Going to the Rochester show tomorrow night.

Actually, I believe that you are emailed a link to the site -- that link can be downloaded from by anyone who has the address. Just email it to yourself and post the link here.
nice video grim...and nice wipe out towards the end of demon. Jesus, that happened to me hardcore when Vader played a cover of Raining Blood...during the galloping riff, I was under about 10 bodies or so.
I'm gonna give this another 20 minutes and then I'm gonna try something else.

Maybe I'll be able to p2p them to you, Job, and then perhaps you can host them for a short while.

The extent of what i have is basically:

1- Godhead's Lament in it's entirety but with 2 short spots where I lose a couple seconds cuz my finger slipped off the button.

2- Drapery - same thing

3- exactly what is already posted here of Grand Conjuring so there's no reason to upload that one.

4- tiny part of deliverence (not worth the trouble, I can post that at PutFile if someone was really desperate for 8 seconds of video)

So basically - It's Godheads Lament and Drapery. Wish I had more.

I think more stuff will show up eventually. There were a LOT of folks taping shit up there.
Looking for a Job said:
allright, so, how do you want to send them? soulseek?

I don't have it, but I'll install it anyway. I've been meaning to.

but.... let me try the yousendit thing one more time. It crapped out on me on my wireless laptop connection so I'm trying it again from my desktop that's plugged right into the DSL line. If it works everybody can grab it for themselves for seven (7) days at the link they send me and your bandwitdh will be saved...........
If it still shits the bed I'll do the soulseek thing and we'll whore you out for a while =D

Thanks for offering to host 'em. :worship:
I say don't even worry about Drapery. We've all seen that one so many times....

Godhead's on the other hand, I've only seen once.
I've only seen Godhead's on the Opeth_300K video, which had pretty good video quality, but the sound was all muddled in places (although from what I heard from antichrist's clips, it's even worse there).
yea the sound quality is bad but we all know the track by heart anyway so its not that big of a deal. Good video quality though.

looks like the show was a lot of fun