Get Well Soon, Alexi

Darkest Maiden

***** whoring is for gays
Nov 26, 2005
I live in your mother's arse.
Here's my little support thread for our favourite little viking.


And stop being so clumbsy!

Though we may not know eachother at all, my support still goes out to Alexi; purely all just in return for the years of the fantastic performing and great influences he and his band mates have offered to the open hearted; worldwide. We all wish you a fast recovery from your injury, Alexi. Hopefully our support will give you the drive to heal up rapidly and get back on stage!

Anyone else, leave your message here. :)
A get well card with the grim reaper on it. Oh the contradiction :lol:

I get the idea though and the drawing is nice. Nice work DM :kickass:
I'm sorry, I got the drawing off google images. But all has not faltered, for I have ANOTHER DRAWING!!! (That is mine, and cooler than that one and doesn't curse anyone with contradictions)...



I'm not gonna take the chance to be a fraud when I'm cooler than that anyway.


*does a tap dance to entertain Alexi

But in the mean time, he could always practice his vocals:


Or pose as a model...


I say he should tap dance with me.
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