Update on the chick in my tafe class

Dude, you better make a move quick else your going to become such a good friend that she won't want to spoil it by taking it further !

Ask her out next time you see her!
I fancy this chick that I know from the nightclub I go to & occassionally work at on Saturday nights. My plan is to take a photo of my penis on my phone camera, then say "hey what's your mobile number, I've got a funny sms for you"...

from there on it should be all smooth sailing on the seas of love
TinMan is the world's guide to the best way to woo the ladeeez.

Terry: here's a good way to hook up with her, tell her how you spent loads of time talking about her on an internet message board, planning out your timetable of seduction! It'll show you care!
fuck asking for her number dude, then you gota build up the gust to call her and ask her out. just ask her out there and then, then ask for her number!
Dress up like Captain Caveman, take a big club and work out the rest when you see her.
Girls like diamonds in the rough Terry, if you say sweetheart, she'll realise you are already nice and that she won't be able to try and change you through denying you sex.

say bitch.