GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2004

Nov 23, 2002
please submit your lists by 11pm UTC on MARCH 3rd.

(reminder of the rules:
- please submit at least 5 releases.
- first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1.
- feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points.
- feel free to post less than 10, the same scoring will apply.
- feel free not to rank your picks, in which case all ten picks will get 5.5 points.
- if you're so much of a dick that you have to post more than 10 unranked picks, i'll work out the mathS. basically there's no way you can sabotage this so fuck you!)
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I've started compiling lists of all the albums I've heard from each of the years we've yet to do. One of them for this year, Mercenary- 11 Dreams, is one I haven't listened to in over a decade. I'm curious just how well it's held up, but obviously it's not top ten material if I hadn't spun it any time in recent memory.
1. Exodus - Tempo of the Damned
2. Disillusion - Back to Times of Splendor
3. Absurd² - Absurd²
4. Spastic Ink - Ink Compatible
5. Mayhem - Chimera
6. Hibria - Defying the Rules
7. Angra - Temple of Shadows
8. Fates Warning - FWX
9. Cea Serin - Where Memories Combine
10. Brocas Helm - Defender of the Crown

Something like that. Not a very good year.
1. Exodus - Tempo of the Damned
2. Disillusion - Back to Times of Splendor
3. Absurd² - Absurd²
4. Spastic Ink - Ink Compatible
5. Mayhem - Chimera
6. Hibria - Defying the Rules
7. Angra - Temple of Shadows
8. Fates Warning - FWX
9. Cea Serin - Where Memories Combine
10. Brocas Helm - Defender of the Crown
I wouldn't have put Fates Warning or Mayhem for this one but some fine picks regardless. Spastic Ink, Angra, Disillusion and maybe Brocas Helm will make it this year for me.
1) MCM - Ritual Factory
2) Winds - The Imaginary Direction of Time
3) Spastic Ink - Ink Compatible
4) Violator - Violent Mosh
5) Trizna - Vertical Horizon
6) Megadeth - The System Has Failed
7) Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt
8) Wintersun - s/t
9) Quo Vadis - Defiant Imagination
10) DGM - Misplaced
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I wouldn't have put Fates Warning or Mayhem for this one but some fine picks regardless. Spastic Ink, Angra, Disillusion and maybe Brocas Helm will make it this year for me.

It's probably my second-least favorite Fates Warning album up to that point, but it has a few highlights that put it above the competition. Chimera may not be one of Mayhem's best either but it's still pretty strong and that tech-black style was fairly fresh then afaik.

@HamburgerBoy curious as to your thoughts on Wind's The Imaginary Direction of Time

Just listened to a minute of Theory of Relativity and I'll definitely check this out because it sounds like my thing, danke. Reminding me a lot of another Norwegian prog metal band, Minas Tirith.

EDIT: Decided to listen to it right away. First impression, there's too much neoclassical lead guitar, or at least too much Yngwie going on, but otherwise it was really good. I don't listen to much metal with a perpetual string section, but this is probably the best I've heard it for whatever that's worth. The songs being on the shorter side and riffy, no Green Carnation ballad shit, is also a big bonus. Thanks brah.
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Looking through RYM I’ve realised I haven’t heard that much from this year. But it does seem pretty week. Even has The Chasm’s least good album.
Lol @ the top 5 in that RYM-list. Mastodon, Isis, etc, so bad...

1. Nokturnal Mortum - Мировоззрение (guess this is cheating, as I listed the english version in the 2005 thread, but I don't care, I don't think it will get in anyway. :p )
2. Pagan Altar - The Lords of Hypocrisy
3. Graveland - Dawn of Iron Blades
4. Isen Torr - Mighty & Superior
5. Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
6. Mirror of Deception - Foregone
7. Forsaken - Anima Mundi
8. Morgion - Cloaked By Ages, Crowned in Earth
9. Saxon - Lionheart
10. Pest - Dauðafærð

Some HMs:

Brocas Helm - Defender of the Crown
Doomshine - Thy Kingdoom Come
Void of Silence - Human Antithesis
Lunar Aurora - Elixir of Sorrow
Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta
Domine - Emperor of the Black Runes
Wolf - Evil Star
Armagedda - Ond Spiritism
Minotauri - Minotauri
Reverend Bizarre/Orodruin - Reverend Bizarre/Orodruin
The Gates of Slumber - The Awakening
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@Onder Lymphatic Phlegm released an awesome 12 inch split with Last Days of Humanity in 2004, checked it out?

It's entirely possible I haven't heard that. I mostly always listened to the full-lengths and I own some of the 7"s. Thanks for the recommendation, I will try to find it somewhere.
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