim has been announced...release date?
I haven't played a video game in ages but last year I saw something online about a new game, very similar to Skyrim. Big open world, bright colors, horses and dragons I think. Anyone know what I am talking about? I don't know if it is the Dragon Age game you've been talking about. Maybe, maybe not. I also read that the sequel to Skyrim has been announced...release date?

This is newer than a year old, but does any of it look familiar?

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I'm getting really tired of these shitty retro-style games completely saturating Steam. I understand that there are a few gems out there, but it's literally like 3 out of every 100 I would pay money for. Then you have the flood of shitty zombie survival games that are just terrible, like 7 Days to Die, Infestation, etc. It's the Atari video game crash all over again: a market flooded with extremely sub-par, banal, boring, and nonsensical games to the point where consumers lose faith in the entire industry and it crashes.

Video game makers have been turned into rock stars for some reason, but they need to go back to being nerds and dorks in their basements and get back to making decent games instead. Everyone seems to be so easy to please today when it comes to gaming that they praise a game simply for not being broken, even if it's complete shit.

The last game that really kept me up all night for days on end was Fallout 3. Aside from a few simulators here and there (which aren't really games) and the occasional MMO (which really isn't a game either as much as it's social entertainment in a fantasy world), I am disappoint.
tl;dr, but I'll definitely hold off on buying it until some people have actually played it. It's not the first time a Bioware game gets hyped to the moon and back, only to turn out as a dumbed down console tard experience (press 'R' to win!)


That hyped to the moon and back average.

It's almost as though this wasn't already covered just a few posts previously. And I didn't actually know that DA2 was "hyped" that much outside of one bullshit PC Gamer review.
I liked DA2 :(

I liked Origins more, but not much. It was mostly for the story and more interesting characters. The combat was awful though, and that's something DA2 improved upon (on PC at least) although the "ANOTHER WAVE" bullshit ruined any sense of actual tactics or placement. The aesthetics were very questionable too, but at least the graphics no longer looked straight out of 2005. DA:I seems to be trying to take the best of both worlds.

Bioware has "let me down" with their last two big releases, but that wasn't enough for me to completely write them off considering how many awesome games they had released over the years. Keeping my expectations in check for DA:I, but I do expect to actually like it more than the previous two DA games at least. So that's something.

ME2 is still their best modern game. is live. Set up the choices in the first two games before DAI. I was going to replay the first two once more for some continuity but I didn't have the time and I don't remember what happened in all of my saved games so this is cool.

Definitely looking forward to the Tuesday release, preloading now. is live. Set up the choices in the first two games before DAI. I was going to replay the first two once more for some continuity but I didn't have the time and I don't remember what happened in all of my saved games so this is cool.

Definitely looking forward to the Tuesday release, preloading now.

Meant to reply to this on Saturday, but was busy preparing for a three week trip to see some relatives. Thanks for the heads-up about the pre-load being available. I wasn't sure what day they were actually going to start with that, because I had been checking and never saw any info about it. GMG had my key and I was able to download it before going out of town. My relatives have internet, but I wasn't sure how fast or reliable it would be.

Was going to just play it at launch tonight, but my schedule adjusted to those I'm around now, so I'll just play it tomorrow after breakfast.

No idea what I want to play as though. I started as a Mage on Origins and 2, but had the most fun in DA2 with a damage dealing Warrior. I kind of like Warriors and Mage types equally now. Played a Fury Warrior in WoW for six years but always started out as a caster (even in that).

Got all of my choices setup right with Dragonkeep too. I was debating on whether or not to replay both games again, but I just can't stomach replaying the first game and I also bought Origins for my RPG aunt, so I'm already kind of replaying it through proxy. Been too busy replaying Dark Souls 2 for the DLC anyway.
I'm enjoying DAI so far. It has way more of a cinematic feeling to it than the prior two games. It's like DAO mixed with ME3 mixed with Skyrim.

Yep, that's exactly what I thought it was like too, although I just thought more about how I can't wait to see how ME4 looks with the engine. Wasn't necessarily getting too much of a ME vibe gameplay wise (I actually keep thinking of KOTOR) except for the horrendous AI. Somehow they managed to make it even worse than in the second game, and with the first you could at least see everyone on the field at the same time. The tactical camera in this game is pretty shitty overall. I'm playing on Hard and I can't imagine this on Nightmare with how bad the AI is. There's no way to get your members to HOLD POSITION while using abilities. It throws any sense of "tactics" out of the window since they always do whatever they want, whenever they want unless you completely shut the AI off. Then they just stand there auto attacking and you have to manually go around and use abilities for everyone.

Overall I really, truly like this game. A lot, although there's too much padding and gated padding that really is just filler to validate the "100 hours" playing time they had been touting. I wish the buying interface was better. A lot of the schematics don't say what tier they are and you can't really tell if they are able to produce better weapons or armor than what you already have. You kind of just have to guess and go with "well, it kind of costs a lot, so maybe it's an upgrade".

Graphically I think the game is mostly gorgeous. Easily the best looking non prerendered game they've ever done, and no doubt ME4 is going to look fucking amazing. The Storm Coast espeically just blew me away the first time I saw those waves. They look so nice with the clouds and rain. My only real issue with the graphics has to do with the clothing, particularly the Mage armors or any of the lighter material clothing people wear. Medium and Heavy armors almost all look superb but for some reason the more flexible materials all look like body-suit rubber or cheap pleather/vinyl. It doesn't look right at all.
Yeah agreed with most of what you said. With the tactical view, I do find that I'm pausing a lot and giving orders manually, but I don't really mind that. And because of the uselessness of merchants and crafting, I pretty much only use what I loot.

And over all I find it enjoyable as well. Flawed, but has been so far worth the time played.

Also Cassandra is hot. And Josephine too.

My current dwarf rogue is convinced that he is Jesus. ALL PRAISE DWARF JESUS!