
It has been out for a while and only recent models have screens and video playback afaik. Besides that really strains your eyes, I don't recommend you try to shrink anything other than maybe cartoons and anime to such an inappropriate screen. The bare minimum for on the go movies should be a screen at least the size of a PSP.
If you can still afford the hooker after paying for the imac and ipod then you must have a great job/are single, and my job is neither great nor am I single so good for you, I have to mind my expenses.

On the plus side you have to pay for sex and I dont :p
There is a new search engine started by couple of old Google people and someone from IBM,
it's called Cuil and I hope it will get popular and grow, so I can finally replace Google :)

From "About Cuil" :

Cuil.com said:
Welcome to Cuil—the world’s biggest search engine. The
Internet has grown. We think it’s time search did too.

The Internet has grown exponentially in the last fifteen years but search engines
have not kept up—until now. Cuil searches more pages on the Web than anyone
else—three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft.

Rather than rely on superficial popularity metrics, Cuil searches for and ranks
pages based on their content and relevance. When we find a page with your
keywords, we stay on that page and analyze the rest of its content, its concepts,
their inter-relationships and the page’s coherency.

Then we offer you helpful choices and suggestions until you find the page you
want and that you know is out there. We believe that analyzing the Web rather
than our users is a more useful approach, so we don’t collect data about you
and your habits, lest we are tempted to peek. With Cuil, your search history is
always private.

Cuil is an old Irish word for knowledge. For knowledge, ask Cuil.

I really like their philosophy as well:

Cuil.com said:
Cuil analyzes the Web, not its users

Privacy is a hot topic these days, and we want you to feel totally comfortable using our service. Because
Cuil analyzes Web pages and not click-throughs, we don’t need to know your search history and habits. So
our privacy policy is very simple: when you search with Cuil, we do not collect any personally identifiable
information, period. We have no idea who sends queries: not by name, not by IP address, and not by
cookie. Your search history is your business, not ours. We don’t need to keep logs of our users’ search
activity, so we don’t. For further details, read our Privacy Policy. Don’t worry, it’s short and to the point.
No legal mumbo-jumbo.

I for one am tired of Google and especially their rather shady privacy policies and all the legal
mumbo-jumbo of it, so I welcome this new site and hopefully the new search method will
work better than Google as well, it's different in any case.
The recent Viacom vs. YouTube lawsuit should already make you want to move from Google
and their stupid "we log everything you do" policies.

I have been testing Cuil a bit and so far it seems pretty ok, it's a bit slow and the results are
mainly american sites, which some might find bad, but I love it.
There is no stupid localization here, which I hate about Google, if I type Google.com I wanna
go to Google.com, not Google.se, just cos I happen to live in Sweden.
I don't read Swedish, so 50% of the results are useless and yes, I know I could change it by
accepting their cookie, but here we get to my trust issues with Google again.

The results are displayed better, IMO, than Google too, 2 or 3 columns with a small picture
and a fairly long snippet of the page with the result, so far I like it, no endless scrolling like
on most Google searches.

There is a lot of stuff about Google I hate, one of them being all the reseller sites you get
when searching for example for reviews, Cuil doesn't seem to have this issue, this might be
due to the way the engine searches or it could be cos they haven't payed Cuil to put them
on top, I don't really know if Google does this, but I wouldn't be surprised or maybe the
resellers just abuse the Google engine, which seems more likely.

In any case, here you don't get 3 pages of resellers when looking for a review on something.

I haven't accepted Cuils cookie yet, so I'm not sure how much things can be changed, I will
save this for when I get back from my vacation and on to my own computer.

Anyway, the site should get better with the speed and results, they were a bit surprised by
the popularity it seems, the site was reported by a few tech sites, so they had a rush of
people testing the engine and apparently their servers weren't quite up to that yet.
I guess a lot of people want an alternative to Google, competition can never be bad.

They seem to be up now and working quite fast.
Check it out here: Cuil.com
Heard of Cuil, and without the Google prejudice I found it passable but not as good. I've not searched for something so obscure I couldn't find it within two or three pages of Google search - a Google-killer it isn't. That being said, I hope it works out well for you Sal :p
Well well, router is back up and running and this time it seems to be able to stand BitTorrent traffic
too, pays to loan shit to your friends so they update firmware and do a year long load testing (didn't
need the router until now anyways) :)

This directly lead to me installing Linux on my other laptop and using it as a PDF/Comic reader,
maybe I will finally read all those 30GB of comics and how ever many ebooks I have.

Also now I can have my Xbox 360 online as well...

and still have 5 ports open, 1 would be used by my desktop machine, but I decided not to bother
with it for now, maybe later if I get an LCD TV I will use it as a my BitTorrent machine since it has
a graphics card with working drivers (laptop has fucking Nvidia who apparently haven't even heard
of theather mode, even when Ati has done it well for ages, they claim it's for Vista compatibility,
but I don't see this slow Ati at all, I think it's just cos Nvidia coders sucks).

Also started and finished Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox 360 and by finish I mean threw it away in anger
since it's the same pile of shit as the first one. *hint, hint* fighting games are actually supposed
to be fun.
Oh well, now I get to play CoD4 again, this time with super graphics and maybe I will test the new
Prince Of Persia a bit too.
Those games all suck just wait for Fallout 3.

I just read an extensive summary (from most media sources to this point - what's been seen, read in press and whatever it's going to be according to the official sources) about forthcoming F3, and I'm not fucking impressed.

It's going to suck, I'm afraid.

I'm playing Tiger Woods 08 on PS3, and just realized it supports PS2, and those games are like $5 each [/off to the FYE]
I just read an extensive summary (from most media sources to this point - what's been seen, read in press and whatever it's going to be according to the official sources) about forthcoming F3, and I'm not fucking impressed.

It's going to suck, I'm afraid.

Yes but its going to suck less hard than all the shit he mentioned like CoD 4. Call me crazy I'd take Oblivion with guns over any of that shit anyday.
Oh yeah, Fallout is so totally gonna SUCK.
I DON'T want Oblivion with guns, I want fucking Fallout.

As for CoD4, it's still the best shooter out right now that requires some
kick from the machine and is still fun to play, unlike that monster filled
shit called Crysis.

Prince of Persia was totally fucking impossible on a PC, the camera is
even worse than on a console, if you can believe that.

Aaand of course now the first HDD on that laptop is broken, good thing
I have a 3 year next day warranty on it, but I'm not impressed.
At least I didn't pay that warranty for nothing tho :)

Always look on the bright side...
Yes but its going to suck less hard than all the shit he mentioned like CoD 4. Call me crazy I'd take Oblivion with guns over any of that shit anyday.

Call of Duty 4 is the best online shooter I played in recent years, and I've seen probably all of them (for PC at least).

Oh yeah, Fallout is so totally gonna SUCK.
I DON'T want Oblivion with guns, I want fucking Fallout.

The area is smaller than Oblivion, there will be hundreds of NPC, not thousands like in Oblivion, but they said to had written "daily cycles" for each NPC and blah-blah-blah - too much stuff to translate, I didn't like Oblivion - it's still collecting dust somewhere on my shelves.

To me looks like F3 is going to be another great franchise exploitation, I'll take a look at it to state final opinion, but I'm not crazy about it and not anticipating anything revolutionary, like F2 was for me.

Games I'm looking forward to are: Spore, Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, The Lich King for WoW, I will check out Warhammer Online, but recent MMORPGS didn't make me stay long enough in front of the PC :(

Oh, and got Devil May Cry 4 for PS3 last night (collector's edition which I was looking for for some time), I mussay all these Japanese games are interactive movies - this is another one along with MGS4. Playing LEGO Star Wars, going to get LEGO Indiana Jones - awakens the big kid in me :)
Call of Duty 4 is the best online shooter I played in recent years, and I've seen probably all of them (for PC at least).

I played it at work. Extensively if I might add. It is an online shooter and its a good one at that but come on, its like saying "yeah this is the best and most beautiful rock Ive ever found" that might be so but its still just a plain damn rock, as well as COD still is just another plain damn FPS. The novelty wore off about 10 years ago by now, only console kids still find em amusing cause they never went through a decent FPS experience before.

The area is smaller than Oblivion, there will be hundreds of NPC, not thousands like in Oblivion, but they said to had written "daily cycles" for each NPC and blah-blah-blah - too much stuff to translate, I didn't like Oblivion - it's still collecting dust somewhere on my shelves.

The question would be did you like Morrowind? Cause it might not be your thing to have a huge sandbox RPG, you do have to have a strange mindset akin to a LARPer to like it.

Also undust it and do the dark brotherhood quests. I'd take you 2 or 3 hours but you won't regret it that was the only redeemable "story" part of Oblivion.

To me looks like F3 is going to be another great franchise exploitation, I'll take a look at it to state final opinion, but I'm not crazy about it and not anticipating anything revolutionary, like F2 was for me.

I'd have enough elements of the first 2 games to make it stand out above all RPG/Shooter hybrids out there, definitely better than Bioware lame attempts like Mass Effect and the dumbed down, carbon copy of System Shock 2 Bioshock.

Games I'm looking forward to are: Spore, Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, The Lich King for WoW, I will check out Warhammer Online, but recent MMORPGS didn't make me stay long enough in front of the PC :(

LOL WoW expansion. To me the only way to play any mmo its on free server with sanity hacks like 3x or 5x experience so I can enjoy it for 1 or 2 months and then just keep my account alive while the next patch is up or when people make a raid invitation at a specific date and time.

Mirror's Edge now you are talking something I could really play, if they pull it off it would be the best FPS ( minus the S'ing ) since Half Life 2.

Oh, and got Devil May Cry 4 for PS3 last night (collector's edition which I was looking for for some time), I mussay all these Japanese games are interactive movies - this is another one along with MGS4. Playing LEGO Star Wars, going to get LEGO Indiana Jones - awakens the big kid in me :)

JRPGs are a lot better than the DMC series if you want Linear stories since at least you get to grind your characters and do a strategy of sorts for he battles.

And surprisingly, the consoles of choice for JRPGS seems to be the 360 but I much more recommend a Nintendo DS since this are the games I own and plan to own for the DS that are better that any other rpg out there this last gen:

-The World Ends with you
-Final Fantasy III
-Final Fantasy IV ( Now playing it )
-Final Fantasy V and VI for GBA
-Tales of Phantasia GBA
-Breath of Fire II GBA
-Tales of Innocence ( im hoping a translation proyect takes it further but for the time I won't buy a flash card for an incomplete translation patch )
-Etrian Odyssey
-Etrian Odyssey II ( need to get this )
-Castlevania Portrait of Ruin ( not a full fledged RPG but still mad fun )
-Castlevania Aria of Sorrow ( need to get this )
-Chrono Trigger DS remake in glorious 2D
-Game with no name ( good chance it will get ported )
-Dragon Quest IV remake

And thats not even mentioning the ones that im not into like strategy RPGs ( FFTA2, Disgaega DS ( no I won't try to spell it right ) etc )
I played it at work. Extensively if I might add. It is an online shooter and its a good one at that but come on, its like saying "yeah this is the best and most beautiful rock Ive ever found" that might be so but its still just a plain damn rock, as well as COD still is just another plain damn FPS. The novelty wore off about 10 years ago by now, only console kids still find em amusing cause they never went through a decent FPS experience before.

Well, I picked up Team Fortress 2, so cool and awesome looking, but boring as fuck, I hardly spent 30 minutes playing. Quake Wars - I didn't like that one a bit (plus it's painfully slow, while other games run smoothly). COD4 is really dynamic compared to those 2, especially when you have, like, 50 people running around on the same map. It's fun, unlike many other shooters.

The question would be did you like Morrowind? Cause it might not be your thing to have a huge sandbox RPG, you do have to have a strange mindset akin to a LARPer to like it.

I have Oblivion for PS3, and no, I don't like it. I much rather prefer huge world of a MMORPG, where I can do whatever I want, instead of interacting with just NPCs, no matter how cool and life-like they are scripted. Morrowind in it's time was quite exciting, but I didn't manage to grasp all the reported beauty of it, as the universe simply didn't click with me.

It just bored me.

Also undust it and do the dark brotherhood quests. I'd take you 2 or 3 hours but you won't regret it that was the only redeemable "story" part of Oblivion.

I much rather play golf in new Tiger Woods :)

JRPGs are a lot better than the DMC series if you want Linear stories since at least you get to grind your characters and do a strategy of sorts for he battles.

I picked up Final Fantasy XII for PS2 (my PS3 is compatible), I like it so far, as of newer games - I still need to beat GTAIV and get back to Metal Gear Solid 4 - the pile of games and movies continues to grow, I wish I had more time for all of that :)
I liked Oblivion because the universe did click with me. Same features on a sci-fi setting I'd probably get bored with sooner. I think the conundrum is that the best things about Oblivion were also the most frustrating: scaling mobs, open-ended but never-changing... Mods made it better and at times were the only thing making it bearable, yet I know I'm jonesing for the next chapter. I'm going to try anything by Bethesda, but I think most reviewers have it right when they say that the line between being some unknown publisher with an obscure new project every five year and being a watermark-heavy company like Blizzard is getting thin. In music people tend to want products that sound alike, and in gaming they seem to prefer clones over creativity as well.
...people tend to want products that sound alike, and in gaming they seem to prefer clones over creativity as well.

You can't have groundbreaking and revolutionary projects more often than periodically, sane publisher won't put up [a lot of] money into something conceptually new and won't kill the goose that lays golden eggs.

Number of original projects is on PlayStation Network for PS3 - mini-games and stuff $5-10 a game (Pain, Pixejunk Projects), for smaller platforms (I'd say DS, correct me if I'm wrong as I don't own it), coming Spore puts an interesting twist on several genres, so we'll see how it actually goes with it. And I'm quite curious about Valve's Left 4 Dead (hopefully decent co-op, first since... when?)