Give me something to reamp!

I'm sure the real cab would help to a degree. The issue with your tracks was that I couldn't get all the mud out

Yeah...I'm thinking this is because of the JB pick ups... There's always some "mud" when I reamp it through real amps. Strangely enough I can always get much tighter tones with modelers like pod or revalver.
thanks a lot moonlapse, I appreciate you doing this. I really need to get a reamp box, now that I see what it can do. these worked freakin' great when blended with some sansamp gits on a boogie setting.
Any other DI tracks someone can share out there? I actually just got my stuff better setup for recording a DI along with my amp mics. Would like to compare the DI signal I'm getting with someone elses to see if I'm in the right ballpark. :)
Perhaps I'm revoking this thread, but I'm looking for someone to give a go at reamping a very short clip as a test for an upcoming forum band thingie me and Morgue and his sister are doing.

Not sure if Ermin is still up for it, but anyone with the usual 5150, Dual Recto or whatever (I'm not that picky about amps, as long as the tone is good), who feels up to it is very welcome to give me a PM or something and I'll throw you a link to the sample :)

The reason I want a test made is so that I can compare my digital tone to a real amp and see how a real amp behaves when I have tracked while monitoring with digital tones. Right now, if I track more than two guitars at the same riff, it tends to sound muddy (no matter how tight I play), so I wanna compare a riff that has 2 chord guitars and 2 chug chug guitars, for a total of 4 tracks, and then compare it to my digital version of it and see if it's just my playing, a bad choise of riffing or just the general sound of the guitars.

It shouldn't take long at all, and it would be very very helpful!

EDIT: Metaltastic has jumped in and offered a reamp test, so this post is "frozen" for now. Thanks Marcus!