getting started doing death vocals (or harsh metal vocals in general)


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2004
yeah , I hardly have any idea how to get started learning to do death growls and screams and shit . If anyone really recalls how they got started , and knew if they were doing it right , please tell me how :loco:

also , just to see if anyone knows enough about death vocals to answer this , here goes: How the HELL do some vocalists (ahem , LORD WORM) produce the unearthly sounds that they do o_O

for example , at about the 3:09 mark in Crown of Horns by Cryptopsy , worm does this crazy little scream , followed by this wicked , weird as hell growl . How do they do stuff like that ? How do they discover them :confused:

and yeah , this is a fucking dumb question to have to ask :D , but would you still be able to do low death growls and stuff if your voice hasn't completely changed yet :oops: ? I figured that perhaps you could , because supposedly you do them mainly from your stomach . Its not like I have a girly high voice or anything :p , but its not ridiculously deep ...would this affect my vocal ability ?
imitate cds, thats how i figured it out. try different sounds and shit. most importantly, dont feel embarassed! you cant half ass it or you wont get a sound out. so pop in a cd, and try to mimic it as loud as you can
the volume is the main issue , haha . I really have no clue how to tell if I'm doing it right , but i CAN'T be , because I don't really feel like I'm doing it from my stomach . How can I tell if I'm doing it right ? because from what i've heard ,you can get a good sound even with improper technique , but it'll eventually fuck you over.
when you do it, support from your diaphragm. basically tighten up your abs. that should help you out
"basically tighten up your abs"

thank you , i've needed it put simply for a while now , because i'm slow haha . i will try that . but do you really need a deep voice to do them ? i've heard that before.
hammer_smashed_face said:
How can I tell if I'm doing it right ?
I would suggest recording yourself doing it over the computer, or some other method, then playing it back to see how you sound. That's what I do.... and I don't tend to sound right either...