Get Shpongled: Kevin's Ultimate Chillout/Ambient Recommendations Thread

Solar Fields makes me happy. Let it play in the background of whatever you're doing now :)

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H.U.V.A. Network

(Humans Under Visual Atmospheres)

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if anyone is into droney, glitchy stuff like tim hecker and fennesz, I've been really getting into these guys belong lately.

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Chronos is pretty rad. Fox Mulder samples included :lol:

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One of my favorites right now:

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Ahhh been waiting for this for a while now. The first Hoopy Frood record was really good, and when it was announced their next one would be produced by none other than OTT himself, I knew it was going to be just as good. However, there seems to be a lot more vocals on this new one, which isn't really a bad thing, but I've always seemed to enjoy this kind of music with very little or no vocals at all just a bit more. Either way, it's still an amazing record and it clearly showcases the Ott touch in the production. I'd even go as far as saying I'd believe this was some other kind of new Ott project if I didn't know what it was before I heard it.

The album is called Indigo and it's out now, so you can probably find it online rather easily. Here's a track.

edit: I should also mention that this album has electric guitar solos slathered all over it and they are awesome! This almost like a psychedelic rock band/electronic dub hybrid. Really interesting stuff.
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Damn, only one song deep and the new Infected Mushroom is totally ruling.

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Two amazing songs:

And just because I remembered this awesome was also in Garden State, I'll post it too:

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Starting my morning with this song. Fuck yea.

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I don't understand how anyone could have left this song out so far.

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