Ghost Reveries Special Edition

What a way to make a lasting first impression... there was a server error as I was trying to create this thread... then I had to take off... what the message was supposed to read is something to the extent of Metal-Temple has indicated on their website that the Special Edition of GR shall be released on March 28th. Apparently, it is to include the BBC Recordings of When, TGC and Soldier of Fortune... hope it's good
Pfft, typical scheme by record labels. Release regular version, then release the same album again months later with extra shit.


...I still would really like to hear those extra tracks... :(
I hate when that happens. Fans of the band that buy the record the DAY it comes out should be rewarded.

Nile releasing Sss Haa Set Yoth only on the Japanese version was unfair - it is easily one of the best songs they have ever released and probably the second or third best on AotW.
RamsesBringerOfWar said:
Nile releasing Sss Haa Set Yoth only on the Japanese version was unfair

In Japan, it is much cheaper to import CDs rather than buy it there. That is why Japanese editions are always super special. To make them buy in Japan.

And people need to get over the OMIGOSH BUT I WANT SPECIAL STUFF!

Cos like, if you really want it, you could just buy it yourself. Don't be so cheap.

And don't say you can't afford it. If you need it so much it makes you sad you can't have it, then you will buy it.... or get over it... whatever...