Get well soon Darlene!!

I'm home and thanks everyone for the best wishes. I actually feel great but kinda achie feelin.. but the meds are great! i plan on going saturday unless I feel really bad by then but I doubt I would feel bad not to go. I really want to give Heather a big hug.... Plus I plan on sitting somewhere there and not too much bouncing around for me, but i plan on being there :) see you ladies saturday.. hmmm dinner before ladies :)
I'm home and thanks everyone for the best wishes. I actually feel great but kinda achie feelin.. but the meds are great! i plan on going saturday unless I feel really bad by then but I doubt I would feel bad not to go.

My wife got that operation a while back. Do follow the instruction Darlene cause the consequences ain't pretty.

No matter how you feel take it very easy.

I asked the doctor why a 6 week recovery from an operation that they send you home the same day from with pills. :u-huh:

Basically you had a major organ removed and the rest of your organs, mainly the small intestine, will need to shift around to fill the void. Hence the long restrictions.

Marcy had to stay overnight and was in a room with a lady who was there due to complications. Ummm stuff had fallen out. :OMG:

Hey Darlene,
Glad everything went o.k. I had that same surgery last year and your right the meds are great, I had a morphine button thingy right after surgery WOW !!! talk about feeling no pain. MAKE SURE YOU TAKE IT EASY, I felt fine after surgery but ended up pulling something and was down for a couple days. Do everything real slow, take full advantage when else is everyone going to tend to your every need.
Take Care :)
I'm home and thanks everyone for the best wishes. I actually feel great but kinda achie feelin.. but the meds are great! i plan on going saturday unless I feel really bad by then but I doubt I would feel bad not to go. I really want to give Heather a big hug.... Plus I plan on sitting somewhere there and not too much bouncing around for me, but i plan on being there :) see you ladies saturday.. hmmm dinner before ladies :)

That's pretty major surgery hun - glad to hear it went well. Dr. Aja agrees with all the take it easy advice....but be prepared for big hugs if you feel good enough to make it to the Cane's show, girl!
Well thanks all, I ended up walking too much today and now spotting alittle.. so I'm laying down, and will be till time to go tomorrow night :) I now know my limits :)