GMD SONG SURVIVOR: Slayer - Show No Mercy

trashing Slayer(and most other thrash bands) and listening to queensryche does not make you a "thrash metal guy". Neither did listening to a few mainstream thrash bands like metallica and exodus. If that were the case half the fucking metal world would be "thrash guys" like yourself.

I dont even feel like going back and looking for those ancient posts, but i remember you clearly talking shit/arguing with me about thrash on more than a few occasions, and even even tried to imply that power metal was better than thrash a few times :lol: I realize you've had some newfound love for thrash in the last few years, but yeah like i said .. get fucking real, you're one of the last people here who should be criticizing anyone for their taste in TM.

I was probably talking about trad/power e.g. USPM, the relevant Maiden albums, Adramelch, etc. If I've ever said that I prefer Euro power metal to thrash, it was before I joined this forum. I don't care about being the tr00 thrash expert or whatever, I'm just saying as someone that admits to taking years to get into Slayer, I'm skeptical of anyone that dismisses Show No Mercy so strongly.

cataloging/rating albums on RYM doesn't really mean shit tbh.

A few years back people used to laugh at him anytime he talked thrash, death etc. I don't think there's a single thrash band that hes brought to our attention here. While there's probably a countless number of TM bands we've introduced him to.

He's about as much of a thrash metal guy as one of the regulars from the power metal threads. Like i said, he has no room to criticize anyone for not listening to thrash.


And not that it matters really, but i dont think there's anyone here that listens to more TM than i do, or even comes close tbh. I listen to thrash every single day of my life. While im at work, at home, in the car, etc. It's a part of who i am. So it kind of offends me that anyone here(other than HBB himself, apparently) would consider him a "thrash metal guy". When you shit on Slayer and Testament while listening to kings x, nevermore and queensryche .... that automatically makes you a "not a thrash metal guy".

the guy himself just started to come around to slayer and he's giving crimson shit for it? :lol: hilarious.

But yeah, this is a pretty stoopid discussion ... which i rightfully take blame for, lol.

lol, this coming from a guy that regularly shit on Voivod. You might have introduced me to a couple new/retro bands but otherwise I can't think of anything. Others have, sure, but I was already pretty big into thrash by the time I joined this forum. You're also someone that regularly brags about his age and how you've been listening to Kreator since we were in diapers or whatever, and I really don't feel a need to validate myself with my musical taste through an internet forum, so believe whatever you like bro.

Also, just because I said Chuck Billy doesn't have much singing range doesn't mean I shit on Testament. I've always said that they were one of my big entry bands into metal on a whole.

It wasn't too long ago that he thought protest the hero and destroy erase improve where technical thrash and vektor was blackened thrash. :lol:

I still maintain the first two points. Not sure I ever said Vektor was "blackened thrash" except to say that they clearly have a few black metal riffs, which I also still agree. btw, on the dick-waving front, it was actually a bunch of ~40 year old metalheads on the PM:X^2 board that convinced me to check out Protest the Hero, when a few of them compared them to Toxik and Realm.
I shat on Voivod? Are you kidding me? You're pulling off the exact same thing you did with Crimson. I probably said i didn't like a few of their 90's albums, which i dont ... and now that turned into me shitting on Voivod? :lol: Their last album that you just barely started listening to was one of my AOTY candidates for 2013.

Killing Technology
has been on just about every top thrash list i've posted on this forum. Funny thing is i remember we used to argue about which of their albums was their best, and now this? Lol meh whatever, we're already used to you and your delusional ways.

And I actually didn't like Kreator too much when i was younger, that came later on.

Also, when did you bump KiMB up to 5 stars? I remember you comlainig about that album having fillers and what not.


Also, just because I said Chuck Billy doesn't have much singing range doesn't mean I shit on Testament. I've always said that they were one of my big entry bands into metal on a whole.

You've trashed them quite a few times ... The New Order in particular(one of the genres best), called them pedestrian thrash, etc.

they clearly have a few black metal riffs

Which ones might those be? I remember you saying something about Forests of Legend being "part black metal" or something retarded along those lines. From what i remember, it didn't take you long to realize how fucking dumb that statement was.
Regarding Voivod:

I have KIMB at 4.5 stars on RYM, although checking the date I rated it I had it at 5 initially. It has some amazing songs, but These Boots and Mechanix are obvious filler.

I clearly responded to your arguments regarding black metal influence in Vektor's sound, and you never replied to it.

the first link is from aug 2010, i wasnt even a member on these forums att ... not officially at least.

And the second link is from page 15 of the Albums Project thread? Is there even any conversation of voivod there? Was i not one of the main people who voted for Killing Technology in that thread?

RE: KiMB - These boots is a fucking cover track, i don't now how you can actually count that as one of their filler tracks you moron. And Mechanix is filler? Another top notch HBB statement. Lol, go hang yourself.

RE: Vektor - i think you're linking the wrong thread/pages. But anyway, i clearly remember you saying that there was no BM on Forests of Legend after going back and listening to it. Do i need to start bookmarking every fucking conversation i have with you? Or should i sig u again on a weekly basis?

edit: ok found it a few pages back, thanks ...

is probably the black metal influence, like those Emperor-style tremolo melodies you can find in songs like DNA and Forests of Legend.

regardless of what you seem to think, tremolo picking doesn't automatically make everything black metal bro.

Forests of Legend is one of my favorite tracks, please point out the "black metal" parts ... please.

I might be confusing Forests for another song; I keep notes for little things like that sometimes and I didn't point it out in that one, and doing a quick skim on YouTube I don't hear it.

Now please, shut the fuck up.
The nuances of the songwriting and the atmosphere of Hell Awaits definitely helped me appreciate Slayer more than I had before. For someone who mostly listens to black metal, I think that makes sense. As I said before, that was when I really started to understand the greatness of Slayer. My initial reaction at the time was that HA was the superior album, but after beinging on Slayer for a while, I came to the conclusion RiB is overall the superior album, though both are great. None of that amounts to laughing at or disliking Slayer prior to that. Again, nothing justifies your accusation that I "laughed at" RiB, so just shut your punk ass up.

Beyond that, I find it creepy that you remember posts I made several years ago, especially considering that it didn't result in a conversation or anything. You need to get outside more often.
^^ i dont like Voivod but that was fucking great haha 7/10

What the fuck? Do you actually think anything Voivod, Meshuggah or fucking Helloween did are the same caliber as one any of the early albums from Megadeth, Metallica etc??? :lol: ... Man o man.

...only album from those bands even worthy of being mentioned is Killing Technology(and that should come wayyyy later on), Dimension Hatröss and Nothingface aren't bad either but should not come close to being mentioned this early.

Motorhead, Venom and Rainbow definitely belong on the list ... and i can see why you would vouch for Operation Mindcrime, but i just cant fuckin stand Queensryche.

.... lololll :lol: aahh BurgerBoy, you never cease to amaze me.

Killing Technology didnt contribute to the development of anything you nimrod, that's basically Voivod playing heavily punk influenced thrash.

How does the fact that These Boots is a cover change anything? It's still a stupid cover and it still exists on the album. Mechanix is embarrassing and completely unnecessary with the existence of The Four Horsemen.

Regarding Vektor, I linked to my reply after those posts you just quoted. Learn how to follow a conversation.

The nuances of the songwriting and the atmosphere of Hell Awaits definitely helped me appreciate Slayer more than I had before. For someone who mostly listens to black metal, I think that makes sense. As I said before, that was when I really started to understand the greatness of Slayer. My initial reaction at the time was that HA was the superior album, but after beinging on Slayer for a while, I came to the conclusion RiB is overall the superior album, though both are great. None of that amounts to laughing at or disliking Slayer prior to that. Again, nothing justifies your accusation that I "laughed at" RiB, so just shut your punk ass up.

Beyond that, I find it creepy that you remember posts I made several years ago, especially considering that it didn't result in a conversation or anything. You need to get outside more often.

>black metal
>nuanced songwriting
So where exactly out of those 3 quotes did i shit on Voivod? I swear you can be such a fucking retard sometimes.

Anyway, i used to favor Killing Technology mainly, their other stuff(some of which can hardly even be considered thrash) grew on me throughout the years and now i like some of em just as much as KT.
TBH You both have probably listened to more thrash than me. Maybe not as much diversity, but more hours sure. But what is it worth? Hey we all like the same kind of music, sweet, we should be buds. No point in fighting over who is the 'alpha thrash guy' like we're trying to win the heart of the princess of thrash.

I need to finish the year by year project.. we were somewhere in the mid 80's iirc.
The part where you dismiss Voivod but praise their Batman cover (interestingly as if you had never listened to Dimension Hatross before), the part where one of your supposed favorite albums is just "basically Voivod playing heavily punk influenced thrash"...

EDIT: irt TechBarbs. I don't give a shit about who's the tr00est and most experienced frasher, I just think it's funny that TNB takes this so personally that he feels threatened when someone calls another user he doesn't like experienced in his little pet sub-genre.
Yes, KT was heavily punk influenced ...

"According to interviews from the time, Voivod were more influenced by hardcore punk and crossover bands during the time they created Killing Technology, Kreator and Motörhead being the only metal bands everyone in Voivod were all still into by 1986."
i know, wikipedia bla bla, but just about every review on MA mentions it too. I know it's where they first started to progress their sound, but to deny the punk influence on that album is just ridiculous.

Yes KT was/is one of my favorite thrash albums, but there is no way i would put it in the same league as say RiP, KiMB, RtL, Schizophrenia, The New Order etc. I didn't listen to much of their older stuff and i didn't like any of their 90's thrash-less stuff until much later on.

Also yes, that was my first time hearing that Batman cover.

And i dont really give a fuck bout who the truest here is, it just baffled me that you, out of everyone, would clown on someone else for their knowledge or taste in thrash. That's why i had to put you in your place.

Anyway, enough of this ..." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Maybe not as much diversity

I always thought you weren't too big on some of the other types of thrash like death/thrash, blackened thrash etc.
I'm not denying the punk influence, and the Die Kreuzen influence is probably the most major influence of all. The point is that you were dismissive of Voivod just a few years ago and heavily implied that Killing Technology was non-influential due to it being just "punk influenced thrash". Here's one interview where the band plainly admits to taking in more metal influence and a very conscious technical direction by Killing Technology. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
The point is i never shat on Voivod you fucking nitwit. Yes i was dismissive of a lot of their stuff a few years ago ... most of which i still dont like and isn't even thrash to being with so i dont know why that even matters here. How many fucking times do i have to repeat myself you softheaded bastard?

And i still dont listen to any of their stuff after The Outer Limits(outside of their latest). But yeah, i guess in your delusional mind that means that im shitting on Voivod, just like Crimson was "laughing" at RiB a few years back.

Like i said about KT, it was heavily punk influenced and they also stated it themselves. What part of that did you not understand or agree with? Maybe you should go and argue with them. You tried to imply that it was some type of groundbreaking technical thrash metal album, which it isn't. But trying to say that i was somehow wrong for saying its a heavily punk influenced album is in line with most of your other assessments, so im not really surprised.

Like is i said, Destroy Erase Improve and protest the hero are thrash and vektor is blackened thrash(and those are just a few from years and years of retarded statements) ... you're right bro, i clearly have no idea what im talking about :lol: get lost

I always thought you weren't too big on some of the other types of thrash like death/thrash, blackened thrash etc.

As for those styles, I like them. Death/thrash has been becoming one of my favorite styles lately.

It was like: tech/thrash > thrash > crossover > death/thrash > blackened

Now it's like: tech/thrash > death/thrash > thrash > crossover > blackened

Even though blackened is last I enjoy a lot of it.

The diversity comment was just because of the year by year project. I was listening to a song each from 100+ releases per year which adds up pretty quickly. I was listening to a lot of shitty thrash that no one ever hears, stuff that didn't make the lists is what I'm talking about.
I need to finish the year by year project.. we were somewhere in the mid 80's iirc.

I thought you finished it? Or you were going back to 80's, but you have it covered from like '92 till now and did also some from 80's. I think it get stuck at some Venom disscussion.

And LOL at this thread turning into an "I'm the biggest thrash-tard" dick waving contest. No-one cares!