GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2019

New DsO - I haven't checked it out since Fas and Synarchy didn't really grab me. Is the new one the same style?

It's less chaotic and fast than usual, but it has a great atmosphere, production and the songs are very well written. Easily among their best works. You should listen Paracletus if you haven't already. Probably their best album ever.
Mixed bag like my lists always are I guess. I wanted Lord Gore to be my number one but over time I just decided I can’t put it there. I did really love a lot of albums from this year.

1. Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race
2. Idle Hands - Mana
3. Lord Gore - Scalpels For Blind Surgeons
4. Savage Master - Myth, Magic and Steel
5. Lord Vicar - The Black Powder
6. Pissgrave - Posthumous Humiliation
7. Funereal Presence - Achatius
8. Smoulder - Times of Obscene Evil and Wild Daring
9. Tomb Mold - Planetary Clairvoyance
10. Flamen - Furor Lunae

lots of HMs. Loads of good albums this year. Even more I got tired of listing and left out.

Deathspell Omega - The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Devourment - Obscene Majesty
Angel Witch - Angel of Light
Crypt Sermon - The Ruins of Fading Light
Cerebral Rot - Odious Descent Into Decay
Ares Kingdom - By the Light of Their Destruction
Vultures Vengeance - The Knightlore
Fetid - Steeping Corporeal Mess
Ossuarium - Living Tomb
Nucleus - Entity
Exhumed - Horror
Vulture - Ghastly Waves & Battered Waves
Haunter - Sacramental Death Qualia
Slough Feg - New Organon
Denial of God - The Hallow Mass
Dipygus - Deathooze
Horrisonous - A Culinary Cacophony
Slutvomit - Copulation of Cloven Hooves
I was originally not going to participate in this poll because I hadn't found much in 2019 I cared much for, but a few recent discoveries have convinced me I need to make a list after all. So uh, I'm going to second no country's request for an extension.