God damn stupid people. <mad>

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I don't know about yourself but I fucking loath stupid people. Take for instance my boss...

My normal schedule on the weekend is Thurs 11pm-9am, Fri 11pm-9am, Saturday 11pm-9am, and Monday 3pm-11pm.

All fucking fine and dandy but here is the shit about last night:

It was daylight savings so instead of 10 hours I did 11... okay this is fine as well because I knew about it.

However I was only supposed to be there till 9am this morning. She didn't have coverage from 9-11 and I was there till 11am this morning without being told that I would have to :mad: which in reality actually feels like (becase it is) working 11pm-12pm (13 hours).

Seriously how hard is it to pull your head out of your ass and do your job? :Puke: