Good Doom Metal

Powers said:
I do love Sabbath, alrthough the arguement in favour of them being doom metal is, I imagine, highly disputed.

It is disputed, yes. But the fact that they pretty much single-handedly fathered the genre (along with metal in general) is not.

Most people tend to use the argument that back when Sabbath was around there was no such genre as "doom metal" so they can't possibly be doom metal. Or that their sound is not as extreme and doom'ish as the bands that we consider doom metal nowadays. But I think those are stupid arguments. You have to put the material in the context in which it was created. And in that context (the early 70's), Black Sabbath were *dark*. And they have released plenty of albums that are slow, plodding and dirgy, even if they sound more upbeat than modern doom. I don't think the albums that strayed from that direction make them any less of a doom band.

In the end you can argue 'til kingdom come, but no one can argue that Sabbath aren't the godfathers of doom and stoner. And I don't see why they wouldn't fit comfortably under the 'traditional doom' tag.
Saturnus's latest album was released today. I must say that it is really good. I highly recommend it:Smug:
I don't often listen to doom metal;however, I have recently discovered this one Doom metal band( They have death metal aspects to them, too). Their music, well, it does fall under as slighty depressing and deep, but it's doom metal. Their called 'The Process of Guilt'. You can download their work from their official site. Their not well known, I presume, though I like the overall vibe of their music.
all I really got to say to you people is...even if the "doom band" has quite a few bright melodic aspects...don't let those few subtletes stop you from listening to it, if you like it. Candlemass had a ton of colorful melodies and so did Sabbath, My Dying Bride, Katatonia, Paradise Lost. The doom genre wasn't made to 100% intentionally convey doom, gloom, depression, melancholy. There's no rule made by anyone saying that 10% of a doom song can't be allowed traditional HM melody. It's insane how you guys don't think Swallow the Sun is doom, only because some of the melodies they have...
Who said anything about melodies? Swallow the Sun just doesn't sound like a doom metal band to me. Neither does Novembers Doom or any other of those bands. If you start considering stuff like that doom metal you might as well consider Opeth doom metal too.
hibernal_dream said:
Can I just suggest Powers, that you use headphones and try not to do anything when listening to doom? I find Dragonforce intolerable unless i'm running round the room naked playing air guitar, so think of listening to doom as the opposite. Doom's appeal relies more on your reception of the mood and imagery of the music than guitarwork or solos.

haha, post of the month for me. well done. :p
Who said anything about melodies? Swallow the Sun just doesn't sound like a doom metal band to me. Neither does Novembers Doom or any other of those bands. If you start considering stuff like that doom metal you might as well consider Opeth doom metal too.

I think that Opeth comment is a little far fetched. Although Opeth has some slower, gloomier parts, they are faster and more agressive most of the time. Swallow the Sun basically keep the same tempo most of the time. I think it comes down to bands like them having a similiar atmosphere to doom bands, even if the sound isnt quite the same. Lots of the same emotions in there.
Shrug, that is exactly the reason why I don't think Swallow the Sun and Novembers Doom are doom bands. To me doom has to evoke feelings of utter despair and depression. Those bands don't do that for me. They sound more like run of the mill melodic death metal to me. Sure they aren't upbeat, but neither is Opeth (hence my 'might as well call Opeth...' comment).

But in the end, doom metal or not, if you're looking for doom you can do a lot better than those bands. That is all I'm saying.
Scourge of Malice said:
I think that Opeth comment is a little far fetched. Although Opeth has some slower, gloomier parts, they are faster and more agressive most of the time. Swallow the Sun basically keep the same tempo most of the time. I think it comes down to bands like them having a similiar atmosphere to doom bands, even if the sound isnt quite the same. Lots of the same emotions in there.
Swallow the Sun may not be the gloomiest of all gloom, but they're certainly not like Edge of Sanity, Schaliach, Opeth, Novembre, Eucharist etc.
i accidentally bought Cathedral's Endtyme. might be among the worst cds i bought ever. other than that i only have Forest of Equillibrium. anything else that's good by them?