God damn women!!!


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
[font=Verdana, Arial]I've got alot of personal shit going on at the moment, so to keep my mind off it I started up a livejournal and went through looking for people I used to talk to. Stumbled across the journal of a girl I used to work with... he had lunch together almost everyday, got on like a house on fire, probably would have dated had it not been for us working together.

Ok, well that's what I thought at least.
[/font] [font=Verdana, Arial]In her journal she openly and blatantly slags me off, saying how she's totally disinterested and how I'm stopping her from working. Yet again, another fucking situation that could have been avoided had someone told me the truth in the beginning and not strung me along. I am so fed up with this shit at the moment... I can't win no matter what I do!
Listen to some Slayer and forget about it, is it really worth worrying about? Just be thankful you know what she is like and avoid her in future if you run into her due to work or otherwise :)
I'm listening to Vital Remains at the moment (my pissed off music for now).... I have a real thing against dishonesty. I checked the dates of these posts, she made them while we were still hanging together during every lunch break... and I wasn't the one pulling her out of the office, she'd come around and get me
You mean that new album with the woody woodpecker drums? What you need is some Richard Marx.

Dishonesty is very annoying to put it mildly.
you should email her about it, she will get the shock of her life !
Apolyom-Todd said:
Nah... I figure what's it gunna achieve? I'm just gunna forget the bitch


here is some lyrics from Impaled Nazarene to help you in your cause

music: Kellokoski / lyrics: Luttinen
When you choose the path of vengeance
Be prepared to sacrifice everything on the way
Keep the flame of hate burning forever
Do not hold back at all for the cause
Keep in your mind that revenge is all that matters
Do whatever it takes to get it done

Cho: Never forgive, never forget
What they have done for you

Petrify the helpless before you strike
For they must suffer before they die
Kill the oxygen wasters for good
Do not let any of them escape alive
Keep in your mind that revenge is all that matters
Do whatever it takes to get it done
I think there is only one man for this job...

Your work came in handy, big boy :D

As soon as she sees such a persausive advertisement when she asks for a pic, she'll be sending me erotic photos like there's no tomorrow. Thanks to you Blitz, we can bring this bitch down!
