Gigantour Setlist

Hm Interesting. Megadave (Admin ) edited his post of the Setlist on Gigantour's forum and changed both In Flames and CoB's setlist to..


In Flames

Coming soon


Children Of Bodom

Coming Soon

That's actually a pretty decent set list, minus the Soundtracks songs.

As for Only For The Weak, I can understand why some people might be horrified at the thought of it not being in their set list, but it's been staple for 8 years now. Seriously, it needs to go.
Update. The list i posted was somewhat wrong. No Moonshield. Gigantour Admin added the setlist for that date. It was this.

The Mirror's Truth
The Quiet Place
Cloud Connected
Move Through Me
Come Clarity
Take This Life
My Sweet Shadow

Surprized as shit to see Clayman, really. :rock: No Scorn However... Infact.. nothing from Colony nor Whoracle in this one.. The dude from Ozzfest's Forum must of been wasted and mistook DIsconnected for Moonshield somehow... :lol:
Graveland sticks out like a sore thumb in all of these setlists, I mean, I'm glad it's there, but... it'd benefit from having another older song to accompany it, from Whoracle or Colony.
Scorn was on the first date. Found out today that they are changing the set list a lot on this tour. As long as I get to see Jotun live, I am happy:kickass:
Why the fuck are people bitching that they're not playing Only for the Weak and Trigger? They play those on every tour. A break from those is well needed.

This second set from Gigantour fucking sucks too. Replace The Mirror's Truth, Leeches, The Quiet Place, Trigger, Cloud Connected, Come Clarity, Take This Life and My Sweet Shadow, and then maybe the set would be better, depending on the selections. In Flames' sets are so predictable these days, it's disgusting. No Only for the Weak is a step in the right direction. You know they're not playing it because the Megadeth crowd isn't the "jump up & down crowd". Aside from Clayman and Graveland, that set is COMPLETE SHIT. The same god damn video hits and live staples they've been playing for the last 5 years (with the addition of a few new tunes). They need to write up a completely different setlist. It's getting so old.
The Mirror's Truth
The Quiet Place
Cloud Connected
Move Through Me
Come Clarity
Take This Life
My Sweet Shadow


Why Can't In Flames Realize alot of the Fans going are of the old school...I mean its a megadeth concert....2 pre r2r songs? yuck.
Update. The list i posted was somewhat wrong. No Moonshield. Gigantour Admin added the setlist for that date. It was this.

The Mirror's Truth
The Quiet Place
Cloud Connected
Move Through Me
Come Clarity
Take This Life
My Sweet Shadow

Surprized as shit to see Clayman, really. :rock: No Scorn However... Infact.. nothing from Colony nor Whoracle in this one.. The dude from Ozzfest's Forum must of been wasted and mistook DIsconnected for Moonshield somehow... :lol:

Wow, that set-list is shit. The first one was much better, at least most of their albums were represented by at least one song.

I was just thinking how nice it would be if the band remembered that, once upon a time, they recorded a little EP called SUBTERRANEAN.
im suprised that they actually are playing 2 old songs. they dont wanna work too hard.
The mirror's truth. The introduction of the new album. Also the song lately that people had heard of.

Scorn is cool!!

Graveland. I rather see Lord Hypnos, but as for the crowd Artifacts as you said.

Cloud connected. Boooooooooooring! Only for the weak instead!

Come clarity. I like when that song is in the setlist. Don't like they song very much but it create a very nice sing along live!!

I prefer Condemned or Drenched in fear to hear live. :)
They don't play Behind Space that often anymore, it's hardly a shock?
Haven't looked at their setlists before...

Why the fuck are people bitching that they're not playing Only for the Weak and Trigger? They play those on every tour. A break from those is well needed.
Some of us haven't gotten a chance to see them live, and would like to see those songs.

what an awful fucking shit set list
I thought you were gone.
The setlists aren't fantastic, but seriously, what were people expecting?

Bullet Ride
Artifacts of the Black Rain
Behind Space
Zombie Inc.
Food For the Gods
Dead Eternity
Colony ?

I think not. They've not got that much time, and they need to promote their latest stuff first and foremost (I'm talking R2R - ASOP really) as these are the albums stores will be carrying, and contain the songs that have gained the band public recognition. It's worth waiting until they do a headline show at least before criticising their setlist choice. I've seen a clip of TMT live and it seems pretty heavy live, in fact, I'd imagine that like STYE, many of the songs on ASOP sound tons better live than on the CD.
Horrible argument.

How exactly have you, a person, made them "who they are" today?

You spew forth something about how they are disobeying the "old school" fans, assuming that all of those fans want a TJR setlist. They are serving all of their fans. Every band wants to evolve, in some way. They don't want to be robots, singing the same album, over and over again.

The band is not there to serve you, specifically, either.