Gay bars are where its at... I'm telling you...


Mathew Cohen
I was hired by a drummer friend of mine for this gig... playing some funk guitar for about 20 minutes of jamming... got paid a nice amount... free drinks all night... had a bunch of friends come out and party...

There was a lot of gay in this place... but for some reason, there was just as much hot pussy running around... the things drunk girls will do to you at this type of event...

I'm telling you... grab a female friend of yours (preferably someone you know you don't have a shot with or aren't interested in, or are interested in, fuck it) and take her out to a place like this...

Definitely easier to pick up chicks at a gay event, they let they're guard down...


That is all...

Flame suit on.
i've had several female friends who liked to party at gay bars/clubs cuz they wouldnt be harassed by guys. so yes, they often feel less inhibited/intimidated/freaked out and party a lil more.

BUT... you have to weigh that with the fact of you getting hit on by guys all night. people coppin' feels everytime you go get a drink... no thank you. aint fuckin worth it.
Crispy: why do think that is? its no different than the reason guys buy girls drinks... they hope the alcohol will loosen you up. know when to say when man... thats one place you dont want to pass out!
BUT... you have to weigh that with the fact of you getting hit on by guys all night. people coppin' feels everytime you go get a drink... no thank you. aint fuckin worth it.

I was there for about 5 hours... didn't happen once... like i said... find the gals and dance with them... seriously...

I honestly don't expect anyone to take this into practice... hell, I don't plan to go this route... I'm just saying, if you're daring or desperate, this would most likely work for you... I stumbled onto this gem by accident...

Plus, for some reason, gay guys like to undress the girls on the dance floor... so, if nothing else, you're dancing with naked/half-naked chicks...
There's no way, no extremity of desperation great enough to make me dance for a girl. That's going too low, in my opinion. I have strong values against metalheads party-dancing for a chick.
i personally love dancing, i have a blast. from swing to hip hop to merengue, i love it. and at parties or clubs, most guys share your perspective and wont do it... which is one of the reasons i used to get so much play :rock:
i personally love dancing, i have a blast. from swing to hip hop to merengue, i love it. and at parties or clubs, most guys share your perspective and wont do it... which is one of the reasons i used to get so much play :rock:

Dancing is awesome. i like to get shitfaced and then dance like a retard, wreck the place and black out. so much more fun than sitting in a corner and being metal.

especially at weddings.
I didn't mean to be disrespectful, and no, I too would have to admit that I don't consider myself a "metalhead", but I don't know, some things are just inculcated in me. Maybe because I saw many of my metal friends turn into dance-party people poseurs in order to get some pussy whilst I was growing up and ditching the things they cared about and lost themselves to superficial things. It's a different scene where I live, and maybe its reflected in my ideals. The thing is, people do it even if they don't like it, just for the pussy.

If you're all hip and all that jizz, fine. If you like it, fine. But if you just do it as a necessity, I kinda look down on that. I'm not directing this at anyone, just my outlook on any individual.
If you're all hip and all that jizz, fine. If you like it, fine. But if you just do it as a necessity, I kinda look down on that. I'm not directing this at anyone, just my outlook on any individual.

I agree... sometimes its fun to dance... it definitely doesn't hurt your chances of getting laid... but be careful, women will equate your dance skills with your love-makin' skillz...