Gigantour in Toronto


A fair judgement deserved
Jan 2, 2006
Guelph/Peterborough, Ontario
I had heard that Mustaine had issues, but he certainly had the spazz out of the tour so far (as far as I know). All i know was that Megadeth was playing all normally and then all of a sudden Mustaine flips out and tosses his guitar halfway across the stage. He then stormed off the stage and didn't come back for 10-20minutes... Grand eh?

All in all I would say I was a little dissappointed with the show. Overkill ruined the day by staying on for 2 extra songs, and thus forced the headliners (Arch Enemy, and Opeth) to play shortened sets. Arch Enemy got 30 minutes, and Opeth only played 4 tracks.

Opeth definately stole the show, but I really would have enjoyed seeing Godhead's Lament as it has been one of my favourite tracks for a loooooooong time. I guess that's how it goes however, as not all shows are going to be the same or have the quality as others. But if I was to pay $70 again to see this lineup I would hope Id get some better results. =(
This isn't good news as they approach Boston. I had such high expectations since that Boise thread. Certainly those four tracks will suffice for my first ever Opeth concert, but to know that I could have heard a song from Still Life might leave me empty.

Or, cut out Windowpane if you have to play only four tracks. We don't need a softie song to put to sleep the non-Opeth fans at the concert.
AFairJudgement0 said:
I had heard that Mustaine had issues, but he certainly had the spazz out of the tour so far (as far as I know). All i know was that Megadeth was playing all normally and then all of a sudden Mustaine flips out and tosses his guitar halfway across the stage. He then stormed off the stage and didn't come back for 10-20minutes... Grand eh?

All in all I would say I was a little dissappointed with the show. Overkill ruined the day by staying on for 2 extra songs, and thus forced the headliners (Arch Enemy, and Opeth) to play shortened sets. Arch Enemy got 30 minutes, and Opeth only played 4 tracks.

Opeth definately stole the show, but I really would have enjoyed seeing Godhead's Lament as it has been one of my favourite tracks for a loooooooong time. I guess that's how it goes however, as not all shows are going to be the same or have the quality as others. But if I was to pay $70 again to see this lineup I would hope Id get some better results. =(

sounds like such a crummy show! i would definetly pay 70 to see opeth arch enemy and megadeth. but mustaine storming off.. for 20min? lol overkill over playing, making the actual good bands reduce their set? OPETH 4 TRACKS? lol.. you poor poor thing.
man when i saw them w/ Nevermore last year they were up for ~2 hours!
man when i saw them w/ Nevermore last year they were up for ~2 hours!

yea man.. i went to that show and it was incredible. I guess we got spoiled the last time they came and this time just wasn't the same. Oh well, thats what festivals are like... when you are confined to a certain time limit things are bound to happen to fuck us fans over. After all the drama the show was pretty good, but i dont know if id pay $70 bucks again for such a shortened set... ill just spend my $30 the next time one of the bands comes and hope for a 2 hour set next time =) :rock:
overall, i liked this show. it was much better than unholly alliance. Opeth and Arch Enemy were the best. Overkill pissed me off - too long and too crappy.