Gigantour Bands Announced


Jun 25, 2005
Grand Haven, MI
A few of the bands for gigantour have been anounced:

Into Eternity
Lamb of God
Arch Enemy
The Smashup

Looks pretty good right now. The second stage bands are yet to be announced.

I have never heard Sanctity or The Smashup, anyone have any opinions on them? The rest of the lineup is pretty killer though. I know alot of people on these forums don't care much for Lamb of God, but I have seen them twice and they but on a killer show:rock:

Hopefully I will be attending this tour in detroit or chicago!
This looks pretty killer to me. Only problem is they are coming through Tampa when wew are suppose to be heading up to Talledaga for the Nascar race that weekend.:erk: Might have to leave late Friday night after the concert??? It's going to be an even longer weekend.:kickass:
I'll be damned if I don't find some way to get to this concert. Megadeth, Opeth, Overkill, and Arch Enemy would alone be worth it. I'm not too huge on Lamb Of God, but Chris Adler I think his name is, the drummer, is a fucking beast on the skins. I'd watch them.
Not really keen on any of those bands, with the exception of Overkill. I'll be skipping this one, unless a couple of the unnamed bands are really to my liking.
I'm not too huge on Lamb Of God, but Chris Adler I think his name is, the drummer, is a fucking beast on the skins. I'd watch them.

Chris is amazing indeed. He is fun to watch. They always have strobe lights timed to his double bass. It is crazy to see.

Gonna be a great show for I justt need to convince some of my friends to go with me...
Megadeth, well, I gotta see them. But PLEASE, CHANGE THE SETLIST UP A BIT!!! How about some different Peace Sells or So Far, So Good or Rust In Peace. Or hell, how about something from Killing is my Buisness?!


Everything else is hit or miss. I'd like Arch Enemy more live if they played some Liiva-era stuff, but I guess that'd be a bit much to ask for. Opeth should be cool to see live.

I looked up Sanctity and listened to a song on theri myspace. Some pretty cool Melodic Thrash. Could be a good band to go see.
TheWhisper said:
Not really keen on any of those bands, with the exception of Overkill. I'll be skipping this one, unless a couple of the unnamed bands are really to my liking.

My thoughts exactly.
TheWhisper said:
So, I guess the line up is set with 8 bands? I thought there was going to be 9 bands total. Thanks Dave, you just saved me some money...:)

More bands are being announced for the second stage.
I can see myself going to this. Main reason is that the NJ date is a Saturday, as opposed to last year when it was a Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm a huge fan of Opeth, Into Eternity and Megadeth...and I haven't seen Overkill in 12 years.