Getting ready for PP?

Savage Pumpkin

AKA Mr. Future World
Sep 6, 2008
Skokie, IL
As all of us Progpower veterans know, Progpower is a workout. Not only for the senses but physically. Those of us that do the "tourist thing" and/or drink know that fact better than others. So today I've started working out a bit, concentrating on aerobic/ cardio and light weights. So by the 8th of September should be in tiptop shape. How about all of you? Do you guys and girls get ready in a similiar fashion?
I've been working with a personal trainer for over 2 months now, and have dropped nearly 6% of my body fat (24%-18% so far). completely unrelated to progpower, but I plan on being in better shape this year than ever.
I stand for longer periods than I might normally do. Gotta build up standing endurance.

Fortunately, since I've seen a Chiropracter, I can still stand for long periods with little to no back pain. I just have to get my feet adjusted to standing for long periods again. :)
My 'training period' for ProgPower USA this year is actually....the weekend before. I'll be at Dragon*Con, running back and forth between several hotels, standing up for most of the day.... I'm a director there, so I don't have a choice.

By the time PP rolls around two days later, I'll either be well-seasoned, or worn the fuck out. :lol:
I'm just now busting out of a very long depression. You can consider that my "preparation" if you want to. :) Although, I'll likely be in the worst physical shape I've ever been at ProgPower. Those seats (the ones that usually hurt my ass cheeks) will be looking mighty comfy this year. :lol:
I stand for longer periods than I might normally do. Gotta build up standing endurance.

Fortunately, since I've seen a Chiropracter, I can still stand for long periods with little to no back pain. I just have to get my feet adjusted to standing for long periods again. :)

Yep, I've done that too. I've even spent time standing just while watching TV.
I've been working out more lately, but just to look and feel better in general, not necessarily in preparation for PP. I got my corset, just have to figure out what to bring for the other nights. Will probably end up with at least one new pair of impractical shoes though, lol. I think this year I'm gonna check out those gel insoles for high heels and maybe give my feet a small break.
Oh, and I have no issues with the seats at the venue - much better than standing ALL night. ;)
My new house closes today (FUCK YEAH!), so I've been a little pre-occupied with that.

Congrats! :headbang:

Will probably end up with at least one new pair of impractical shoes though, lol.

Can't wait to see those... and you both! Okay, okay, and everyone else too, to be honest. :)

Urban and I have both been meaning to get back in better shape (been slacking off for about a month), so we started doing that this past week. Not necessarily just for PP, but it does provide a deadline and more of an impetus for me. I've always been deadline-oriented. :) Tentatively scheduled for some time with Tracie and maybe Su to pick out some outfits since I'm so fashion-impaired (and can't buy anything new so I have to be creative with what I've got).
Congrats! :headbang:

Can't wait to see those... and you both! Okay, okay, and everyone else too, to be honest. :)

Urban and I have both been meaning to get back in better shape (been slacking off for about a month), so we started doing that this past week. Not necessarily just for PP, but it does provide a deadline and more of an impetus for me. I've always been deadline-oriented. :) Tentatively scheduled for some time with Tracie and maybe Su to pick out some outfits since I'm so fashion-impaired (and can't buy anything new so I have to be creative with what I've got).
I'll be arriving the Sunday before PP, so we've got time to shop if you feel the need. :D Gonna have to find time for the traditional pre-PP mani/pedi too...
I'm on muscle relaxants and pain medication for my back that decided it hated me on Sunday night and didn't want to work. It shouldn't be anything that interferes with PP (although it might mean more sitting than usual) but it sucks not being able to go to the gym at all because pretty much any off balance movement causes pain to shoot through my lower back.