Get Well Soon, Alexi

sohvi: I think he was drunk at the time
sammy: that dude you like, you said he was always drunk?
sohvi: you mean Alexi?
sammy: yeah him.
sohvi: He went bowling. that means he was deffo drunk!
I'm sorry, I got the drawing off google images. But all has not faltered, for I have ANOTHER DRAWING!!! (That is mine, and cooler than that one and doesn't curse anyone with contradictions)...



I'm not gonna take the chance to be a fraud when I'm cooler than that anyway.


*does a tap dance to entertain Alexi

But in the mean time, he could always practice his vocals:


Or pose as a model...


I say he should tap dance with me.

Is it me or is Alexi starting to get fat?