GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2019

Id liken it more to Eternal Champion but with a female singer.
Really good album and anyone a fan should check out Savage Master’s album from 2019 also

that shit is wack. if we're limiting ourselves to 2019 female lead heavy metal, Midnight Dice is da winner

Definitely taking Smoulder over all the other femtrad stuff from 2019, Sarah has a killer voice. Few others that deserve a mention:

Tanza from Demona/Outline teamed up with Jo from Ice War for this one, I know a lot of people hate her singing style but I think it's aight. Also Outline's 2019 demo is cool.

Fairport Sabbath.

Trad aside gotta shill some women on the brutal side of things:

This EP is 3 women playing Brodequin-style brutal death metal.

Dipygus is fronted by a woman named Clarisa.
@Vegard Pompey have you listened to this Polemicist? Should be up your alley.

My first listen I thought eh this is alright, definitely intriguing. But it’s grown on me with each listen and I’ve listened to it quite a lot this past week. So much so I’ve had to edit in to 3rd on my list. I can’t imagine a world where you don’t love the last minute of “Revenge of the Tarantulas”. But perhaps as a whole it’s too steeped in black metal tradition for you to really like? I’m not sure. The first proper track is probably the weakest but it grows from there and ends with a killer instrumental.
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it was produced by the sorcier des glaces guy and uses his drum samples if you aren't aware. shouldn't be super surprising given the vibe of the thing.

So I'm checking out this album just because of the cover art. (It's Esoctrilihum - The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods, if you were wondering.) I'm also seeing that no one's listed it in this thread and that my friends' ratings on RYM are pretty lukewarm, and I don't get it, because this is kinda blowing me away. It actually does sound just like the cover; surreal, infernal, violent. Yeah it's a very long album thrown together by one guy in five months, but I guess I must be in tune with his artistic sensibilities or whatever because everything on here really lands for me. The riffs sound pretty varied to me like they're pulling from a wide variety of influences, the occasional flourishes of non-traditional instruments fit perfectly when they come in (especially the timpani!), I dig the way the vocals are sometimes buried in the mix or panned to hell like it's just an atmospheric touch on top of the instrumentation. This stomps like the guy on the cover.
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So I'm checking out this album just because of the cover art. (It's Esoctrilihum - The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods, if you were wondering.) I'm also seeing that no one's listed it in this thread and that my friends' ratings on RYM are pretty lukewarm, and I don't get it, because this is kinda blowing me away. It actually does sound just like the cover; surreal, infernal, violent. Yeah it's a very long album thrown together by one guy in five months, but I guess I must be in tune with his artistic sensibilities or whatever because everything on here really lands for me. The riffs sound pretty varied to me like they're pulling from a wide variety of influences, the occasional flourishes of non-traditional instruments fit perfectly when they come in (especially the timpani!), I dig the way the vocals are sometimes buried in the mix or panned to hell like it's just an atmospheric touch on top of the instrumentation. This stomps like the guy on the cover.

This album had many moments of enjoyment for me, but the length plus how aimless it felt makes it one I don't know if I'll return to too much. Best left for very specific moods I suppose, still---looking forward to the new album. Maybe it will be more refined.
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I felt the same. Would make my honourable mentions list if I’d made one. 2019 was one of the strongest years for metal we’ve had in recent memory for me, with lots of pretty cool stuff coming out. 2020 on the other hand is not living up to it so far.
I haven’t no. But I’ve also never really bothered with them. The Master’s Hammer comparisons interest me though so I probably should. Is it one of your favourites of 2020 so far?
Malokarpatan is probably my favorite current black metal band. The folky weirdness of their image mixed with riffy first wave black/heavy metal is something no one else is really doing right now. IIRC their first albums have some Mercyful Fate/King Diamond vibes to them annnnd I’m a sucker for that.

I haven’t listened to the newest one that much but it’s sitting on my bookshelf to be ripped if I could actually get my laptop repaired.
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So I'm checking out this album just because of the cover art. (It's Esoctrilihum - The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods, if you were wondering.) I'm also seeing that no one's listed it in this thread and that my friends' ratings on RYM are pretty lukewarm, and I don't get it, because this is kinda blowing me away. It actually does sound just like the cover; surreal, infernal, violent. Yeah it's a very long album thrown together by one guy in five months, but I guess I must be in tune with his artistic sensibilities or whatever because everything on here really lands for me. The riffs sound pretty varied to me like they're pulling from a wide variety of influences, the occasional flourishes of non-traditional instruments fit perfectly when they come in (especially the timpani!), I dig the way the vocals are sometimes buried in the mix or panned to hell like it's just an atmospheric touch on top of the instrumentation. This stomps like the guy on the cover.
think i bypassed this because of the album art on my bandcamp feed, appreciate the words to spark my interest in it.

The new Paysage d’Hiver has an insane rating on RYM atm. Not listened to it yet, but that shit is 2 fucking hours long.
how are mo fuckas listening to it?
The new Paysage d’Hiver has an insane rating on RYM atm. Not listened to it yet, but that shit is 2 fucking hours long.

yeah the comment box is just an endless argument about whether it's better than fiona apple lol. i rarely like anything at the top of RYM's modern BM charts so i doubt it means anything. it's only 5th on my friends' list which i'd put a lot more stock in.