Gaming Thread

I won't base my decision on it or anything, but I'd like to know if you guys saved Kaiden or Ashly? Let the council die or not?

I've been thinking of letting Ash die since she's a space bigot bitch, but I feel like I would be going against the cannon ending.
I won't base my decision on it or anything, but I'd like to know if you guys saved Kaiden or Ashly? Let the council die or not?

I've been thinking of letting Ash die since she's a space bigot bitch, but I feel like I would be going against the cannon ending.

There is no "canon ending", which is the entire point in those decision parts of the game.
I know there isn't one, but by default if you have no save with Mass Effect 2 the game assumes you saved her and let Kaiden die. (It also assumes Wrex is dead).

But I know what you mean guys. I'll decide on my own I just have to think hard about it. Kaiden's cool but he's kind of an old man which makes me want to pick him.
I really can't wait for ME2 now, so glad they've improved the action elements for the sequal, better fighting = more fun to put it simply.
Yeah Bioware is fuckin my shit up. I bet i'll be about ready for a break from DA just when ME2 comes out. Then sometime this year is The Old Republic. I will never have a social life.
Fuck I forgot about SWTOR, damnit, there goes the outgoing social life I've worked so hard to perfect this past year.
Morrowind FTW. I just reinstalled it after years of not playing's so much better than Oblivion that it's not even funny. Oblivion is a great game, nonetheless...just that Morrowind is a fucking masterpiece.
Absofuckinlutely DW, Morrowind always brings out of me so many more good nostalgic memories than Oblivion will anyday. Oblivion was great, but I always felt that it kind of got left in the wayside in terms of the true uniqueness that Morrowind had.
Yeah, plus Oblivion bitched out the friggin' leveling system.

Seriously...the only things missing in Morrowind are the updated graphics of Oblivion. If you could meld those two it would blow up the universe.

Oblivion didn't keep me in front of my computer for 12 hours straight like Morrowind did. I remember waking up about 10 am in my dorm room in Korea, downloading some music, play guitar a bit until about noon and then I'd order lunch to be delivered to my room. I'd start playing after I ordered and then eat and play nonstop until about 6, where I would order food again to be delivered to my room. I'd eat again and then play until about midnight, where I would then go off base and go shopping and drinking in downtown Songtan, and then come back at 4 am and restart Morrowind...EVERY WEEKEND. Weekdays? Straight to the room after work, boot up Morrowind till about 2 am. A fucking year like that.

Solitude FTW.
I played oblivion much more than Morrowind, if i could get the same combat and graphs as oblivion i would probably like it, i just cant play it without getting bored, where as i've played oblivion countless times, including right now.

its with mods though so its much better, looks way better as well so idk

and yes ME2 should be amazing.
Other than the awful Morrowind combat I agree DW.

The problem with Oblivion is there is NO reason to explore ANYTHING. When you level up, enemies level up. Yeah, Daedric armor will only drop at high levels, but you don't need it unless you're high level to begin with!

The point of leveling up is to take on tougher foes, explore places you couldn't before, get those awesome items that were unattainable. So why level up in Oblivion? Hell, not just why level up, why explore? Why go do that sidequest? You don't need the skill increases, it won't make the (easy) mainquest any easier.

Morrowind had unique items hidden throughout the world, so much more lore, backstory, and depth, not to mention you couldn't be a hero at level one.
Oh my fuck I thought you meant DLC but it's a fullblown Dragon Age expansion complete with five new characters. YEEEEEEEEEEEES! BIOWARE! YOU'RE RUINING MY SOCIAL LIFE! LITERALLY!
Anyway, as much as I love Bioware, who else is looking forward to Splinter Cell Conviction? Love that series, the last one I played was Chaos Theory but from what I've heard I didn't really miss anything special with Double Agent.

Judging by the gameplay trailers of both the single player story and the co-op "Prologue", Conviction is looking to be pure badass.