
I'm not switching to Vista for a while

I really don't blame you, this shit is very unstable and anything that makes it
better is not worth the pain. I will install XP on this system tomorrow, I can't
take it when my programs work however they feel like and crash at random
times and with no way to fix it, so far Miro and iTunes are fucking up.

Miro was working fine, then all of a sudden it stopped loading and what I can
gather from their forums it won't be fixed until next version or later and I really
don't wanna wait that long.

iTunes is hilarious, you try to resize it and it crashes, funny shit.

And of course there is the stupid little stuff that would just take too long to
explain here, let's just say, if it ain't fucking broke, leave it the fuck alone.
I really don't understand the problems people are having with Vista. I don't love it at all, don't get me wrong, but I've never had compatibility issues, crashes, anything remotely negative except maybe two or three BSODs in almost a year, and those hang-ups were driver based (drivers I installed). Though I try to be prudent and highly selective of the software I install, I just don't get the problems. I do count myself to be lucky, but I just find strange.
Let me bring it over here:

I'd love to get a 4870 but I lack the cash - even though a good card is between 300-350$. Unfortunately it also requires two six-pin connectors from the power supply, and my current 500w power supply only has one, so I would also have to invest in a new and better power supply. I don't have the cash.

My favorite article as of today:


I'm going for at least 1000W :)

Triple-SLI is an overkill as of today, but SLI is making sense so far =) I just don't get why everyone of those reviewers mentions money - well, if you decide to go with 2-3 graphic cards than you have money and, maybe, need for it, why cost has to be a negative thing here? High price is necessary evil, whatever.

Anyway... in other news: iPhones firmware 2.0 is most motherfucking brilliant thing EVER. I'm poking at a bunch of applications (and Poker, of course =), it's just amazing. I didn't realize how cool SDK was and was totally not interested in it, but after watching all the coverage and seeing how many really crappy programs are launched in the app store... well, I just need to come up with an idea for a money maker :D

I'm getting a Mac next week.

Most likely.
I gotta say I've wanted a Mac for a long time and depending on what games are out in 3
years or so, I might get one too. I do love their design and the software side is pretty
good too. And hey, I just love my iPod (s, if you count the Shuffle too).

Speaking of iPod, I just got the game Song Summoner for mine, it's gonna be great waste
of time on my trip to Finland tomorrow and of course I got 2 Audiobooks from iTunes Store
as well, William Gibsons Pattern Recognition and Caleb Carrs The Alienist, which is a bit
older, but should be cool.
You hate google yet you like apple....interesting.

You do realize that they are just fugly ibm PCs right? If you get one at least dual boot and use Ubuntu as your main OS dude. Then you can boot ( or use vmware ) to do all that ultra fancy design programs I'll never understand without totally selling your soul to steve jobs.
Well, yeah, if I wanted Linux I would definetly not go for a Mac, I plan to
install it on my other laptop when I get it back from my work buddy who
has it with him on his vacation.

The reason I like OS X is very simple, it's based on FreeBSD and I always
liked FreeBSD, maybe even more than Linux in fact.

In any case, it seems I won't be installing XP on my new laptop, since Dell
apparently doesn't have drivers for it... even tho you can order it with XP,
made my head spin a bit that one did :hypno:
Guess I have to figure the fixes on my own like always.
I can see why you'd like a BSD like system, but I still prefer what I use: Arch Linux. Basically a Linux distro with a really good package manager that tries to do things like BSD a little bit. Plus is rolling release so that means after the first install you just forget about it and just keep upgrading indefinitely.

But that still leaves out your hate of google when Apple is a much more questionable organization if you ask me.
In any case, it seems I won't be installing XP on my new laptop, since Dell apparently doesn't have drivers for it... even tho you can order it with XP, made my head spin a bit that one did :hypno:
Guess I have to figure the fixes on my own like always.

Ask support - they allegedly don't have XP drivers, but if you are persistent enough - you can get them (I fooled myself like that, but then someone told me how he got his XP drivers - true story!)

Not sure if that was Dell or HP though, but it's the same story everywhere with not providing XP drivers for Vista systems (why would they offer $99 upgrade for Windows XP Pro then if they didn't have drivers?)
I can see why you'd like a BSD like system, but I still prefer what I use: Arch Linux. Basically a Linux distro with a really good package manager that tries to do things like BSD a little bit. Plus is rolling release so that means after the first install you just forget about it and just keep upgrading indefinitely.

Yeah, I tried Arch a while back and most likely will go back to it when
I need a distro for my other laptop. I would go for BSD, but I haven't
kept up with their development, so I'm not sure if it would still work
with that particular laptop, it didn't last time.

But that still leaves out your hate of google when Apple is a much more questionable organization if you ask me.

Well, maybe it's cos I don't have to deal with Apple daily, unlike Google
which I have to suffer daily. Anyway, my Google hate is long rooted,
I think I've mentioned it in this thread a while ago.

Ask support - they allegedly don't have XP drivers, but if you are persistent enough - you can get them (I fooled myself like that, but then someone told me how he got his XP drivers - true story!)

Not sure if that was Dell or HP though, but it's the same story everywhere with not providing XP drivers for Vista systems (why would they offer $99 upgrade for Windows XP Pro then if they didn't have drivers?)

Yeah, I will have to check it out, but unfortunately the XPS support is in
outsourced support hell aka India and I definetly won't be calling them again.

I think I will call the sales department instead, I have the number for the guy
that sold me the unit, I'm fairly certain he can help me since he had an XPS
himself and they do sell it with XP.

Just incase I will get me a USB Floppy drive that should make me able to
install XP with some 3rd party SATA drivers, if I can't find the Dell ones.
They don't use iPods where you leave? They don't have indie rockers, artfag moviegoers, you know...apple users? I would think Sweden would have at least a little bit of these tools you know.
They don't use iPods where you leave? They don't have indie rockers, artfag moviegoers, you know...apple users? I would think Sweden would have at least a little bit of these tools you know.

Well, there are people with iPods, but they don't really brag about it much at
work, since we're supposed to support another brands MP3 players, even tho
having tried those, iPod wins 100% of the time on pretty much every issue,
the only one I can think of they have worse is the non-user replaceable, but
then again, that is not only an iPod issue.

Indie rockers, well, I wouldn't know how to recognise one in any case, unless
they are somehow openly gay about it and since we don't have a "real" movie
theatre here (We have one that gets everything months later) we don't have
the artfags either. So, no, no real Apple users, I know of one in the whole
company and even he knows when to shut up about it, which is pretty much
every time he talks to us ;)

But let me remind you, I live in a village with about 3500 people, so it's not a
real surprise, if I lived somewhere bigger, I might hate Apple more, right now
I save my hate for other things, like Google and fucking Vista.

I have to say I'm happy with Vista on my parents Laptop, but that might be
cos I don't have to use it daily and I don't run most of my programs on it.
Also the problems I've had with this machine I've managed to fix quite easy,
like the too sensitive touchpad that would bounce the cursor when I was
typing (my parents don't have an "external" keyboard like I do, I might have
this issue on my laptop too, but I hardly typed anything on it cos I have an
extra keyboard (which funny enough is the same size as the one on the

Still haven't fixed those few issues I have with foobar on my Vista unit, so if
for some odd reason I don't get XP on that unit, I may have to look into it,
before a reinstall (which I have to do due to some other issues).

In any case, I'm on vacation in Finland and the first thing I had do today is
fix the printer on this machine that seems to get lost when it's powered off.
And of course the cursor issue I mentioned, but that one is fixed.
Ah, third world countries not yet graced by almighty iPhone :heh:

After that - who really needs an iPod?

Someone with more music than fits on the iPhone?

And yes Mis, I was defending the iPod, not really cos I like Apple mind you,
but cos I happen to like my iPod, show me a better mp3 player and I call
you a liar :heh:
Triple-SLI is an overkill as of today, but SLI is making sense so far =) I just don't get why everyone of those reviewers mentions money - well, if you decide to go with 2-3 graphic cards than you have money and, maybe, need for it, why cost has to be a negative thing here? High price is necessary evil, whatever.

Also, triple-SLi = furnace inside of a computer. You would definitely need an aftermarket cooler to over-clock.

Also, I was wrong about the price point, but in 3dmark06 the 4870 is pretty damn impressive. I think that the card you have would be enough for me (if I could buy anything right now), I'm not interested in overkill and I don't have a ton of money, but if I was doing a completely new build the 4870 is a similar price to what the 8800GTS was when I got it a year ago (8800 GT wasn't out yet, missed it by a month which made me very mad). Needless to say I would have went with that instead.

Anyway... in other news: iPhones firmware 2.0 is most motherfucking brilliant thing EVER. I'm poking at a bunch of applications (and Poker, of course =), it's just amazing. I didn't realize how cool SDK was and was totally not interested in it, but after watching all the coverage and seeing how many really crappy programs are launched in the app store... well, I just need to come up with an idea for a money maker :D

Bahaha, glad you're enjoying your phone. If I could get one, I would, but I'm under contract with another carrier (through my university, actually) because I get a really, really good plan with some decent phones available for cheap (but no other reason). Still, the iPhone will likely make another killing, and rightfully so.

Also, @Sal and Plintus: Don't ever buy a Mac for the operating system. If you like it a lot, you could obtain it (legally or otherwise - I'm not going to tell you what to do), XP and your favorite Linux distro and triple boot them. Apple does make money on Mac hardware because they are over-priced for the components you get. That isn't to say the components are bad, but I've always thought you could get a similar PC for a couple hundred dollars less. If you really love Apple and want the case/accessories that go with it, that's one thing, but if its the operating system - well, you can run that on a PC that's a couple hundred dollars better for the same price, with a ton more customization.

/off-topic: To me, OS wars on other boards I visit are always hilarious. Who cares? You can run them all if you want to.
Someone with more music than fits on the iPhone?

And yes Mis, I was defending the iPod, not really cos I like Apple mind you,
but cos I happen to like my iPod, show me a better mp3 player and I call
you a liar :heh:

I can show you a ton of cheaper mp3 players, that certainly makes em "better" in my book. If you like to pay premium for an interface and looks then you deserve to be paying more.
I can show you a ton of cheaper mp3 players, that certainly makes em "better" in my book. If you like to pay premium for an interface and looks then you deserve to be paying more.

On an aside because this wasn't brought up previously, but for extreme amounts of storage, there is no alternative to Apple that I'm aware of. 120GB isn't touched by another manufacturer, and after that you have the Zune and Cowon at ~80GB. It depends on how much storage you need. I've done quite a bit of the research because I have about 50 or so GB of music that expands often, and I want it all with me. At the lower GB range, the ipods become less and less practical - there are more and better alternatives. But as far as the space is concerned, its hard to compete with the iPod in that regard.

@ Plintus: Enjoy your OS. I have a friend running a Hackintosh HP notebook, and he enjoys it plenty. He said it wasn't difficult at all to install, so I'd encourage experimenting.