Give me something to reamp!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So I've got a 6505 (original) at my place for a few days and I've just spent a bit of time trying out my reamping set-up on local bands.

I'd love to experiment a bit more on a wider variety of stuff, so if any of you guys have songs or riffs you want reamped for the hell of it feel free to ask. I'll gladly do single songs and riffs for free just to experiment and kill some time.

So I've got a 6505 (original) at my place for a few days and I've just spent a bit of time trying out my reamping set-up on local bands.

I'd love to experiment a bit more on a wider variety of stuff, so if any of you guys have songs or riffs you want reamped for the hell of it feel free to ask. I'll gladly do single songs and riffs for free just to experiment and kill some time.


dude. you are the man. i am gonna post up a lil riffage for ya as soon as i get a chance to record, probably tonight!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
Hey -J-, here's your one. Tell me if it's any good and whether to post the uncompressed .wav files:

@Midihc: Cool, I look forward to it.

cool, thanks! I'll need to noise gate it, but I like the sound. might be obvious, but there's a pause in the middle where other gits are playing, then these kick back in to end the tune.

hey dude
what guitar and pickups are you using on that track?
sounds awesome.

bill (& becky) lawrence L500L; bolt strat with swamp ash body (stew mac) and a canary/ebony neck (warmoth). one of the few necks you don't need to put a finish on (but I did use master gel on the canary part just in case).
hey Ermin, which impulse are you using? what are your favourite ones?
Hey guys,

Just a note for all of you who want reamping done, please contact me in this thread and not via the messaging system so that I can have a clear reference of what to do and when.

I'm getting a little backed up with work so the reamping is going to go a little slower at this point!

@J: I'll post your one very soon.
@Keregioz: I'll post yours soon after!
@Metaltastic: I've checked it out already. Did you still want me to give the reamping a shot myself?
@noarin: So far Marcus' ones have worked best for me. Poidaobi's are up there too, but a little too harsh and flat.

Yeah man, if you wouldn't mind! I'm pretty set on preferring the 81 in this axe, but hearing the DI's through a different amp would help to fully convince me. Thanks dude!
Okay guys here we are.

-J-: Here are your raw tracks:

Keregioz: Tell me if this is usable to you. I tried to go for a dense 'TGE' sort of vibe, so there's a bit of fizz and mud in there, but I think with EQ it can clean up:

Metaltastic: Here you are:



That tone is pretty close to what I had in mind (after a certain amount of EQ of course), I wonder how much better (if any) it would sound miked with a real cab.
Also, it seems I need EMGs for the tone I'm after and I'm seriously thinking changing the JB's from my schecter blackjack.
I'm sure the real cab would help to a degree. The issue with your tracks was that I couldn't get all the mud out, and on the other end I had the impulses adding all kinds of fizz. I think having a Recto in the mix would help somewhat, as the 6505 really has its own distinct sound and it may not lend itself exactly to what you want. That was the closest I could get anyway, to get you within a few (or several) yards of your end goal, given you're not shy of some post-EQ, hehe.