
Hey Salami! what's the difference between this moro thing and downloading torrents from places such as the pirate bay or mininova?

I am too lazy to find out when the new episodes of american shows are
online, this program basicly makes it automatic so I don't have to worry
when the new program is online, it just downloads it when it is.
I follow so many american shows right now it's not easy to know when
the new episode has aired, especially with all the off seasons they have
and whatnot.
I follow so many american shows right now it's not easy to know when
the new episode has aired, especially with all the off seasons they have
and whatnot.

Except unfortunately of late we're mostly talking next year, even if they solve the strike situation by Christmas. :(

Just out of curiosity, Salmy, do you keep updated with so many shows because you like them (or most of them), or is it more of a quest-for-the-horrid kind of thing? Because for me it's the latter, and I actively enjoy watching no more than 4-5 of the current shows.
@rahvin: since you're talking shows (heh), can i ask you a favor? i'm going to be home for christmas and would like to present my mother with everything that is available in the 'ugly betty' series. can you help? thankies :)
I just tend to watch anything that seems remotely interesting, some are great,
most of it just to pass the time. There is some that I eventually buy on DVD,
like Deadwood, Scrubs, Stargate: Atlantis and Lost, but most I just watch and
delete. I tend to steer away from the real horrid shows like Ugly Betty and
Desperate Housewives ;)
Maybe they were in a shared folder and that's actually the crime he's being accused of. I hate the RIAA as much as anybody, but don't you think they're also the ones spreading scare (fake) stories to keep the average pirate Joe always on edge?
Well, could be... if it wasn't for the huge story earlier where one of
their bonehea... lawyers said that copying your own CDs to MP3
format is actually illegal as far as they are concerned.
(You can look for that story yourself, I'm too lazy... ok, fine, here
is a link you lazy bums: Linkety link link)

Now, it wouldn't be a huge leap of faith to conclude that this is
actually a dude that has just made some MP3s out of his CDs for
his personal enjoyment.

If any of the above makes/doesn't make sense, it's most likely cos
I've slept too much/little in the last few days, you decide.
I have a problem with certain applications that I haven't been able to solve even after hours of extreme googling.

Basically, certain .exe files belonging to several unrelated applications (if you must know: Window's character map; the installer of an original copy of Adobe Photoshop CS3; the User Accounts application from the control panel; the file for playing the game Dark Messiah of Might and Magic) do absolutely nothing when I click on them. I tried all of the obvious solutions, aside from reinstalling Windows XP. All of these applications (with the exception of Photoshop) have run at least once on this machine, with the current OS before. The registry seems to be in order, and the system is very stable in general (never had a blue-screen crash or need-to-reboot-to-fix issue).
The executables, once clicked, leave no trace in the Task Manager, with the possible exception of yet another application (Amazon's music downloader) which sits there idly until you stop it. No report of errors is saved on the computer, either. I'm running an up-to-date version of Win XP with updated video and motherboard drivers for rather high-end hardware. Any clue?
@rahve: that did occur to me when a plug-in for FF did not work right. it was an Adobe plug-in. it did not load, and it did stop all the rest from doing so; it gave no news about an error, too. when i did close FF (with ctrl-alt-canc) all ran fine again, the only issue being that it did start all at the same time with a bit of chaos. i do not know if it is only that one plug-in that does so, maybe there are more.
@rahve: that did occur to me when a plug-in for FF did not work right. it was an Adobe plug-in. it did not load, and it did stop all the rest from doing so; it gave no news about an error, too. when i did close FF (with ctrl-alt-canc) all ran fine again, the only issue being that it did start all at the same time with a bit of chaos. i do not know if it is only that one plug-in that does so, maybe there are more.

Thanks, but that's not it. It seems that these applications are all of a sudden unable to initialize. There's nothing unheard of in my active process window, and stopping the unnecessary ones does nothing to solve this either.
@Rav: My first inclination is that is a registry error. I'm not windows certified or anything, but that just sounds like a registry issue. You've tried reinstalling the affected programs, right? I guess that would fall under obvious problems... I'm not sure. Tried any tech support options?
i once had the same problem when i installed a new driver for my graphic card. I had to format the hard drive and reinstall windows.
@DoC: I was leaning towards "registry issue" too, thanks for corroborating my impression. It seems to me that for something to work at first and then stop working, either the application itself broke (but of course multiple applications breaking in the same way seems too much of a coincidence) or something in the registry got messed up. Tech forums are rather black or white on this: it's always either the specific application's fault or there's some huge issue that's supposed to affect all programs of a certain type (while it's really hit and miss with me).

I checked my registry with a program used to clean up unwanted entries, didn't remove anything yet as nothing stood out as a likely culprit. Might check again at some point.

@Dark Silence: I remember updating the card drivers right after experiencing the issue, and the newer version didn't improve matters. I concur (heh), reformatting would likely work with no questions asked, but I'm lazy and nervous when it gets to big changes to my system, so I was looking for explanations and quick fixes.
@DoC: I was leaning towards "registry issue" too, thanks for corroborating my impression. It seems to me that for something to work at first and then stop working, either the application itself broke (but of course multiple applications breaking in the same way seems too much of a coincidence) or something in the registry got messed up. Tech forums are rather black or white on this: it's always either the specific application's fault or there's some huge issue that's supposed to affect all programs of a certain type (while it's really hit and miss with me).

I checked my registry with a program used to clean up unwanted entries, didn't remove anything yet as nothing stood out as a likely culprit. Might check again at some point.

Well, in this circumstance I hardly think it is any individual program (as I'm sure you agree) and almost definitely windows. Did you try running any anti-virus? I don't think its a virus (they tend not to exhibit such symptoms) but it couldn't hurt. Tech forums, I agree, can be often spotty. I was thinking along the lines of perhaps someone more qualified to answer. For fixing it, I usually use a respected program (personally, I use Tune-Up Utilities, a decent all-around maintenence program that does lack a de-fragger, but that's about it) and go from there. Try anything involving rootkits? I don't quite understand them, but they sometimes can cause problems as well.
Well, in this circumstance I hardly think it is any individual program (as I'm sure you agree) and almost definitely windows. Did you try running any anti-virus? I don't think its a virus (they tend not to exhibit such symptoms) but it couldn't hurt. Tech forums, I agree, can be often spotty. I was thinking along the lines of perhaps someone more qualified to answer. For fixing it, I usually use a respected program (personally, I use Tune-Up Utilities, a decent all-around maintenence program that does lack a de-fragger, but that's about it) and go from there. Try anything involving rootkits? I don't quite understand them, but they sometimes can cause problems as well.

I think we can rule out the virus/spyware option... I keep the system monitored through the usual channels and they never reported anything out of the ordinary. I'll download Tune-Up Utilities tomorrow and let you know if I see anything suspicious, thanks!
As for rootkits, you got me there: I have no clue what they are. Can I still hope for a pass mark if I look it up and show up again tomorrow? :p

Edit: Took a quick look at that software's features... I do have a generic cleanup program (the freeware CleanUp! application) and the aforementioned registry cleaner (can't remember the name). I'll get Tune-Up anyway, though, it's worth a check. I would really love to at least get an error message for those processes not starting.